Chapter Thirty - St Mungos

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     That next morning, at around eleven am, Severus received a letter. After somehow managing to get everybody up and dressed, the potions professor decided to return to Malfoy Manor, after their sudden departure the night prior. That's when there was a tap on the window. "Sevvyyyy! There's a bird trying to break the windowww!!" Harry yelled, getting as far away as possible. Severus, who had just came into the room- living room, to be more specific -pushed the window open, letting the large owl in. The elegant looking creature stuck out it's leg, revealing a neatly tied letter on it's ankle. 

   Taking the letter, Severus read the letters on the front, they were written sharply in green ink. Severus Snape  was on the front of the envelope. He quickly pulled it open, recognising this writing as Lucius' Malfoy's. 

     Dearest Severus,
I hope last night was enjoyable. Was Draco well behaved?  If he wasn't, please let me know. Getting to the reason I've written this letter, Narcissa has been sent to St. Mungos. I'm not sure if the happenings of yesterday are to blame for this sudden worsening in health, but hopefully that isn't the case. I wanted to let you know NOT to return to the Manor for the time being. Neither Narcissa or myself will be present. Changing subject, Dumbledore sent me a letter informing me that you were to receive a message/parcel from him. As he received no response, he was checking on your well-being and if you received this 'confidential' parcel. 

Severus sank into the nearest seat, as the letter seemed to ramble.

I assume it's another antidote for the potion, am I right? If so, if I may ask, who do you plan on returning to their original age? I'm rather curious. I know you have become attached to these.. children, but please don't let your personal relationships get in the way of curing these kids. The sooner they are fixed, the better.
Anyway, I didn't intend to ramble on as much as I have.
I hope you are well!
Love, Lucius Malfoy.

    He felt his face heat up as he finished the page, his heart racing. He knew it was wrong. The man was married! But he couldn't stop himself from feeling the way he did. Severus was a person that wasn't good at moving on. "Who's it from?" The only child that had been returned to normal, Pansy, asked sharply, picking up the envelope. "Lucius." Pansy glanced at him, contemplating. "Uhm, about- what happened. Is- Is everything going to be alright?" Severus smiled sadly, standing up and walking over to his (not actually) eldest daughter, placing his hand on her shoulder, "trust me, I wish things were that simple.. There's been a.. change of plans. We aren't returning to the Manor." 

    "And why is that?" She questioned, hands on her hips. "Narcissa isn't Well. Neither Lucius or her are home." Pansy began to look worried, her posture slouching and becoming less sharp. "I believe she has cancer, but-"

   Pansy's hands instinctively covered her mouth, "Seriously? What kind? Will she be okay?" Severus sighed, noticing Harry in the corner of the room and quickly scooping him up, holding him. "I don't know. Honestly, that's all I can say. No more questions. I've got to write a letter to the headmaster." He handed Harry to his 'sister' and with that, the proffesor was off. Pansy heard him thudding up the stairs, a door closing, then silence.

    She rolled her eyes, practically throwing the toddler onto one of the seats."YOU CAN'T JUST TELL ME THAT THEN RUN OFF!" She yelled out the (living room) door, before turning the corner and heading to the kitchen.

    "Is everything okay..?" Hermione asked. The little Gryffindor was sitting at the kitchen table, as Ron sat opposite her, trying to teach the muggle-born how to play Wizards Chess.

    "Eh, could be better," Pansy chuckled, sliding into the chair next to Hermione. "What we playin?"

Watched the lion King for the first time today, jesus christ I've been missing out, it's amazing

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