Chapter Twenty-Nine - Invisibility Cloak

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   "Good morning," Severus groaned, as he entered the small living room. It was a big change for the kids, being in a large manor, then suddenly staying in a small terrace house, but they had gotten used to the place quickly.

    Pansy was sprawled out on the sofa, Draco sitting on her stomach. The two best-friends were screeching the lyrics to Jingle Bells at the top of their lungs. "It's November. Fucking November," Severus reminded them. Simply being in his house again made him grumpy, let alone having six restless kids in it aswell.

    He had managed to cram all five toddlers into his bed, while Pansy used a sleeping bag and slept on the floor. Severus had slept on the sofa.
    Now it was around eight in the morning. "Who cares? It's almost Christmas!" Pansy snapped back at him. "Do you want something to eat?" He asked them - Pansy and Draco were the only ones awake. "Yesss!" Draco nodded, sliding onto the floor. He ran over to Severus and gave him a hug.

     "Okay, I'll make something..," he muttered tiredly. "Wake the others up." The house had a simple layout. You enter the door, and there's a long hall, with stairs to your left and a door to your right. In that room, is the living room. The hall continues on and leads to a second door, the kitchen. There's a small room at the end of the hall with a back door and extra cabinets. If you decided to take the stairs, it would lead up to another hall like room, but shorter. Up here there was a bathroom, straight on from the stairs, and beside where the stairs came up, was a bedroom, that used to belong to Severus' parents, but now was his own - a small library that used to be Severus' bedroom when he was a child, and the third and final door, led to a room full of Potions, cauldrons etc. This room was locked. It was a nice enough place, but a big change from the manor.

     Severus slouched down the hall into the kitchen, which had cupboards and all average kitchen appliances lined up against a wall, while a dinning table sat in the middle of the room. Severus decided the easiest thing to make would be cereal, so got out six bowls.

    "WakE uppp!!" He could hear Pansy yell from upstairs. He couldn't be bothered to deal with her.. Unique way of waking people up. Eventually she managed to flock all of the kids down the stairs, where they all sat around the table and ate.

    Ginny slowly opened her eyes, memories of yesterday's events filling her mind. Currently, there was a three year old version of her crush, sleeping next to her. Neville and Ginny had agreed - Neville somewhat hesitant - to try locate one of the Potions to turn the kids affected by Nevilles potion back to normal. They'd turn Luna to normal, and pretend nothing happened. Somehow they'd hoped to have got this done before classes started, but realistically, that wasn't going to happen.

      She sat up. Luna was sound asleep, so she hastily opened the curtain around her bed, got out, and closed it again. She had to make sure that none of her dormmates saw Luna. It had been a nightmare sneaking, and getting her to sleep as quietly as possible the night prior.

    Luckily, all were either asleep, or already out of the door. Classes started in an hour. She grabbed Luna, who had slept in her uniform, out of the bed. How could she hide her in the common room? Surely it was impossible to keep her hidden. If she put a blanket over her head, surely people would what was under the blanket, and why she had it to begin with?

     She had an idea. Setting the toddler, who somehow was sound asleep, back into the bed, she- quickly getting dressed first - ran out of the dorm. "Neville!" She cried as she entered the common room. Neville was half-asleep on one of the arm chairs. "Nnn, what?" He asked sleepily. "We need to steal Harry's cloak. The invisibility one."

    "Are you crazy? No way!" He completely shot down her idea. "Please hear me out. If we can hide ourselves and Luna under the cloak, we can sneak into the hospital wing, and find the potions!" Neville thought for a moment. They had to get Luna back to normal, or they'd be in ALOT of trouble. Maybe it was for the best.. But it was still stealing! From a friend!

   "Let me rephrase it. We should borrow Harry's invisibility cloak, so we can save our asses from getting expelled!" She was desperately trying to convince him at this point. She couldn't go in the boys dorms without getting weird looks. But Neville could!

     Ginny put her hands on her hips, her long ginger hair was down, and reached just below her shoulders. "Okay fine. But if we get caught it's your fault.. Okay?" He gave in, starting to shake with nerves. "Thank you Neville!" The youngest Weasley cried, hugging Neville. "I'll wait here! You go get the cloak, bring it down here and I'll take it up to Luna!"

     The common room was close to empty, so very few witnessed this odd interaction between the two.

    Neville went back to his dorm room, which he usually shared with Harry, Ron, Seamus and Dean. Currently, it was just himself and Dean, who had two become a toddler, but was one of the first to receive a potion. Dean was awake, and getting dressed. "G'morning Neville," he greeted. "Good morning..,"he mumbled nervously. Did he wait till Dean left? Or did he just take it?

    He went over to his own bed, stalling for time. Dean was tying his tie."Are you going down to the common room?" Neville asked him. Dean glanced up, "Yeah, 'course - why?"

    "U-Uhhm. I've forgotten where I left my shoes.. Can you look down there.. For me? While I look up here? Please?" He begged. Dean looked confused, but nodded, "sure?"

     Dean left for the common room, scanning his eyes around the floor for the shoes that Dean failed to notice Neville was wearing. He quickly kicked them off the second Dean turned the corner, shoving them under his bed. Okay. Cloak.
    He dived over to Harry's bed, digging through his stuff. Eventually, he found the cloak. He shoved it down his shirt, got the shoes back out, slipped them on, and ran down the stairs. "I found them, Dean!" Dean, who was rummaging around, looked over at him, grinning. "Where were they?" He asked, walking over to his friend, his hands in his pockets. "Under my bed..," Neville lied. Dean chuckled, patting Neville on the back, then walking off.

    "Did you get it?" Ginny asked from the arm chair. She had taken his place, but rather than sitting on the seat like a normal, functioning human being, she was sitting on the arm of the chair. "Yeah!" He cheered, pulling the cloak out. "Great! Thanks Neville." Ginny took the cloak, grinning at Neville.


Sorry if the description of Severus' house is hard to follow lmao, I literally just described my nans house (minus the potion room and library, those are actually spare bedrooms lmao)
Also I like to think Severus still lives in his parents house, but idk if that's actually confirmed or if he got his own house

my birthdays next week (mon) so I'm going to take the week off 😴❤️

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