Chapter Five - Gryffindors, Dragons, and letters

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He awkwardly slipped onto one of the seats at the end of the Gryffindor table. The children where all in the chairs around him, he himself was at the very end, Draco sitting opposite him, Harry by his side, Pansy sat beside him, Hermione on her other side. Blaise and Ron sat opposite each other next to Harry and Hermione.
Snape could feel the Gryffindor eyes staring at him. Ugh. How red was he? He put his hair up, it probably looked stupid!, he was surrounded by small children, he hoped that they where staring at them instead. "Sev?" Draco asked from across the table. Snape looked up at him, a nervous smile on his face. "Yes, Draco?"

Draco frowned. "Why are all these people looking at us? And who is the ginger boy and the lion?" Snape held back laughter. The lion. Hermione touched her hair and scowled at Draco. Draco stook his toung out at her.

     "The ginger one is Ronald, or Ron Weasly, that lion is actually a human girl, and is named Hermione Granger," he told Draco with a chuckle. Draco nodded so fast it looked as though his head would fall off. "And the people are looking at us because I don't usually.. sit here."

   Harry looked around. "I like it here," he said quietly. Ron nodded in agreement. "Sir, why is everybody wearing weird cape things?" Hermione asked looking frightened by their robes, she was a muggle-born, and had never seen people dressed is such weird cape things. "They're wizards and witches, miss Granger. You are a witch too. A very smart one, too," Snape explained with a smile.

     "P-Professor Snape..?" Came a voice from behind him. He turned around sharply and saw a young looking Ravenclaw boy with short dirty blonde hair, holding a piece of neatly rolled up parchment, with a green bow tying it together. He took the parchment and dismissed the Ravenclaw, who ran off.

    "I thought owls brought post, not people. That's what muggles and mudbloods do, right?" Draco asked with a rather humourous look on his face. "Don't say that word, they're muggle-borns, Draco, and a professor must've given it to him to deliver to me," Snape scolded, un-doing the bow. 

He instantly recognised the thin, nest handwriting and instantly felt sick.
   That was the handwriting of Lucius Malfoy, no doubt about it.
It read,

   Dear Severus,
Dumbledore sent me a letter saying that my son, the Malfoy heir, had been exposed to an incorrectly made potion, that caused him to "become younger"? I will be coming to Hogwarts tomorrow to take the boy back to the manner. I bet this kind of stuff doesn't happen at better schools, like Durmstrang. For now Dumbledore has informed me you shall be looking after Draco. I trust you to keep him out of trouble.

Narcissa has been feeling under the weather lately.

From yours sincerely,
                 Lucius Malfoy.

He re-read the letter over and over again. He had expected much worse, maybe Lucius had became his old self again? He had had a HUGE crush on Lucius, and the only person he had told this had been his muggle-born best friend, Lily Evans. But now she was dead.

     "Uh, are you okay?" Ron asked, shoving a ham and cheese sandwich into his mouth as he spoke. Snape nodded and folded the letter, then put it in his pocket. "Yes, Ronald don't eat with your mouth open," Snape replied, rolling his eyes in disgust and Ron. Pansy let out one of her shrieking giggles from beside him. "Pansy Parkinson, I'd expect you to have better manners!" He scolded, piling some food onto Draco's plate, then onto Harry's, Pansy's and Hermione's. Ron had already filled his plate. Draco pouted and crossed his arms.

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