Chapter Thirty-Two - Sweet Ignorance

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    "Neville! Code red!" Ginny whisper-yelled, rushing back to the door. "What? Is everything okay? Did somebody see you?" Neville gasped, pulling Ginny out of the hospital wing. "Nobody saw me, but I don't know where the potion is! I looked around where the rest of the medicine is usually kept, but there was no sign. It's deffinetly in here, right?" She asked, glancing around. "Probably.. Luna woke up, by the way..,"Neville mentioned, looking down at the little girl in his arms. She had her face hidden in his chest, feeling shy.

    "Luna! Hey, don't be scared! I'm your best friend," Ginny reminded her, crouching down slightly to make eye contact with her. Luna turned her head slightly, her eyes shining with fear. "You.. You are?" She asked quietly, slowly turning further and further, until she was facing the other girl. "Mhm! We've gone on adventures together~!" She cooed, making stupid hand gestures.

    Neville chuckled at this, before adding: "I was there aswell..!" Luna grinned, glancing between her two friends. "What's your name, best friend?" The toddler asked, reaching her arms out: signalling she wanted Ginny to hold her. "Ginevra, but please, please, please call me Ginny!"

    "I think Ginevra sounds nice! But okay! Ginny!" Luna smiled cheerfully, her smile infecting the other two around her, her joy spreading like a world wide pandemic. The two, once distressed, teenagers smiled along, chatting with their toddler-afied friend.

  "Ms. Weasley? Mr. Longbottom? Whatever are you doing here?" A stern voice called from behind them (this voice belonging to Minerva McGonnagal), giving both of them equaly as fatal, theoretical heart attacks. "Proffessor! Aha. Fancy seeing you here.. Aha.." Ginny awkwardly announced, not turning to face her teacher. "It's awfully rude to keep your back turned to a Proffessor, Ms. Weasley!" She scolded.

    "Oh! Um, m'am.. Ginny has- shes been stung by uh.. Wasp. By a wasp. And it's swelling, so she feels.. Insecure about it. And doesn't want you to see it," Neville lied, sounding very unconvincing. "A wasp sting? In November?" McGonnagal raised an eyebrow, seeing right through this story. "W-Well I think it was a wasp. I didn't see it."

    "Maybe I can identify what the sting is from? If you'd like to show me what you're hiding, Ginevra." Ginny slowly, covered Luna's mouth, sweating slightly. They had been caught. Surely there was no way out of this. "Y-you know what? It's not swelling that bad. I'll live! Goodbye Professor! Thank you!" Ginny declared, before quickly running. "T-Thank you, Professor..!" Neville repeated, before following his friends.

    Severus set down his quill, stretching his arms up and yawning. He had just finished a letter to Dumbledore, and was just about to start one to Lucius.

   He rethought over what he had written to the headmaster, as he got out a new roll of parchment. He had said something along this lines of 'Sorry for not responding! Can we come back to Hogwarts? Narcissa is sick but I think she'll be fine so it's aight', but of course far more fleshed out and serious. In regards to where they would be staying, and what to do when they got there, Severus had made up his mind.

    They were to, if the headmasters permission was granted, return to Hogwarts, Severus would begin teaching classes again, the toddlers would gradually go back to the right age - and then everything goes back to the way it was prior.

    The way it was prior. All the kids would go back to hating his guts, and living their normal lives. Well as normal as it gets, being witches and wizards.

    "Sevvy?" A small voice called from outside the door. "Draco, you may enter," Severus sighed. Draco waddled in, climbing (struggling to) onto Severus' lap, without saying a word. "Everything alright, Dragon?" Severus asked, kissing Draco's forehead. "What happened, with mummy and daddy? Why were they yelling? Why did mummy hurt you?" He asked, tears welling in his eyes.

    "Dragon.. Don't you worry about it. Everything will be alright, I promise, okay?" Severus comforted, hugging his godson. "Everything will be alright," he repeated, quietly, rubbing the back of Draco's head.

    Draco smiled, before quickly nodding off to sleep. Severus held his child in a comforting embrace, and soon he too drifted into unconsciousness.

The calm before the storm.

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