Chapter Thirty-Eight - Extra Lessons

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I got 75% in the test I mentioned last chapter :(

TW: sad neville :(, mental illness/trauma related illness

    "H-Huh?" Luna gasped, quickly getting off of Neville. Ginny held her breath, jealousy flaring inside of her, like an untamed monster. "What's going on? Where am I?" Luna looked around desperately, her eyes falling on Madam Pomfrey and Professor Snape.  "Luna, relax.. You turned into a toddler, because of my potion," Neville told her, guilt filling his words. If he hadn't have agreed to remake the potion - or even make it in the first place, none of this would've happened. 

   And that was a fact he had been living for for weeks, days. He had thrown off the education of an entire class, and had made them miss school and socializing, all because he was bad at potions. It was his fault. "I-I'm sorry.. To you all. I caused this. I'm sorry," he broke drown, his emotions all flowing down his cheeks, in the form of wet tears. Nobody said anything, until, "Mr. Longbottom, do not take all the blame.. maybe bad teaching, and not helping you, could be to blame?" It was a quiet Severus who had said this. During his time with the toddlers (and Pansy) he had began to feel more, and more sympathy - and Narcissa's passing hadn't helped much either. Everyone, apart from the four toddlers, were shocked to hear this from the stern teacher.

    " I hearing things?" Neville asked, looking at Luna for reassurance. She too sat stock-still, her mouth slightly open. Despite her shocked appearance, he couldn't help admire her close-to-perfect features, her beautiful eyes, pale-pretty face, soft li- "No.. I don't think you are," Ginny finally said, some colour returning to her face. Luna snapped back to life as Ginny spoke. "Ah, I have to agree with the professor, though," she admitted, smiling softly. (This smile made both Ginny and Neville's hearts skip beats.) 

   "Ehm, Neville, how about some extra lessons..? Maybe I need to explain it more," Severus offered shyly, his 'out-of-school personality' shining through. Neville was hesitant to except. More potions lessons? That would be a nightmare. But maybe one on ones would be better? That way he wouldn't feel so belittled by the other, superior, students. "I'm sorry," Severus said, holding out his hand. Neville shakily reached out his hand, accepting the apology, terrified. 

   Ginny and Luna remained silent, both seeing how scared Neville was. "Are you sure you wan't to take extra lessons?" Ginny whispered under her breath. Neville looked down at his lap. "Uhm... well, I don't know.. Maybe- it would be easier to focus with just me?" Luna smiled, saying, "I think it would be good. Maybe just try one, and see how it goes?" Her voice had it's usual dreamy tone, that both Neville and Ginny loved. This, in future, would be an issue. 

    "O-okay. Sir..? I'd like to do the lessons," Neville told him, standing up, his leg's trembling. Severus suddenly smiled. When he smiled he looked far younger, and less like- a slimy old man, or git. 

     Neville silently walked into the ward, his hands shaking. The sun was beating through the windows, on that warm summer's evening, june 1995. "Mother? Father?" He called out, his heart beating with fear. The sight alone of his parent's brought fear to Neville. "How are you?" He asked, sitting in between their two beds. The couple, Frank and Alice Longbottom, sat motionless in their beds, looking dead. "I've had a good summer so far, although it's still not very far into it," he told them, ignoring the fact they didn't respond to his previous question. 

   Suddenly, Neville's mother's head moved. Alice's head moved slightly towards Neville, a weak smile forming on her pale lips. Maybe she recognised him, maybe she didn't, he didn't particularly care - all that mattered to the fourteen year old, was that smile. "I love you, mother, Father - I love you both!" He managed to get out, before breaking down in tears. "I'M SO SORRY YOU HAD TO GO THROUGH THAT!" He sobbed loudly, wiping his eyes desperately. His grandmother was outside the ward, if she knew he had been crying, how would she feel? Would she dissapointed by her grandsons weakness? This made him cry more. 

    "Neville? Are you okay?" The blonde asked desperately, rubbing Neville's back. He had, without warning, suddenly fallen back on Luna, shaking terribly, and sobbing. He seemed to have some kind of flashback, and not a good one. Waking back into reality, Neville wrapped his arms tightly around his crush, needing comfort. "I-.. I'm sorry," he whispered, wiping the last few tears. Luna hugged his back, a worried look on her beautiful face. 

   "Ehem, I feel as though I am intruding on something, I'll be off now. Snape, come to me tomorrow for another antidote. I only have two left, I must make more," Madam Pomfrey said, before hastily walking off. 

    "Sever-- uss.. Sevvy," Harry said quietly, swinging his feet about over the edge of the bed, "What does she mean by antidote?" Severus brushed his hair out of his face, kneeling down infront of Harry. "Don't you worry about it!" 

     "Panssyy!" Draco yelled, as Pansy went to leave the classroom. "Did you understand a word of that?" He asked. Pansy shook her head, grinning stupidly. "Not a single one." Draco smiled, relieved. They had missed so much, and McGonnagall hadn't seemed to keep that in consideration, as they practised transfiguration spells he had never heard of. "This is nightmare-ish, honestly. My grades are going to drop so much..," he mumbled dramatically, pitying himself. 

    "Awh, Drac-ey.. that must be ever so hard for you!" A passing slytherin girl gushes, cupping her blushing face with her hands. "It is, it is.. I don't know how I'll cope," he played along dramatically, taking the young girls - she looked around fourteen - hand, "if only I had someone.. beautiful, like you, to help me." She squealed, her face going bright red, as Draco winked at her, letting her hand go. 

sorry 2 the ppl that got here before chapter number was changed lol

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