Chapter Twenty-Eight - Home Sweet Home?

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Severus slowly opened his eyes. He felt comfortable. Where was he? It took a few minutes for him to remember what had happened, and where he was. The potions professor sat up quickly. He was in his bedroom, and the curtains had been pulled shut. He wasn't sure what time it was, but it was probably late.

His thoughts immediately went to the children. Had he missed the trick-or-treating? He needed to get Harry out of the house before you-know-who came.. He pulled the corner of the duvet off the bed, swinging his legs over the side.

The second he stood up he felt weak. His knees were trembling, and threatening to collapse. He mustn't have slept long if he was still being affected by the curse.. He used the wall as a support and continued, brushing his hair, which was a mess, from sleeping, out of his face.

Severus pushed the door open, sighing out of relief as he saw an open window. It was still light out. Being the end of October, it had began to get dark earlier, around six or seven o'clock.

He couldn't hear any yelling, so he assumed the commotion was over. "Draco? Harry?" He called out, once he'd finally reached Draco's room. He heard faint whispers, and footsteps. The door swung open, and he was greeted with an excited looking baby Draco. "Sevvyyyy!" He hugged Severus' legs. Severus looked into the room.

Pansy had brought the old television into Draco's room, and it looked as though all the kids were there. Although Severus couldn't spot Blaise. Pansy had a see-through bowl of popcorn in her lap, and Ron practically had his head in the bowl. They were all already in their costumes.

"Severus! You're awake! Are you alright?" Pansy asked, unable to stand, due to the gremlin climbing on top of her. "Nnn, yeah. I dunno, I feel a bit dizzy, I guess.. Hng, why are you all in your costumes?"

"We assumed you wouldn't wake up in time, so we threw a party for ourselves!" Pansy told him. Blaise poked his head out from under the bed, crawling over to join Ron. Although Ron and Blaise had never gotten along as teenagers, apparently younger them had a lot in common.

Severus made a mental note to get a camera, so they would be able to look back on being friends. And so they didn't think he was mental. He smiled at the thought of making another scrapbook. Severus, Lucius, Narcissa and Bellatrix had had so much fun with their old one.

"Well I'm awake now, so we can still go trick or treating," Severus sat down on the floor, crossing his legs. Draco returned to his bed, climbing up on top of it, with the help of Harry and Hermione, who were already up there. "Ya know, everyone always says your a slimy old git, but I don't think that's the case!" Pansy said. "Is that an insult, or a compliment? I'm not even old! I'm only thirty-six!" Pansy shrugged. "If I was a slimy old git, would I be letting you go trick or treating? Answers no! So let's go!" Severus declared, standing up, suddenly feeling a lot more energetic. 

     "You have to wear a costume too!" Hermione reminded him. "Right.." After Severus changed into his costume of, one of the main characters from an old television show Pansy had made him watch called 'Stranger Things', Hopper. This character was the police chief. Pansy had dressed as 11 from the same show. Although, the punk version of 11. 

      "We're leaving!" Severus yelled out of the room, having no clue if either of the Malfoys had actually heard him. He instructed his kids to grab onto him, and apparated. Apparation wasn't nice. The unusual group suddenly appeared in a dark looking room. This room was Severus' living room. The walls were encased in large bookshelves, with what you could only assume to be potions books lining each shelf. There was a large fire place, that looked as though it hadn't been lit in a long time. An old looking sofa and arm chair were placed neatly in the room aswell. It was nice, but needed to be cleaned. And perhaps lit up a bit. 

    As the kids let go of Severus, he made his way over to the fire place, instinctively reaching for his pocket, for his wand. He realised he didn't have it. "Hermione, do you have my wand?" He asked the little girl, who was inspecting the bookshelves, pretending she could actually read. "Oh, I have it," Pansy spoke up, pulling it out of her pocket and giving it to him. "Thanks."

    "Can we go trick or treating nowwww?" Draco whined, clinging onto Severus legs. Severus chuckled slightly, patting his head. "Of course." The day had seemed to drag on forever, Severus could've sworn it had already been three chapters, but it had finally reached the good part of the day. Sweets.

      As soon as Severus opened his front door, Draco, Ron, Blaise and Pansy had made a run for it. Harry, who had never been allowed to go trick or treating, was slightly more hesitant. Hermione stuck by Severus' side. "You guys can follow the others, you don't have to stay with me," he told them, and Hermione nodded, smiled, then ran off to find Pansy. Harry didn't budge. "You okay?" Severus asked him, crouching down to his level. "I wont get in trouble.. will I?" He asked quietly.

   Severus smiley sadly, "of course not. Why would you be in trouble?" Harry looked down. "I'm not allowed to go trick or treating. And when I do things I'm not allowed to, uncle Vernon gets angry.. when he gets angry he  goes all purple and yells at me!" Purple? He assumed he meant his face. 

     "Don't worry, your uncle isn't here. Hey, this is where your mother used to go trick or treating! When we were younger we would go trick or treating together, and get really sick afterwards!" Harry seemed to cheer up, and smiled. He grabbed Severus' hand and pulled him with him, to the others.

    Severus had to admit, he had more fun that night then he'd had in a very long time. They had eaten their sweets back at Severus' house, and Severus had sent  a letter to Lucius explaining that they'd be staying the night there. Everyone, excluding Severus, got extremely sick. One of the houses had given out horrendous sour sweets, and Pansy decided it would be a great idea to eat six. At once. Needless to say, she threw up. 

    And, the next morning, it was November. Severus woke up to Pansy and Draco screaming jingle bells at the top of their lungs. Fantastic. 

hnnng, sorry this one came out so late-ik most of you aren't in the same time zone as me, so it doesn't really matter that it's technically not Wednesday anymore lmao

Was lying in bed, bout to go to sleep, thinking about what's happened today! And, I suddenly realised that I'd forgotten to read over/publish this :( So that's my excuse as to why it's so late, I wrote it, went "eh, I'll read over it later", and never did lmao 

Hope this was okay <3 

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