Chapter Twenty-three - Trust

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THESE COMMENTS ARE TO MUCH♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️(keep em coming, really gives me motivation 💕💕💕) 
Decided to add little sketches above each chapter, so have this very disproportionate sketch of Sevvy with Harry and Draco (16 year old versions)

Also yes I simp for Pansy

     "Hey, Mrs. Malfoy?" Pansy asked nervously, as she walked down the stairs, wearing an old dress of Narcissa's, it didn't suit pansy at all, but she decided not to argue. It was a dark brown jumper like pinafore, over a white-long-sleeved top, with ruffles on the collars. It looked nice on her, but wasn't quite her style.

    Narcissa looked up from her newspaper. She was sitting at the table, a nice breakfast set out. "Yes, love?" The mother asked quietly.
It was early morning, around eight. The last night had been slightly caotic, but that was to be expected.

    It had been eleven by the time the kids were all asleep and in bed. Pansy went to bed at twelve. Severus, Lucius and Narcissa had a very awkward meal, then too headed to bed at around half twelve.

  "I wanted to ask you a question," Pansy started slowly, "about proffesor Snape, and Mr. Malfoy." Narcissa seemed to give Pansy her full attention, and set the paper down.

   "Oh, what's that?" She asked, raising an eyebrow at the sixteen year old. "They went to school, together, correct?" Pansy had thought carefully over what she was going to say, and made sure to consider her words.

   "Well, yes, why are you asking?" Narcissa asked, confused. "Now that is something I cannot answer!" Pansy declared, awkwardly. "But I need to know, were they close?" Narcissa nodded, looking irritated.
Pansy grinned. "Yes!"
"I mean- thanks, that's all I needed!"

    Narcissa frowned, before returning to her paper. Pansy rushed off out of the dining room, slamming the large doors behind her. If the others weren't awake, they were now.

   "Severus." Severus groaned, stretching. He had never EVER slept in a more comfortable bed. The proffesor sat up, running his hand through his hair. The voice outside the door called again. "Severus?"

   "Yes, I'm awake!" He snapped, throwing the covers off and getting up. "Can I come in?" Lucius asked quietly. Severus grunted.

    Severus rushed over to the door. "Yeah, what do you want?" Severus asked as he opened the door. "you-" "-How romantic-"
"-to come down and get breakfast!"

Severus smirked, before slamming the door again, and quickly getting dressed.

     The two men went down to the large dining room, chatting. "Pansy, good morning," Severus greeted, she was standing outside the dining room, her back to the massive door. "Morning, sir!" Pansy smiled, her eyes glancing between Severus and Lucius. "Mrs. Malfoy has food on the table!" She told them. "Pansy, is Hermione still asleep?"

    "Yeah, she is, I decided to head down and ask Mrs. Malfoy a question- I'll go wake her now!" Pansy started to run, but was stopped by Severus. He grabbed her wrist. Pansy tensed up. "Pansy, what did you ask? Did you tell her? Did you tell Narcissa?" Pansy shook her head, relaxing. "No, I didn't tell her."

    Severus let go, smiling. "Thank you."
"And.. I promise I won't. I'll be honest, I considered it, but I won't, trust me, I won't!" Pansy spoke, trying her best to convince them. "I don't know about Lucius, but I trust you."

   Lucius thought for a minute. "If Severus trusts you, I trust you as well."

This is pretty short so I'll get straight to work on the next one!



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