Chapter Nineteen - Peacocks

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      The unusual group apparated outside of the manor, behind the large metal gates. They had purchased the clothes, wondered into a book shop, Severus and Hermione were the only ones that actually got anything, they went to a cafe, collected there things, then prepared to apparate to the M. Manor. Lucius and Severus hadn't talked much after the kiss, and Pansy was clearly suspicious.

    "This is your house?" Ron asked Draco in awe. Draco grinned, puffing out his chest and placing his hands on his hips. "Mhm!" Harry, who was standing beside Draco, looked over at him admiringly. "My uncle and aunt would hate this place!" He said, looking around excitedly, as Lucius opened the gate. The large group walked through it, admiring the large garden. 

    Blaise slowed to a hault. "Draco?" He began, "Is that a chicken?" Draco looked over, confused. "Chicken?" He walked over to Blaise, looking where the other boy was pointing. Lucius held in laughter. Chicken. "That's a peacock, dummy," Draco mused, strutting over to the white peacock and petting it. It made an irritated sound and stalked off. "Where's Pollux?" The slytherin prince asked his father. Lucius smiled nervously. "Uhm, Draco, Pollux.. Pollux died a few years ago." Draco's eyes widened, and tears filled his eyes. "Who's Pollux?" Severus asked, as Draco rushed over to him and hugged his leg. Severus patted Draco's head awkwardly.

     "A peacock. Draco's favourite, she was sixteen," Lucius explained. Severus frowned, crouching down and hugging the crying child. "How long do peacocks live?" He asked the blonde.                    "Ten to twenty years, she was quite old when she passed. A beautiful bird, really. Her and Draco practically grew up together - she died when he was fourteen, so they were only a few years apart." Severus noticed how he spoke about the bird as though it was another child. He lifted Draco into his arms and carried him through the remainder of the large garden. They ran into more peacocks as they went, but Draco was to upset to look at them. Severus felt bad for the boy, really.

      He himself had never had a pet, but a certain ginger muggle-born that lived near him had a cat that he had been attached to. Of course, all pets die eventually, and so did that little cat. He remembered how devastated Lily had been when it died. 

     They approached the large doors of the manner. The toddlers, except for Draco, where all gushing and looking around. Lucuis pushed the large doors open, holding them for the rest of the group. Severus set down Draco, looking around the grand building. It looked extra clean, but who doesn't clean there house exsessively when there are guests coming? Everybody does, and if you don't, you're a liar. Draco seemed to have quickly forgotten about the peacock, and was giving Harry, Ron and Hermione a mini-tour of the enterance room. 

    "How do you and Mrs. Malfoy find eachother in this place?" Pansy snorted. Lucius glared at her coldly. She rolled her eyes, before joining Draco and the golden trio with their tour. "Lucius?" Severus mumbled, looking at his feet. Luicus glanced over at him. "Yes?" He asked him.                  "What am I supposed to say to Narcissa? I mean, I just kissed her husband like an hour ago, how am I supposed to be able to look her in the eye after that?" He started panicking. Before Luicus could answer, they heard footsteps rushing down the large flight of stairs. "Lucius!" A woman with long blonde hair and pale skin called, rushing over to him. She slowed down as she approached him.

     "Snape," she greeted coldly. Severus looked away, unable to make eye-contact with her. "Narcissa, dear, can you bring Draco and the others to there rooms? I'll show Severus where his is," Lucius asked, kissing his wife on the cheek. Narcissa smiled, turning away and making her way over to her son, who had remembered his pet was gone and burst into tears again. Pansy was trying to calm him but failing miserably. "Dray, dear, what's wrong?" Narcissa asked, lifting him up, secretly freaking out at how small he was again. Draco didn't(couldn't) answer, and continued to wail dramatically. "He found out a peacock died, I think he said it was called.. Pollie? Pollux? Something Poll." Narcissa knew exactly who she was talking about and sighed, squeezing her son tightly. "Well, can you help me bring the kids to there rooms, Pansy?" Narcissa asked. 

     Pansy had came to Malfoy Manor plenty'a'times before. "Of course, ma'am!" Pansy held Hermione, Blaise and Ron, while Narcissa took Draco and Harry. Hermione was on Pansy's shoulders, Blaise and Ron in her arms. They made there way up to Draco's bedroom. "I was thinking we could have them in twos, but that way one of them would be on there own," Narcissa told Pansy. "I can go on my own!" Hermione insisted. Narcissa looked up at her. "What's your name dear?" She asked. 

       "Hermione Granger!" She introduced herself, smiling. Narcissa thought for a minute. "Pansy, would you share a room with her? I was going to have you in a seperate room, but would you stay with her? I wouldn't like her being alone in a house this big." Pansy nodded. Narcissa opened the door to Draco's room, setting her son down on his bed. 

       Draco's room was large. He had green silk bed-sheets, on a large four poster bed. The bed at dark green curtains. There was a large wardrobe, that was lying open and looked a mess. Narcissa later explained this as she hadn't touched Draco's room while cleaning, and had forgotten about Draco over-sleeping earlier that month. The large wardrobe was packed full of fancy looking clothes, and there was a slytherin poster on the inside of the door. The floor was made of dark brown wood, with a green rug in the middle of the room. There was a tidy looking desk, with a book shelf above it. There was a framed painting of a dragon, with a "N.Black" signature in the corner. The dragon was beautiful, a blue-green colour, made with watercolour.  The bookshelf was mostly empty, and a few books had been knocked off the desk in Draco's rush to get dressed at the start of the year. 


This chapter was deffinetly the one I put the most research into.

Peacocks and star names, man. 

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