Chapter Forty-Three - Novembers Mist

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Hey! So before y'all read the chapter, just wanna point out a mistake I made in the previous one! So, I was under the impression Lucius and Severus were four years apart, age wise. Buttt, turns out I was wrong lmao - Big thank you to @SeverusSnape4444 for pointing this out! They are actuallyyyy, six or seven years apart- which is like wow,,, far worse. But for the sake of my sanity and not wanting to edit all previous parts that reference their ages, let's just pretend Lucius was in fifth year when Severus was first. Again, big thank you to them! While I'm at it, would like to recommend a story to you all.  It's on ao3, but hopefully that won't bother you -

  "Just put your head in it, don't worry," Severus instructed the very confused (now teenager) Blaise Zabini. "Okay," he smiled nervously. He had never used a pensive before, and having just been in a potions classroom, early September, to being in the Hospital Wing, early November, he wasn't sure if he was high or not. Blaise reluctantly dipped his head into the swirling, misty liquid. It felt as though he was falling right through it. The second his head submerged he felt a jolt in his stomach, as he supposedly fell through into a new scene. 

     He stood back in the potions classroom. The room was bustling with noise and sound, early morning light shining through the semi-open windows. "Er- professor?" He asked, looking around. He quickly spotted Snape. He was digging through the storage cupboard, which was off to the side - where students couldn't see it. Severus didn't answer him, so Blaise walked over to his friends. Just as he began to speak to Draco, he saw himself. Himself? Now he was sure. He was high. 

    "Ah! Neville, what did you put in this?" Hermione yelped in surprise, backing away from the bubbling cauldron. Blaise remembered this. "I'm s-" The memory rushed to fade, just as there was a loud popping sound. Now, Blaise now stood in an unfamiliar room. "Sorry, Ron," he heard a voice say, from one of the corners of the room. The room was clearly a living area, with a small kitchen, a dining table, and a sofa - on this sofa, and around it, were a few very (oddly familiar) young children sat. A small ginger boy sat with a chess board in front of him, looking upset. 

    "Are you- er- okay?" Blaise went to ask, but his surroundings blurred and changed around him. "How's this one look?" A boy that Blaise quickly recognised to be his younger self - back at his house there were photos of him all over the walls - asked the ginger boy from before, who nodded cheerfully. Looking around, they seemed to be in a clothing shop. A muggle one. Severus had briefly told him that he had been affected by an ageing potion, and he had been transformed into a toddler-version of himself, but of course at the time he hadn't believed it. Now he was starting to.

     A pale girl with long blonde hair entered the library,, chatting happily to a, confused yet amused looking, ginger girl. "Looney Lovegood and the Weaselette. Give them both something crazy!" Nott ordered. Blaise nodded. He held the wand out and repeated the spell Theodore had told him. Suddenly, Luna's hair poof-ed out. Toddler Blaise and Ron watched excitedly, as it then stretched out, looking almost wet, and sprung up, wrapping itself around her. "Can I do the other one?" Ron asked excitedly. Everything seemed to speed up, like the memory was being fast forwarded. He saw, in a blur, him and Ron running from the room, and down the corridor, yet he found himself unable to follow.

     Next, he was in Malfoy Manor - which he recognised instantly. The bedroom he was in had a slytherin banner hung on the wall, while the rest of the room was relatively plain. This room had been the one he and Pansy stayed in over the summer, when they would both visit regularly. Now, it seemed to be inhabited by younger him - and who he assumed was Ronald Weasely, by the hair. Severus Snape sat on one of the (two) beds. 

      "Goodnight," he whispered, going to get up - Baby Blaise quickly sat up, reaching for Severus. "Don't go!" He yelled, tears filling his eyes. "Whatever's the matter?" Snape asked, in such a motherly tone it took teenager-Blaise, who stood watching intently, by surprise. "Not tired." Severus chuckled, carefully kissing his forehead, "you've had a long day, I'm sure you'd be telling a different story if I let you stay up." The memory began to fade. 

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