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(goddamn yall are really out here trying to get every single love triangle you can get and i may or may not be all for it. also sorry for the lack of chapters ive been a bit tired and gotten busy)

"y/n, you want tommy to have his discs back, right?" dream asked, still holding onto you and stopping you from getting up to meet with everyone else. "um.. of course,  i can tell they mean a lot to him." you said, nervous about what he was going to propose. "come back home with me and tommy will get his discs back, promise."

"dream! you better get the hell away from her, you green fuckin' bastard!" you heard and saw tommy storming over to you out of the corner of your eye. "yeah? what'll you do if i don't, keep screaming and throw a tantrum?" dream said with a smirk, yanking your arm towards him so you were leaning against him. "dream, i swear, i will-" you started before wilbur came and joined, seeming more calm and collected then tommy with tubbo following behind.

"er.. hello, dream." wilbur greeted awkwardly. "wilbur." wilbur shoved tommy out if the way to stop him from saying something he'd regret. "how are you? good, i hope. i was just wondering, could we have y/n back? we were just about to leave." you could faintly hear tommy whispering to tubbo. "i hope he's doing terrible," was what you barely heard. "i was just just negotiating with y/n about the discs. wasn't i, love?" dream glanced at you. his use of names confused or frustrated wilbur. "'love...?' what was he saying, y/n?" wilbur emphasized your name like a hint to dream, scowling. "nothing worth our time. let me up." jeering, you finally struggled to sit up straight, move his arm off of your shoulder and move away from him, a light pink dusting your cheeks out of embarrassment.

"i know something worth all my time."

"stop it, dream. can we go back now, i've has enough of this pissbaby."

you hissed, standing up and brushing yourself off. you could tell that this disappointed dream. "please can we get the hell out of here! c'mon, y/n, tubbo." tommy begged, moving the row of chairs in front of you out of the way and practically pushing you in the direction of l'manberg. dream watched, you not meeting his masked glower that was pointed at tommy. wilbur sighed, saying an uncomfortable farewell to dream who didn't return it.

"tommy, stop it. you're bugging her." wilbur told tommy, who was dragging you behind him by your wrist with tubbo following beside him. he was complaining about dream and how touchy he was. tommy stopped and stared back you, who rolled his eyes and huffed when you nodded and agreed with wilbur. finally free from the grasps of anyone, you walked alone like you had intended. your peace was ruined when wilbur slowed down and walked beside you in a comfortable silence for a few minutes. "'love' and 'lovely'? dream and you have pet names? he's the enemy, y/n." wilbur questioned. "i know. i hate the names." was all you said. "this isn't important, will. schlatt is so sure that he is going to win tomorrow. what do we do if he wins? he wants me as his VP." you quickly changed the subject. "if he wins he wins. i'll make sure he doesn't do anything to you and we'll find a way to win over l'manberg." wilbur assured. "we always win in the end, don't we?"


you lay in your bed. you stared up at your familiar ceiling like you had done many nights before.

you were nervous about the election.
dream had been very... tactile.
the way schlatt had spoken to you scared you

651 words

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