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this chapter was supposed to be posted last night but i had to stop because i got happy over being added to someones close friends story)

"i thought you said wilbur and tommy got away." tubbo said. it was early in the morning and you had gone and woken up tubbo before schlatt had. dream had said good morning to you but you had ignored him.

you were leading tubbo to pogtopia, where wilbur and tommy were.

"here i was thinking my lie was terrible. duck." you had moved a low hanging branch out of the way so you could walk and narrowly missed tubbo when you let go. "thanks for the early warning." you heard tubbo mutter scornfully. "where are they? is wilbur okay?" you nodded. you were getting to pogtopia much faster than yesterday since you knew the way there. "wilbur looked like he was healing and walking well. tommy misses l'manberg. there's also someone new. technoblade." you glanced back at tubbo to make sure he was following. his face lit up when you mentioned techno. "the blade!" he said cheerfully. "everyone knows 'the blade' except me, huh?" you laughed
nervously. were you supposed to know who techno was? dream seemed to know him. tubbo knows him. "i haven't seen him in years. i grew up with him being my brother. same with tommy and wilbur. i'm not related to them. adopted, y'know?" you knew now. at this point nothing surprised you.


the horse was out of it' pit when you arrived outside the dirt hut.

"is anyone awake? the horse was gone." you called quietly incase everyone was asleep. someone awake would hear your echoes as you stood near the top of the staircase, tubbo peering curiously around you at the ravine.

"technoblade. up. they're here." you heard wilbur, his words followed by a quiet and groggy protest. "c'mon down, y/n." you jumped a couple of the stairs as you ran down them with tubbo copying your bubbly actions.

wilbur had a wardrobe change. he was still wearing his maroon beanie, but wore a long brown jacket with a white shirt and black jeans underneath with a black scarf. "ignore the blade." he gracefully swept his jacket back as he sat down on the edge a few flat boulders to make sure he didn't ruin it.

you glanced at techno, who was sitting on the edge of his bed and had his mask and cloak removed, his messy pink hair let down. you noted that he had red eyes. tubbo was happily talking to him. techno looked like he was trying to pay attention but kept zoning out. "where's tommy?" you asked, taking a seat beside wilbur and sitting with your legs crossed. "we've completely rid this ravine of ores so he's gone off to find some materials and potatoes for techno." wilbur told you. "techno, do you need help with your hair?" your gaze reverted to techno, who was now standing and practically looming over tubbo. he wore his cloak and mask and was now fumbling with his long hair. "no." was techno's only response. that's when he left to go into a different room.

"you've abandoned the 'ol l'manberg suit, wilbur!" tubbo was beckoned by wilbur to come closer. "i've dropped the jacket." wilbur said as tubbo told him it looked "dapper." europeans. "this is pogtopia." wilbur began his welcome.. speech? he stood back up and led tubbo to the rows of chests that were inconveniently placed in the middle of the pathway that ran through the middle of the ravine.

he started searching through the chests. was he looking for something? he held up a crossbow that he has found and stared at it for a moment, contemplating whether or not he wanted it on him for protection. "i'm gonna take this crossbow- an arrow of healing. arrow of healing?!" tubbo started telling wilbur to shoot him. "wilbur.." wilbur shot tubbo in the arm with the arrow before you could interject. you stayed silent and watched them, wide eyed."how's that?" wilbur asked tubbo as he lowered the weapon. tubbo reached up to touch his jaw. the bruise schlatt had given him had quickly faded. the mark was there this morning so you guessed the arrow worked. "i think it worked, my mouth doesn't hurt anymore!" wilbur turned to techno, who was leaning against the doorway of the separate room he had entered and was watching them silently. you hadn't noticed him. "that's cool, innit, technoblade?" the addressed man stayed silent. "shoot me, technoblade." tubbo demanded.

techno looked from tubbo to his crossbow he had pulled out, then back again. the tip of the arrow that had been loaded in the crossbow had been dipped in a green liquid. "oh. he has a mean one. change of plans, don't shoot me." tubbo quickly said after techno raised the crossbow. "good plan." you agreed, sarcasm gracing your tone. while tubbo had been asking techno to shoot him, wilbur had been breaking a block of stone that had been placed over a chest and was keeping him from opening it. "don't open that." techno didn't sound the slightest bit concerned when he briskly walked over to wilbur and replaced the block right after he broke it. "why not?" techno leaned closer towards wilbur. "it came from notch." he whispered loudly. had he even tried to conceal what he was saying?

"also, it's for tommy, so.."
"technoblade, i'm gonna go talk to tubbo for a moment. i'll see you around, buddy!"

not having anything else to do, you decided to follow techno into his carved out stone room. he hadn't told you to go away yet.

the room was bigger than you expected, except there wasn't much in the room besides a dirt ground with plant sprouts popping out of it, puddles of water, an enchanting table and a few chairs and chests. "someone's been busy. what are they?" you commented, making sure you didn't step on any plants as you carefully journeyed along the wall. "..very. they're potatoes." so techno wasn't the great at keeping a conversation. you kept that in mind. he was near the enchanting table that was surrounded by a few bookshelves and was scanning the books like he was looking for something specific. you sat in a chair near the enchanting table. "sooo, who's hair is natural? yours or wilbur's?" you asked, swatting at a tiny non-hostile spider that had hung from the roof. "is it not obvious? wilbur's hair is. mine's dyed." techno spoke in a tone that screamed 'are you an idiot? use your eyes.' you jokingly raised your hands in defence. "well, sorry, mr. blade! half animal people exist so i wouldn't be surprised if your hair was naturally pink."


a little bit of time had passed and you and techno had been having.. mediocre conversations, you could say. nothing in particular, just random stuff. you like techno. you thought he was funny.

"y/n, i think we should go now. schlatt will be wondering where we are." tubbo poked his head into the room. he didn't seem at all phased by techno's oversized potato farm. "you're right. i'll see you later, blade." you waved at techno, who gave a quick and awkward wave.

"wilbur, wilbur! look!" a loud voice echoed throughout the ravine. tommy had returned. "tommy! come say bye to y/n and tubbo. you can show me after." wilbur acted like a father. "tubbo?" tommy had basically thrown himself down the stairs and launched himself at his best friend. "tubbo and y/n came and nobody came to find me. bullshit." tubbo managed to pry tommy off of him. "i need to go. schlatt will be suspicious." tommy seemed disappointed by tubbo's response. you also were. you thought tubbo would be more excited to see him and beg to stay. "i'm a spy now! it'll be like when we used to play as kids. i'll be back to report soon." tubbo assured. tommy was reluctant to bid you and tubbo farewell, but he acknowledged why you had to leave. "alright, big t. stay safe you two."

1373 words

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