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you flinched away and winced as dream gently pressed an ice bag against your cheek. he had brought you to your bed and made you sit on the edge, saying it would be more comfortable for you and had brought stuff to you.

"i'm so sorry. i know it hurts, but you'll feel better after." dream forced you a smile. you were holding a tissue over your nose and was trying to stop the bleeding, which had reduced on the walk back. you let him press on ice against the side of your face. it stung at first but the pain eventually ebbed away. "love, are you sure you're okay? besides this? you don't look 'okay.'" dream asked. you silently shook your head. you didn't want to talk right now. dream sighed. "y/n, i care about you a lot, and seeing you like this worries me. i get scared whenever you're with schlatt and not me. i need you to talk to me. are you okay?" he repeated, head tilted to the side as he waited for an answer. you felt that your nosebleed had stopped. you cleaned up the remaining blood with some extra tissues and threw them in the trash can beside your bed.

"no, but i'll live. i'm tired and- and hurt and scared." your voice was close to being a whisper. you and dream's faces were close. close enough for you to feel his breath on your face that was slipping underneath the mask.

"you keep the ice with you and get some sleep. come see me when you wake up." dream backed up, picking himself up off your bed. "..i want you to stay. can you stay, please dream?" you asked. you didn't want to be left alone but you also didn't want to talk. "are you sure? you always chased me off before." you nodded, moving backwards and leaning against the wall your bed was pushed up against. you patted the empty space beside you, welcoming dream to be with you. he took your offer and stayed beside you.

you eventually leaned against him,
falling asleep with the bag of ice still in your hand.


you had woken up with your forehead against dream's chest and arms curled tightly beside you. dream had one arm under your pillow and the other around you, holding you comfortably against him. your hand was cold from the now melted ice.

dream was breathing at a slow, steady rhythm so you assumed he was asleep. unfortunately for you, despite being warm and comfortable you wanted to get up and you didn't know if you'd be able to without waking dream. you couldn't see the exact time, but by the room a
had been lit up by the sun outside and the faint voices you heard downstairs you assumed it was late morning.

"dream?" you whispered, not wanting to disrupt the peaceful quietness with talking at a normal volume. there was an almost immediate answer. dream must be a light sleeper.

"hm?" dream hummed sleepily. "good morning, love." he murmured, resting his face on the top of your head. "morning." you quietly said back. "i need to get up. places to be." dream didn't budge. "i'm comfortable." he whined. "how did you sleep?" trying to carry on the conversation so that he didn't have to move. it was obvious. "good. i'm comfortable too, but i think it might be time to get up." dream muttered something in protest. "just don't look. my mask is off." thats when you realized you didn't feel the hardness of his mask on your head.
  "why?" you asked, now curious. "because." great answer. "can we get up later?" you were tempted to stay here in dream's arms for longer but you had to go check on tubbo and schlatt. you said no. you felt dream's arm around you tighten for a moment before it's weight on you was reluctantly pulled off as dream sat up. "where do you need to go?" dream's back was facing you, blocking you from seeing his face. he was fumbling with the clasps on the mask's straps that kept it on his head, eventually snapping them together. "l'ma- manberg. i need to see tubbo." you also slowly got up, sitting at the edge of the bed beside dream. "after what that sheep fucker did i'm not letting you go back there. you're not going anywhere near schlatt. let me see your face." he placed a hand over your bruise, quickly pulling away as he saw you flinch. "sorry. it'll hurt for a long time, you got hit hard."

"i'm very aware. i'm the one who got hit in the face." you said. "i have to go back. schlatt will come looking for me anyways. i'll be fine." you assured.


dream had not taken your assurance seriously. he had decided to tag along, acting like a body guard. you could feel his gaze on you every so often, as if he was checking to make sure you were still close by him.

you didn't expect the manberg podium to be burned down when you returned, but if you were being honest, you were fine with that vandalism. schlatt, who was staring at the remains of the wooden stage, was not.

"this is treason. fucking treason!" quackity was quietly agreeing and nodding beside schlatt as he spoke angrily. "who the hell did this? it looks even more like shit now!" you let him finish before nervously tapping him on the shoulder to catch his attention. "who the fuck- oh, y/n! ..what the hell happened to your face?" did he not remember a single thing that happened last night?

"you did, schlatt." dream spoke up, who was watching from behind you. "nah. doesn't look like something i would do." schlatt brushed it off. "y/n, get this fixed as soon as you can. i don't want to see this pile of shit anymore." schlatt ordered, also ignoring dream. "i- but i didn't do it. shouldn't we find the person who did and make them fix it?" you tried to defend yourself. you didn't want to rebuild shit. "well, do you know who did it? ..i thought so. relearn to follow orders." there was a moment of silence after schlatt asked if you knew he burned down the podium. "yes, schlatt. um- is tubbo around here?" you finally asked. "tubbo? haven't seen the guy all morning. no idea where he is." he hadn't been seen all morning? tubbo could be with wilbur at pogtopia. he might've headed there last night.

"..oh. but-"
"y/n, i need to talk with you more. come with me. quackity, go dick off somewhere. jack off for all i care."

schlatt dismissed the confused quackity, who shrugged and quickly left to find someone else to bug. "y/ns not going with you, schlatt." dream stopped you before you could follow schlatt. "how come, lover boy? you don't call the shots around here." schlatt challenged. he probably wasn't going to win this battle. "really? you've told me many of times that i'd still rule this land and that i wouldn't notice you. and don't call me that." dream retorted, now clutching his netherite blade in his hand. "well, guess what? i've changed my mind! this is my nation, after all. it's crazy, i know." schlatt made "mind blowing" gestures with his hands. dream huffed, now holding your hand and pulling you awag. "c'mon, y/n. let's go find tubbo.

1261 words

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