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(el oh el hi im scared to see the replies i was too busy procrastinating and then got stressed about school starting 😟😟)

nobody dared to speak first. the air in the makeshift dug-out room that was made in the wall of the spider farm was heavy with an awkward silence as wilbur stood with his arms crossed and with you by his side and his darkened eyes narrowed at dream. that was until wilbur decided to break the stillness. "so? what did you want to speak with us about?"

dream paused for a moment. "i wanted to speak about the traitor in pogtopia. i think they should be brought to your attention."

"ah, yes. the traitor. we all already know it's the bladr. well, everyone except y/n. she's still in denial." wilbur huffed in annoyance. he clearly didn't want to be here. he thought this was a waste of precious time that could he could be using to prepare for the upcoming war like he told everyone he was doing before he left the ravine.

"because techno wouldn't betray pogtopia like that. he's against the government anyways, why would he join their forces?" you defended your friend. you were set on believing it wasn't techno.

"techno has his reasons. never assume you know what he's thinking." wilbur said this as if it was a warning. you scoffed.

"technoblade?" dream's smile was nearly audible as he slowly shook his head. "no, of course it's not him.

"then who else could it be, dream? care to share with the class?" wilbur was starting to grow impatient. you didn't blame him. if you weren't as close with dream as you were you would hate to be in wilbur's shoes.

"the traitor, or traitors if you please, could be you two." although he didn't show it, you could tell wilbur was surprised by dream's words just like you were.

you hummed in questioning. "whatever could you mean, dream?" wilbur asked. he was speaking formally to hide his interest and surprise.

"i'm here with a proposition. i know neither of you want this war. you only want to blow up manberg." dream said. you and wilbur nodded after a moment. "and i'm fine with that. i do not care in the slightest what happens to manberg, i only care about what schlatt and i agreed on. so how about this, i'll surrender mid fight and you can blow up whatever you want."

there was barely a second where you and wilbur had to think about dream's offer. "yeah, sure. we can do that." wilbur shrugged, letting his arms go limp beside him as he relaxed.

"at this point we're doing everyone a favour with getting rid of manberg." you said. that cursed nation was the cause of everyone's problems and misfortune after all.

"oh. alright then. it's settled. and even if the surrender doesn't go well, i can't think of a reason it won't, you can still blow it up in the end no matter what." dream added. "that was easier than i thought."

"easier than you thought?" wilbur repeated, curious as to what dream meant.

"well, you just don't seem like the agreeing type, that's all." dream directed at wilbur with an innocent smile. was he trying to get on wilbur's nerves?

you shut wilbur up before it escalated further. "let's not. please. let's just go, wilbur. everyone will start to get suspicious." you said, shooting dream a warning stare as his shoulders shook in a silent fit of laughter. wilbur begrudgingly agreed. he was all for fist fighting dream on the spot but you had stopped him before it had gotten to it. as you and wilbur turned to dig yourself out of the room you felt dream tug on your wrist. "oh, wilbur, i'll be right out. just wait for me outside. dream's pickaxe broke and i'm going to help him craft a new one." it was a terrible lie but it would do.

"..alright. sure, whatever you say." you could tell wilbur didn't buy it from the look he gave you but he still gave you your time and left you and dream alone.

after five minutes, wilbur decided it was enough time. he wanted to get back to pogtopia and you were taking a long time. but by the time wilbur had made it to the carved out room you and dream were already gone. wilbur sighed, pinching his nose bridge as he eyed the tunnel that had been dug to the surface, showing proof that the two of you had run off together.


you and dream had been sparing out in the forest. despite dream promising his surrender you still wanted to improve your combat skills for the upcoming war, if it could still be called that at this point. so how could something as innocent as light banter and sparing turn into you pressed up against a tree with dream's mask discard and his lips attached to the soft skin of your neck?

"dream, please.." you said softly, breath hitching as he returned to your sweet spot. "dream, please don't leave any more marks. wilbur saw one from last time and he wouldn't stop bugging me about it- ah!" you stammered and gasped as dream planted kisses and sucked on the sensitive part between your neck and your shoulder.

"it's hard not to when you're in front of me like this, completely at my disposal." you could feel him grinning against your skin before slowly moving back up to your swollen lips and softly kissed you, much different from the roughness and desperation in his previous actions. "so pretty for me as always." dream whispered. it was barely audible but you still felt your cheeks flush from the praise that you should be used to by now. you were pulled into a tender embrace as dream moved so that he was against the tree are you were leaning against him with your nose nuzzled softly into his neck. dream must have had his fill of biting at your lips and attacking your skin.

you were pulled down onto the grassy ground with him and you found comfort in laying your head in his lap as he drew unintelligible shapes on your arms and palms and played with the ends of your hair.

"y/n?" you hummed in response as dream said your name. "when the war comes, promise me you'll be careful. i'll be protecting you as well when nobody is looking but i can't always be watching and you never know how many people will swap sides or if schlatt will be targeting you.." dream rambled and kept going on with his 'what-ifs'

you held onto his hand as a way of comforting him. he was genuinely worried and scared. "i'll be fine." you assured. "i will also be able to protect myself. and with you and occasionally techno training me i'll be able to look out for myself even more."

"techno trains you as well?" dream asked. you nodded. "you can always come to me. i'll drop everything to spend even a minute more with you." smiling at dream's sweet words, you managed to refrain yourself from commenting on the usual jealousy in his tone. "when you and wilbur press that button, protect yourself. i will come get you and make sure you're alright. i won't let that explosion hurt you."

you nodded and smiled again, but this time it was more strained. more fake. you hadn't told dream that you didn't plan to return from the button room alive.

1297 words

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