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schlatt had been watching you and tubbo work, both of you stopping at any chance you had. "y/n, tubbo, not enough mining!" you quickly gave him an apology, tubbo giving him a more honest one.

"mr. president, this is... uh- so you're sure about all this?" quackity hadn't done much and had seemed reluctant to help. "oh yeah." schlatt replied confidently, not even looking at his vice president. "can i have a say in this?" quackity asked. schlatt, who shrugged, said, "i mean i'm not gonna care but you sure can try." quackity didn't get a chance to voice his opinion before eret spoke up.

"i would like to remind you of these signs, schlatt. these signs have been here ever since the war was first threatened." you and tubbo both stopped and ran over to see what eret was talking about. you hadn't been here when the signs were written, but you did know that they were important to l'manberg. schlatt started reading them out loud. "uhm- 'you break this walls you don't care about your family.'" he moved onto the next one. "'if you break any signs you don't care about patches.' who the hell is patches?" you remember patches. she had been a nice cat. "dream's cat." you told schlatt, who didn't seem to care about knowing who patches was.

"tubbo, y/n, you know you're my right hand man and woman, right?"
"yes, schlatt."
"uh.. yes, schla- yes schlatt."
"you know you'd do anything i requested of either of you, right?"
"yes, schlatt."

your answer had been a lot quieter rthan tubbo's. "you two. see to it that these signs are removed." schlatt ordered. eret and quackity stood in front of the signs, trying to shield them from any damage. they kept trying to persuade you and tubbo to not, but you had made up your mind. if you were going to be stuck working under schlatt, you might as well make the most out of it. that's what you had told yourself when you were stuck in dream's place.

you raised your axe, barely hesitating as you brought it down on the sign that included patches. "yes, schlatt." you said properly, earning a proud look from schlatt. "i knew you'd come around sometime, y/n! great job." schlatt clapped, eret and quackity watching in disbelief as tubbo hesitantly followed your praised example. "y/n, no!" eret shouted. you ignored him and moved onto the next sign with no remorse.

you were slowly losing it here.

wilbur and tommy

"tommy, tommy he's an american. i don't think i'm ready to open up to that yet." wilbur refused tommy's offer of speaking with someone. they were sat on a hill that looked down on l'manberg.

"don't watch, wilbur." tommy said, watching sadly as the walls were being destroyed. "i have to, tommy, i have to. my son- my son is tearing down the walls in front of me!" wilbur's voice broke as he shouted. "the walls i built to keep him safe. i promised i could give him a life in a world that was safe!" he felt like he failes his son, like this was his fault. "l'manberg my unfinished symphony!" wilbur quickly stood up, wanting to leave as fast as possible.

he couldn't watch anymore. he had worked hard to keep his son safe within those walls. "i can't. i'm leaving. this- i can't watch anymore." tommy told wilbur he was going to get them and enderchest. wilbur, not wanting tommy in danger, told him it was too risky, but tommy insisted on going. wilbur couldn't go, he was too injured. it was a miracle he was able to walk here.

"there seems to be only three people we can trust right now. thats tubbo, niki, and y/n." that had what wilbur had said to tommy before they split up. they hadn't witness y/n massacring the signs as it had been out of their view. tommy had broken into fundy's home and was searching through his chests. nothing useful to them at the moment. there was a skeleton horse that was tied to a fence, whinnying and huffing in protest to the lead. tommy untied the lead and tried to get on he horse, nearly falling off in the process.

he rode to his home and the ex-embassy, trying to avoid everyone. he broke and picked up the bench and juke box that he, tubbo, and y/n sat on and listened to music at. robbing his own house, tommy swore he heard footsteps. he held his breath, but no one came around the corner. he broke his enderchest and hid it in his inventory. he had to leave now. sooner or later he would be found, it was inevitable.


tommy was right. as he struggled to keep his new pet on the prime path, quackity was walking through the tunnel. tommy froze, quackity doing the same. they stared at each other for a moment, then tommy turned around and ran. make a big circle then go back to wilbur. i can't let him follow me. he planned out his route. glancing behind him, quackity was nowhere to be seen. holy shit this horse is fast.


"wilbur, i think we should speak to the blade. it's been years, i miss him. i can find him, he knows where we are." tommy said after tying the horse up outside the dirt hole and barging in. wilbur gave him a defeated shrug. "fine! speak to him! i will listen, but i am not speaking to him. you're doing the talking." he huffed, finally giving into tommy's proposal to speak to his twin after years.

957 words
im on the grind

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