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(hear me out when i say gundham tanaka and techno have a similar vibe)

turns out you had taken a completely wrong turn somewhere because you definitely don't remember passing a dirt hole with a door in it.

"stay here and do not move." pink guy said, tying his horse's lead to a fence post after leading it into a hole in the ground. his back turned to you, he moved his mask to the side and entered the dirt hole.

after a minute or so standing with the sound of the horse whinnying and your breathing being the only thing you heard, you went up to read the sign above the door.

"home base
make a house a

it made you feel a bit sad.

that's when the door swung open, hitting you unexpectedly and making you fall backwards. you braced, ready to hit the grassy ground, but the pain never came.

the person who shall not be named for obvious reasons, you didn't know his name, has grabbed your hand and pulled you back onto your steady feat before you fell. he pushed past you with a scolding "be careful," making you back up and mutter a sarcastic apology.

tommy followed behind pig furry, a limping wilbur also trying to keep up. "y/n?" tommy wanted to run up to you, but wilbur stopped him by putting an arm in front of him. he whispered something to the younger, who whispered a remark back, before turning to you.

"y/n. what're you doing here?" wilbur asked, head cocked to one side slightly. "i was sent to find and kill you by schlatt. don't plan on doing it, though." you said in reply. "you weren't sent as a spy?" he questioned. what was this, an interrogation? "so that's what you think of me?" you joked.

"the fuck? y/n wouldn't do that." tommy defended you. wilbur shot a glance to the mystery one who was watching silently. he didn't move. he looked like a statue. "i was thinking while i was making the journey here. what if i was a spy for you? like i was back when i was in dream's place." that was a lie, you had only come up with this thought now. before wilbur could agree or disagree, tommy pushed him out of the way. "move, wilbur."

for the second time today you nearly tumbled backwards but this time it was from tommy hugging you tightly to him. "tommy it's been, like, two hours or so." you said, voice muffled because of him. you heard him whisper something but it was too quiet for you to hear. "okay, tommy, off." you heard wilbur tell tommy, or reluctantly let go of you. "how's tubbo? how are you?" wilbur asked, tommy also wanting to know. "you could say we're.. fine, i guess. i've had to go off on only one person so far and tubbo has been punched." the sound of the king looking dude clearing his throat interrupted the conversation.

"oh, right. forgot you were here. y/n, this is technoblade. techno, you've already met y/n." you could detect humour in wilbur's words. "jeez, thanks. it's nice to be thought about." technoblade said. you couldn't tell if that was sarcasm or how he normally spoke. "they're twins if you didn't know." tommy added in. this made you rethink all the decisions you've ever made. you looked from techno to wilbur then back again, examining wilbur's brown hair and beaten up l'manberg uniform and techno's pink hair and extravagant king's clothes that look like they've never gotten dirty before. "i would question how but i won't."

you followed tommy into the dirt hole. in the tiny room were two regular chests and one enderchest with a stairway going down in the back. tommy seemed happy that you had come to find him and wanted to show you the ravine that they found. "wilbur agreed with me on naming this place pogtopia, but i wanted to name it mantopia or mancave or something cooler 'n shit. the blade didn't really care but he said he didn't quite like mancave." he explained. you didn't quite know how to respond to that so all you did was nod. "god, the blade is so fucking badass. we haven't seen each other in years, me 'n him."

they had lighten up the inside of the ravine with torches that tommy said would be removed later. they had already gotten furnaces and crafting tables and more chests. they seemed to be doing well. well enough, at least. "i miss l'manberg, y/n." tommy nearly slipped off the edge as you and him were walking back up the stairs to the surface. "you won't be missing it for long. with fucking schlatt in charge now everything's gonna go to shit." you scoffed, reaching the surface. "i need to head back soon."

you were met by the chilly night air as you stepped outside where techno and wilbur were. "y/n! about the spy thing, next time you have a chance come back here and bring tubbo with you. double spies." you smiled. wilbur had agreed to the plan you had definitely not thought up of on the spot.
"y/n, don't go. it'll be-"
"tubbo will be left there alone. can't do that, won't do that. i'll be back soon, tommy."
you interrupted the blond teen. "be safe." wilbur said. "you too. i'll get back at punz for nearly shooting you to death." you returned the gesture. "techno, show y/n how to get home. you know the way back already and she doesn't. take her straight to tubbo. keep her away from the dream." wilbur asked of techno, who wanted to complain but held back. "i hope you can run fast because you're not getting on this horse with me." techno was already half way through untying the horse's lead. "techno, either she gets on the horse with you or you're walking. get used to being with her because you'll have to." wilbur was acting like a parent. techno glared at you for a moment before huffing in defeat. "fine. get on and hang onto me. i'll take you directly to tubbo keep you away from dream."


"TECHNO. SLOW DOWN!" you screamed your plead. horse riding wasn't particularly your favourite thing. you had your arms wrapped around techno's waist, his cloak getting in the way at first but you had found a way around it. you had your cheek pressed up against his back with your eyes closed. the horse probably wasn't running fast and you were just being over dramatic but you were going to take no chances. you heard techno kick the horse and laugh, speeding the fucking creature up. "TECHNO!" your throat hurt now.


you hadn't noticed, but techno had made the horse come to a complete stop.

"technoblade... and y/n." a familiar voice said. you forced your eyes open to see the dream smp lands that you were used to. "dream." was that supposed to be a greeting? you sat up straight to take your weight off of techno. you stayed silent when your roaming gaze landed on dream, who was standing beside the skeleton horse and looking up at techno. "techno. what are you doing with y/n?" dream sounded much more defensive now. "relax, dream. i was just bringing her back." techno sounded more relaxed, like he wasn't scared of his fellow masked man like you were. "c'mon, y/n. i'll take you to schlatt." techno moved the horse back as dream stepped closer. "wilbur told me to bring her straight to tubbo. i said i would bring her directly to him and i keep my word. always. where is he?" dream kept coming closer and you felt unsafe being on an animal moving backwards. "these are my lands, i call the shots and i will not hesitate to take the 'un' out of your 'undead horse.'" dream warned. wow, he really wanted you off the horse.

"techno, it's fine. let me off the horse."
"but i said i'd-"
"it's fine, you can bring me to tubbo another time."
"but wilbur said i should keep you away from.. him."

despite not wanting to go with dream instead of techno, the results of this battle would be a lot less messy than it would be if you just went with dream. you hopped off the tall horse's back. you would fallen over when you landed if it wasn't for techno leaning down and holding your hand as you dismounted, like a mother holding a baby's hand and helping it walk. dream grabbed your other hand and swatted techno away from you, already leading you away from your new friend without saying bye. you thought techno was your friend, but you had no idea what he thought of you.

it looks so rushed 😭🤚
1488 words

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