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"y/n. y/n, wake up!" tommy whispered in s hushed voice and shook you awake. you groaned, reluctantly sitting up. instead of seeing the familiar wooden walls of your home back in l'manberg, you were met with a cold, unfamiliar cobblestone room. there were two beds. yours, which was pressed up against the west wall, and another, which was pressed against the east wall. an iron door was on the northern wall. there were no windows, so either you were underground, or whoever was keeping you here thought you didn't deserve to see the sunlight. the only light in the room was from a torch high up on the wall. you probably couldn't reach it, but maybe tommy could, since he was taller than you.

"where are we?" you scanned the boring room, keeping your voice low like tommy's. "we're in dream's land." you shot straight up and out if the half-asleep slouch you were sitting in. "where is everyone else?" "back at home. they only took us. you were completely unconscious, and i was too weak to fight back." you realized you had nothing in your inventory. "they took my stuff. they took my stuff!" tommy also realized he didn't have anything. both of you wondered how they did that, but neither of you had any clue.

you stood up, your legs shaky beneath you. "are you okay to walk?" hm. seems like tommy can be mature and serious when its needed. "i'll live." you shakily approached the door and aggressively shook the handle. "locked." you reported. "those bastards! fucking eret! oh, when i get my hands on him, i will slaughter him!" tommy was now shouting again. "at least let me join in on the slaughtering-eret part." you tried to break the door handle, but it was metal, so you couldn't. "we need to find another way out. we'll have to sneak out, since we have no pickaxes to mine through these walls." you put your hand on wall, standing at the foot of the bed you woke up in. the walls were cold, but they were smooth.

you neared the door again. "hey tommy? do you think you could reach that torch up there? since this door is iron, we might be able to do something with it." you were standing on your toes and trying to reach he flaming stick, but alas, no luck.

you heard the door unlock and it fiercely swung open, nearly hitting you as you were gazing up at the flame. you stumbled backwards towards tommy, who  caught you by your arms and stabilized you.

dream entered the room, with eret following him. you gasped. "eret! you motherfucker! i'll kill- i hate you! i hate you so much! i knew i shouldn't have trusted you! " eret and dream didn't flinch as you screamed. tommy had to hold you back from jumping the traitor. "i will murder you! tommy, let me at him!" you glared at tommy as he shook his head and you soon gave up struggling.

"well. it seems like someones awake." dream was the first to speak a few seconds after your death threats. "i didn't lie when i said we could use a few prisoners to use for random." you gave dream a piercing stare. "shut the hell up, you bastard! i'll kill you too! wilbur will come for us, and you'll all be dead." tommy whispered for you to be quiet. you and him had the disadvantage here.

it seemed like the roles had switched between you two. usually it would be tommy being loud and you telling him to shut up.

"you'll kill us? with what? you have nothing, and are now relying on me to keep you alive. when will wilbur come to save you? he's barely. him and the rest of l'manberg are on the brink of death at the moment. one attack from us, and they're all dead." dream smiled as your eyes widened at the masked man. you could feel tears forming. they couldn't die! they were your friends. your family. dream took a step forward towards you and tommy, gesturing for eret to stay where he was. you took a step back, but tommy stood his ground.

dream and tommy were almost the same height, but you had to slightly tilt your head up to look at their eyes when you spoke to them. "there is no way to escape! your lives depend on me and my smp now." dream leaned to the side to stare at you, who was hiding behind tommy. you stared back. you wanted to glare, but you could only cower at him. "if i were you, behaving would be the best option until we figure out what to do with you." sneered dream. "you'll be lucky if you ever hear from wilbur and l'manberg again."

that was it for you. the adrenaline took over, and you punched dream. he stumbled back from the unexpected force and put his hand over his jaw where you had struck him. "shut. up." your voice was small. your voice shook. you were crying.

eret ran over to dream, whispering to him so that you and tommy couldn't here him. you guess he was asking if he was alright. dream readjusted his mask before standing straight up again, making it look like he had quickly gotten over it. you hoped he hadn't. you had hit him with all of your little strength. you wanted it to hurt. you wanted him to die.

tommy just stared at you in disbelief.

eret glared at you. scary.
he brought out his sword. scary.
dream told him to put it away, saying that you weren't worth his strength. scary. why didn't he just kill you now. "c'mon, eret. you'll get food tomorrow." you could feel dream's gaze on you as he and eret left the room and locked the door behind them.

you collapsed and leant your back against the stone wall behind you. "y/n! you punched dream! that was great." tommy laughed. you could tell it was forced. you just kept sobbing. "we need to get out of here. i hate them. i hate them so much. i wish them all death." you voice was muffled by your hands, which were covering your face. tommy placed himself down behind you and placed his arm around your shoulder. "we'll get out of here, y/n. i won't let them hurt us. specifically me. although, they could never hurt me. i'm too manly." you forced a smile through your sniffles and made yourself believe it was real. "we need to come up with a plan." tommy nodded. "i wonder what time it is." that was one of the worst things of having no windows, no clocks. not being able to tell what time it is. "i'm guessing its sometime in the evening. we'll think of something." you and tommy started to have a conversation, with the usual jokes and shouting as usual. for a moment, you felt like you weren't a prisoner and back at home."

1185 words.

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