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(youre all too nice absbhbhdsjs ive been scared to open wattpad because i know ill have some notifications about people commenting and it scares me lmaooo)
(okay big brain move right here i write two fanfics at once boom two fanfics should my new one also be about dream or nah haha yeah i know how to use punctuation 😀)

you were sitting in the long, soft grass, with you watching a ladybug that you had found on a flower crawl up your arm. (okay no cap im so scared of ladybugs I WAS IN DISNEYWORLD AND ONE FUCKING BIT ME ON THE ARM TWICE AND HURT MY FEELINGS)
it was now around 4:00-ish. you had retreated back inside after finding a composter and clearing out the green house for a few hours, but their wasn't much to do while you were alone. you had been scouring the entire place. you had snooped through cabinets and drawers, which you were not guilty about, wandered around with idealistic thoughts, and ended up climbing through your broken window to sit on the roof and stared off into nothing for a bit.
(fr zoning out is so much fun its like sleeping but awake and it takes too much effort to come back)
now, you were back outside, watching this tiny red and black insect explore your sleeved arm. it seemed like the ladybug got bored, and it flew away, its tiny wings going as fast as they could. almost immediately, you lost sight of the bug. aw... i liked them.. not cool. you positioned your legs so that they were criss crossing.
(wasnt there a criss cross apple sauce some or something)
you huffed, placing your left elbow on your knee and resting your chin in your palm. your free hand was fidgeting with the grass blades below, twisting, knotting, and occasionally ripping them out of the soil with a soft, nearly unheard snap. you let yourself fall backwards, the turf tickling your neck where your hair had parted and exposed your soft skin. you squinted your eyes as the sun shone down at you.
you gazed up at the blue sky, your e/c eyes making shapes and different formations out of the fluffy, white clouds. in a few hours, the sky would be painted different gorgeous colours with the sun setting, and night would fall. you spread your arms out beside you and put your legs up. you were much more comfortable this way.

your eyes fluttered towards a small leaf that was dancing through the sky that had come from a small nearby bush. it was being blown by the breeze. you let your mind wander, your eyes getting used to the bright sun over time.


both sapnap and george had called him terrible for telling y/n such a horrible lie, but they reluctantly agreed to go along with it. dream had discussed what he had falsely informed y/n about earlier today.

the three were now heading home. they had redecorated the community house, well, mainly dream did. sapnap and george were too busy going insane and chasing each other around whilst saying that they were going to kill the other and light each other's builds aflame. at one point, george had accidentally hit dream with an arrow, who had been standing between george and sapnap that were having a bow fight, in which sapnap had proceeded to call dream "dad." it had been an eventful day.
"we should play manhunt again." george said. "why? i beat you two last time. i'm retired." dream scoffed. (i cant remember if he won the two hunters vids but just go along.) "we could get bad to be a hunter as well! it would be fun. we would destroy you." sapnap suggested, bringing up their friend who lived with his friend, skeppy, in another nation. "like i said, i'm retired." dream was trying to keep this bit going. "aw... is dreamy-poo scared?" sapnap's tone was childish. "no. just retired. and three against one? not. fair." dream swung his sword around, nearly hitting george, who had to duck to avoid his careless play. "just take george and put him on you're team. boom, two v. two, except george sucks." sapnap was still pushing the idea, and george started denying that he "sucked." (woah there-) "yeah? if you're sooo good at manhunt, let's do two rounds of one v. one? one round i'm the hunter, and the other you are. lets see who lasts the longest, georgie." sapnap challenged, crossing his arms as they came to the entrance of their domain. "yeah? let's go. you're hunting first." george had already bolted off before he had finished, making sapnap complain and chase after him, sword and shield in hand. they left dream in the dust, who shrugged, not really caring. they could fuck each other up if they wanted to, but dream was here to stop them if it was needed.

he entered the castle and promptly called out a familiar name. "y/n?" he heard his voice echo throughout the large building. no response. he started searching the place, first going to the h/c haired girl's room. nope, not there. dream went back downstairs. he was getting worried.
😟 ✌️  he quickly passed the large windows in the living room, nearly missing a patch of f/c laying in the grass out of the corner of his eye. y/n? what the hell is she doing?


you started to get the familiar feeling that someone had their eyes on you, and you slowly sat up and observed your surroundings. you could see a green figure in the window, which you quickly realized was dream. you grimaced at him and went back to your laying position. you could fall asleep here if you wanted to.

dream joined you and sat criss-cross-apple-sauce beside you, which you definitely didn't want to. even if you tried to, you wouldn't be able to stop yourself from snapping at him. even if his head wasn't turned towards you, you could feel him curiously staring at you out of the corner of his eye. luckily for him, his mask covered his gaze. "what?" you asked, tone sharp. "what are you doing out here? i didn't allow you to come out here just to stare at the sky longingly." he had now given you his full attention by turning towards you. "well, 'you don't allow shit, bitch.' i will do what i want to do." tubbo had said that to george once, when george had been wandering within l'manberg lands, and it's one of the best things that could ever come out of tubbo's mouth.
(what a baddie 🤩💅✨)
"that's.. not how it works. you're the prisoner here." dream reminded you. "mhm. don't have to remind me." you muttered through gritted teeth. "be grateful! i cleaned up the greenhouse." you raised your arm and pointed towards the direction of the glass house.  dream nodded and hummed. silence fell upon you two. for you, it was a comfortable silence. for dream, you couldn't tell.

"dream?" he rapidly replied to his name as if he was waiting impatiently for you to say something. "i still hate you," you begun, "but if you want me to not hate you, bring me flowers so i can plant them." it turned into a demand. "be nice to us, and i'll bring you stuff." dream proposed, not even hesitating. you stayed silent. that was a hard task. you disliked everyone with a burning hatred. you heard dream sigh quietly, as if he was disappointed with you not responding. "maybe." you mumbled. "maybe if you weren't keeping me hostage here, i would be nice to you!" you had finally thought of something to say. "i'm sorry, love, but i'm trying to make it nice for you. you have free roam of the place, and i've let you take your anger and sadness out on others with no consequences." you acted like you had ignored him. "oh, be quiet. i don't even understand why you want me here." you were sure he had explained why you were a prisoner here before, but you didn't quite remember. you shot him a look, and his stupid, numb smiley face looked right back at you.

you stood up, not even saying anything as you started to flee back inside. dream watched carefully and trailed behind you as you entered the keep and went upstairs. you knew he was following behind you, and you closed the door to your room behind you as you entered it. the footsteps stopped, then faded away.

you pulled yourself up onto the roof, dangling your shanks over the side. despite the early hour, you were growing a bit tired. you hadn't been sleeping the best recently.

1484 words

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