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one day timeskip, its now the next day

there was a knock at the door when you finally dragged yourself downstairs. you were the closest to the door, so you decided to get it. only sapnap could be found on the ground floor.

you opened the large door, then quickly slammed it shut.

i'm dreaming. it's not him. it can't be him. why is he herewhat the fuck⁉️

"uh, dream❓ DREAM⁉️" (sorry but i cant stop using those emojis instead of actual punctuation. deal with it. )
you called, your back pressed against the door as if you were trying to stop someone from breaking in. almost immediately, you heard dream race down the stairs. "Y/N❗️what❓what's going on⁉️ are you okay❓" he looked panicked, and his mask was on his face crooked like he had just thrown it on. "someones here, and i really don't want to talk to him." your voice was quiet, and dream could tell something was wrong with you. "i'll talk to them, stay with me." you quickly backed away from the door and stood behind dream, leaning to the side to see around him.

"well, that was fuckin' rude."
a man dream's height spoke. he had brown hair and eyes and wore a business suit. the only odd thing was he had large ram horns protruding from the side of his head and curling around matching animal ears. "y/n, before you ran off and got lost, i thought i had taught you some better manners." he recognized you. he knew it was you.

"who are you, and why are you here?" dream demanded answers, finally speaking up. "i'm here with a business proposal that i think that you'll love, oh mighty dream. the name's schlatt." schlatt raised a hand, waiting for dream to shake it to which he did. "dream, we have to speak." you whispered. dream nodded and called sapnap over.

"please, please, send that man away. i know him. he's terrible." you begged dream when you pulled him over. you were scared of him, and it was visible. "is he the one who killed them?" you shook your head. "lucky guess. i'll listen to what he has to say. i won't let him anywhere near you, alright? if he even looks at you the wrong way i'll personally make sure he's escorted out of this land and stays out. nothing bad will happen to you while you're with me."

"come in. i'll listen to what you have to say." dream welcomed schlatt in, despite your previous protests. the horned man sat himself down at the dining table. dream sat across from him, and you took a place close beside him. sapnap and george, who came down to see what was happening, did the same.

"okay, go on." dream prompt, getting impatient and more worried for you. "the talk about l'manberg's independence spreads like wildfire," schlatt started. "but, dream, i can tell what you want. you want your land back and you still want to eradicate l'manberg completely." everyone listened in silence as he spoke, dream now interested in what he was saying.

"wilbur soot has been planning an election, and want to make sure he and tommy are the only ones running to make sure that they win and that they are officially democratic rulers. i was just there before they came, but that plan crumbled. quackity, a new citizen, decided to run against them."
an electionbut whywilbur already has full power over l'manberg, and we all like him.
"i was thinking. how about i run against both of them. when i win, i'll make sure that you get to freely roam and build on that land if i get to rule it. like a king lending a bit of fief over to a loyal noble."
"you won't win. everyone loves wilbur and tommy."
"oh, dream, trust me. i know i'll win. it'll be like l'manberg never existed."
you couldn't believe it. was dream actually considering this❓ "dream, please❗️i'm telling you, schlatt won't do whatever he's promising now. he has made my life terrible. please, don't do this. let wilbur and tommy have their fun." pleading, you tried to glare at schlatt. it came out as a terrified stare. schlatt simply smiled back, then returned his gaze to dream. "deal. you'd better win. if you don't-" schlatt interrupted. "i said i'll win. i know i'll win. you won't regret this, dream." you watched the exchange in disbelief. "w-what❓" you turned to dream for answers. whyi thought you cared, why would you trust this bastard "y/n, i know you don't want this, but if schlatt wins, there will be no more l'manberg. no more l'manberg, you get to run free around this land, wherever you want. there would be no l'manberg for you to run back to and we won't have to worry about another war. it's for the best." hurt, you stood up.
"schlatt, i don't know what the fuck you're up to, but i will never-"
"ah, y/n❗️ how's my little killer doing❓ i missed you while you were gone. i had to get my hands messy."

868 words

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