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"dude, it's been... what❓two or three days❓you need to talk to us at some point." sapnap had stuck his leg between the door and the wall so that dream couldn't close the door on him.  he was trying to get dream to come out of his room a normal way and socialize.

similar to how dream had tried to get y/n to get out of her room.

"have you seen her at all today❓ is she alright❓ not hurt or anything, i hope.. i haven't seen her today." dream had changed a lot over the two or three days y/n had been gone. sapnap may act childish and loud, but he's very observant.  "dream, me and george haven't been outside. of course we haven't seen her. we're worried. you've barely spoken to us and when you do it's about y/n. you've spent most of your time out. what have you been doing❓ you look like you've barely slept."

y/n looked happy whenever dream had been... observing her. much happier than she had ever been when she was here with dream. she didn't have a strained smile on her pretty face, but an ecstatic, excited one.

dream had to make sure she was safe at all times. if those l'manberg bastards were to lay a finger on her and hurt her,!he would know.

"nothing, sapnap, now leave me alone. i need to go do something." it was the late morning, nearly the afternoon. y/n usually went out with someone around now. "no, dream. this isn't healthy, this... obsessiveness.. strangeness." sapnap wasn't budging. stubborn bitch. "sapnap, leave. me. alone. go fuck around with george, and that is an order." dream snapped, ready to close the door on his friend's limb. "what is up with you❓ you were never like this until you met y/n. does dream have a crush❓" sapnap asked in a singsong voice, trying to lighten the mood. a mood that dream didn't want to be lightened. "listen to your superiors, sapnap. i will not hesitate to through you out of here. go away." sapnap froze as dream yelled at him. dream had yelled at him before, but it was always in a joking matter. never serious, like this. "..fine. sort yourself out dream on your own dream. i tried to help." sapnap hissed, storming away from dream's room as dream closed the door loudly.

<awooga setting and pov change 🦖 richard>

you were thisss 🤏 close to hitting tommy over the head with the goddamn wooden plank you were holding. "tommy, i swear to the aether and back, take another stack of wood from me again and i will make sure you are fucking eliminated from this world and sent to the nether." you raised the plank over your shoulder as tommy coward below you, tubbo watching and laughing instead of interfering.

"shit, shit.. okay, okay❗️ i get it." tommy begged for mercy. "good. hand the stack over or we will never get this stage done in time for tonight." this even would be the election's rally night. you, tommy, and tubbo had been volun-told to build a stage with a podium and had only started the morning it was due.

tubbo had done most of the work and was surprisingly nearly finished the build. you and tommy, on the other hand, had been nonstop fighting and disagreeing. you may be friends, but you two didn't work together at all.


"it looks really great, tubbo❗️" you gave a couple small claps as you looked over the finished stage. he had made it look nice with small waterfalls,  vines, and banners. there were rows of chairs below the stage for citizens. "thanks, y/n. the magma blocks were a good idea." tubbo thought for a moment. "ooh❗️ lets go see wilbur and quackity's white house." he proposed. you and tommy agreed, still salty and jokingly pissed at each other.

you cheered as you beat both tommy and tubbo up the hill that the white house was being built upon, tommy coming close second with his long legs. "the woman cheated. aye, big q❗️" tommy called over to his friend, and presidential opponent, who was trying to persuade wilbur into having some of his drugs, which was actually sugar.

"tommy, come see this big ass white house we built." quackity pointed at the tall stone building as if no one had noticed it. "well, it's definitely a house. maybe not a white house, but a house indeed." you hinted at the grey stone brick walls of the white house. "that looks so fuckin' cool, big q❗️great job, mi gusta, mi gusta." tommy said, acting as if wilbur, who probably did most of the work, didn't exist. "it looks cool, wil." you said, standing next to him as you stared up at it.

"thanks, y/n. it isn't... exactly what i imagined, but quackity ended up taking control of the construction." of course big q did. "i really need you to win this election. i need payback on fucking schlatt. speaking of schlatt.. where is he this morning❓" you asked. "haven't seen him❓" wilbur shook his head. "he was actually looking for you this morning after you left. i know you don't like him, so i said i had no idea where you were." why did schlatt.. actually, you shouldn't be surprised he wanted to see you. "speaking of which, if you're fine with saying why, why do you dislike him so much? he seems polite, mature even. he's also funny."
"he is not what you think he is. i cannot forgive him for the pain he has caused."
".. alright, y/n. you've always kept stuff to yourself, haven't you❓"
"yep. everything."

1011 words

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