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(woah its like i got an idea from a comment. i cant write anything to do with swords sorry)

your sword hit his axe, the sound of metal against itself making your ears nearly bleed. your blade was shoved towards the ground as you struggled to keep it up. you raised your dominant leg (yes humans have dominant legs, just like you have dominant hands) and kicked dream in the chest, sending him stumbling away from you as if he didn't see it coming.

"stop going easy. i know how to use a sword." you had been bored, and now you were sparring with dream in an arena that had been made. "two things. one. axes are better than swords, they're stronger and do more damage. two. i don't want to hurt you." dream held up two fingers as he spoke. "pussy," you mumbled to yourself. "oh, come on. (😏) give me at least one good fight." although hesitant, dream squared up 🤼‍♀️.

you raised your shield, which was on your non-dominant arm, waiting for dream to make the first move. he did, swinging the axe at you and chipping the wooden shield as you held it protectively over your head. you lowered your shield and did the same with your sword, but dream blocked if with his ace instead. he took this opportunity to drop down and kick your legs out from underneath you

(mans break dancing 🕺 💃 🕺)

you fell, dropping your sword which you quickly retrieved and raised your shield above your head as dream swung the axe down at you. the axe got stuck in the shield and you shoved dream away from you as he was dislodging it. you rolled away from him and jumped to your feet, taking a large slash at dream that met a shield. you repeated that action, your intent may or may not being to hurt him in a way that seemed like an accident. you managed to graze his arm that was holding his shield. dream countered your sword with his axe and forced it towards the ground. he did what you had done before and kicked you, but to the ground instead of away from him.

you blocked him from hitting you with your sword, which was twisted out of your grip.

"dream, get your goddamn foot off of me. i'm not in a doormat mood today."
you hissed, wanting to get up after your defeat. but dream, deciding to be an asshole, placed his foot on you, stopping you from standing. just like what all his simps would've wanted.

"you said you wanted a good fight. are you happy?" dream smirked as he stared down at you, his axe pointed at you. "very, as you can tell. i'm trying to contain my excitement."
"excitement? y/n, i-"
"shut up. you know what i mean."
(just know, this is what you all wanted. i despise you all for making me write this
🕳 🏃‍♀️ 💨 ✌️ 😟 🧍‍♀️)
"i didn't hurt you too badly, right?"
"you barely landed a single scratch on me."
"good. you're really good."
"thanks. can i get up now?"
dream took his foot off you and offered you a hand, to which you declinded and stood up on your own like a big girl 🧍‍♀️❓.

"you need to be able to focus on many things at once. not saying you can't, you're great with a sword, but pay attention to every move your enemy makes." you made a humming sound and nodded your head, removing the shield's strap from your arm and leaning it against one of the pillars. you also placed down your sword as dream did the same. "you ready to go back?" you told him yeah, and dream kept stealing glances behind him to make sure you were still behind him as you walked before slowing down and walking beside you.

you stopped as you two passed through tommy's property beside the embassy. voices?
"dream, what the fuck are you doing on my property? ..Y/N!!" tommy came storming out of the hole in the hill. "this is still my land. i can go where i want. we're just going home." tommy's stare flickered between you and dream.
"so you're taking y/n back to l'manberg? her home?" tommy, not right now... you could feel dream staring at you, waiting for something.

"my home is the dream
smp now, tommy. i don't want to return to l'manberg." as you uttered the dreaded words with a forced tone, you gave tommy a quick wide eyed look and nodded your head, urging him to go along. almost immediately, he caught on. "y/n. are you being for real right now? you don't want to be with us? what the fuck⁉️" you nodded, standing up straight. "i said what i said. we have to be enemies now, tommy." tommy stared at you with "disbelief." you gave a quick apologetic glance as dream switched his attention towards tommy again. "we will be going now."

877 words
short chapter for tonight 🤸‍♂️✨

ive been listening to the yarichin bitch club closing song on repeat the entire time i was writing this and it did not give me any creativity at all

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