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you had never felt more betrayed. you felt like the love of your life had just taken his beautifully feared netherite sword and plunged it through your chest, rupturing and shredding your already tired, shattered heart.

it was an ironic idiom, considering the circumstance.

"i cannot tell you what schlatt has given to me, but it was enough for me to.. defend manberg." dream hesitated like he was trying to find a nicer way to put his traitorous actions into words. he refused to look down and meet your eye. not that you could see his.

you backed away from him like he was some creature you were horrified of, arms withdrew but hand still outstretched where he should have been. those sturdy walls you had put up in your mind to stop him from getting in all those months ago that had been carefully deconstructed were now being scrambled to be messily rebuilt again.

why? why had he agreed so quickly and had been so easily convinced to work with the person he knew you had a burning hatred for? did he not love and adore you as much as he used to? there had to be a reasonable explanation for this.

dream knew what he had to do and what he was doing. and he hated it. if he had the choice, he wouldn't turn against his darling y/n, but this was for your sake. this was to keep you safe and he would do anything to ensure your safety in the war that he already knew was coming. he loved war. he loved chaos. dream was a well known sadist. he knew that blood would be shed and that bombs would be set up and he would hate for y/n to be caught in that.

"what disease did he give you?" tommy asked as you went unspoken, wavering gaze trained on dream and searching for any signs of shame or guilt or even life in that dead mask. "what'd he give you? why do you have to defend manberg now?" quackity questioned.

"i.." dream sighed. "i can't say. i mean, you can blow it up if you want. if that's what y/n wants."

wilbur clapped his hands together to finalize whatever he was going to say. "alright, awesome. so the plan is decided."

"no, no, not yet." quackity interrupted.
"dream, my friend, what did he give you? what could he have given a you, a man that has everything?" tommy also asked, clearly not understanding that dream wasn't going to spill even a single bean.

"there was also an agreement, the bigger part of the picture. but i also cannot say what the agreement was." dream confessed, finally meeting your teary eyed gaze. "i'm sorry, my love. i truly am. but trust me, it had to be done." he reached a hand out to cup your cheek but your swatted it away before it could make contact with you, finally coming out of your shocked daze.

"trust you?" you managed to utter. "you.. you've betrayed everyone here. you've betrayed me. how am i supposed to trust you?" your voice was weak and quiet. wilbur, who stood at the back of the crowd, could barely hear your saddened words. "what could he have given you that made you do this?" you asked.

"saying more would give it away, but it's for the better. you'll see."

"i don't understand. how is this for the better?" you had started to raise your voice from frustration of dream refusing to say anything about how this was good. you got more upset as dream stayed silent in a struggle for words. "how is this for the better, dream?! you were one of our biggest advantages in the fight against manberg and you go and pull this shit!"

wilbur's gloved hand placed on your shoulder in an attempt to comfort you as he approached did the exact opposite. "it's fine, it's all alright, y/n. if we-"

"no, it's not all alright, wilbur." you stopped him before turning back to dream as tears flooded your vision. "i thought you loved me, dream, but i guess i was wrong!" dream seemed taken back by your harsh words, hurt even.

wilbur's hand lifted out of shock from your sudden outburst. "y/n, please calm down. i'm sure theres a reason why he is doing this. now that we are the more dominant side, dream wants to be on the other team, isn't that right, dream? you just want to ensure there would be more chaos." wilbur didn't like seeing you upset, so he tried to pluck some answers out of dream.

"uh, no.. i don't think so. you're half right though. i'd say that part of my interest is in myself and y/n." dream answered. "i have been given something that is more powerful to me than friendship i'd say."

so that's it? he loves and adores and coddles you until something that grants him more power comes along and he just throws you away like you meant nothing to him?

"okay, it's fine." wilbur tried to reassure everyone behind him. "dream, you can defend manberg all you want." you were sure that wilbur had more to say if tommy didn't speak up.

"dream, you ain't shit bro! i'll stab your ass!" tommy shouted with quackity trying to quiet him as he did.

"yeah! bbh, fundy, ponk, big q, tommy, me.. uh we've got niki.. we've got.." wilbur seemed to be running out of names. "if you combined our iqs it turns out its bigger than yours." he said matter-of-factly. 

"so, boys, all we have to do is.. wait, dream, you're not on our side your just here for.. what's even your deal? what the fuck are you still here?" tommy asked. you braced for an answer, but one didn't come. dream stayed silent. "what did schlatt even give you."

before dream said he still wasn't going to say, wilbur spoke up. "tommy, he doesn't want to say. you're being rude." he scolded his younger brother, who glared at him. "we're leading a polite rebellion here. remember your manners." wilbur chided jokingly. "dream, let's do this like a gentlemen's duel, then. instead of doing a dirty war like we plan, let's decide on a date and a time like gentlemen and we have the war. and if it all goes tits up we blow shit up. does that sound fine, dream?"

"i am fine with whatever. i do not care about the outcome. i only care about y/n's safety and that is why i have made this agreement with schlatt. i'm fine with whatever wilbur wants." dream replied, his arms crossed as he watched tommy and quackity staring at him and trying to hide their laughs with loud whispers.

you had had enough of this hurt and betrayal. you had an overdue moment to yourself and you needed it now. you haven't been truly alone in a long time. snivelling, you shoved past dream who had tried to reach out to you and gently stop you. inevitably, his attempt was futile and you shook him off before storming up the stairs and bursting outside. with the season turning cold, you were hit with a drizzle and chilly air.

you wanted to get away from everyone. you needed to. you felt like if you stayed any closer to pogtopia you would be suffocated. so you ran. not far, but far enough where you weren't easy to find. you collapsed again a tall tree, it's leaves sheltering you from the crying sky as you mimicked the weather.

you weren't as hidden as you thought as combat boots came into your view that was locked on the ground and dream stood over you, clothes drenched from searching for you in the ever growing rainfall.

1378 words

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