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"ah, y/n! tubbo! where the hell have you been? you almost missed the show!" schlatt was the first to address you.

the sight that you were met with when you returned to l'manberg was.. you could say it wasn't the best thing to return to. at all.

the usually blue sky was dark from smoke. in the distance, you could faintly see eret and nikki's panicking silhouettes at the top of the hill. the flag that niki had spent hours making had been engulfed by flames, fundy standing below it and staring proudly up at the blazes with a flaming torch in his hand.

"wait, schlatt- what's going on?" tubbo and you froze, tubbo's mind still taking in what was happening and yours slowly trying to figure out what you should do. "'what's going on?' he asks. it's the start of a new era, tubbo!" schlatt laughed, clearly okay with this. "you're not gonna'stop it, right? the fire? my right hand men should be loyal and follow whatever their emporer does!"

"but the flag! schlatt. this isn't-"

"of course not, schlatt. we're loyal, unlike some people called eret and schlatt." you said, nudging tubbo with your elbow to make him go along with you before he could finish. "at least y/n will always be loyal. tubbo, step up your fucking game. y/ns one-upping you." schlatt's praises gave you an odd sense of pride mixed with traumatic nostalgia, but you forced it down.


the fire had been put out. eret and niki had managed to stop the flames before it completely burned, leaving only the bottom quarter of the flag swaying sadly in the gentle breeze. you kept your gratitude for them to yourself, knowing there was some tension between you and them after you had ordered everyone to take down the walls.

"ladies and gentlemen of this great nation.. and everyone in between. i come to you on a great day!" schlatt was standing at his podium, which now had a big S spray painted on the front of it. you were standing uncomfortably close to him on his left, with tubbo and quackity on his right. george was no where to be found.

"it's only the second day, my first day of my reign over this great nation and we have totally, completely, and utterly removed all the walls. the cage that has held back the citizens of this great nation has been..well... removed. the country has been uncaged. and you know what? you know what I'm feeling? enough of this.. this living in the past. no walls.. no l'manberg flag.. i say- i say we rename this country. no longer will this country be called 'l'manberg'. that's rather out of date... no one uses apostrophes. i say our great nation is now... manberg. manberg! how do you like that? this country will take no more L's!"

you didn't exactly agree to this idea. and neither did the citizens. especially eret and niki. "you have no respect for history!" eret called out angrily. "you won't get away with this! y/n, tubbo! say something!" niki pleaded desperately. "why would they do anything to stop him? y/ns the one who got the walls destroyed and tubbo just stands there." eret directed at you and tubbo. you were meant to hear that. "well, y/n. it seems eret wants your opinion." schlatt spoke smugly, proud gaze pointed at eret. you had two options here. you could win eret and niki's trust back, or-

"effective immediately." you leaned in towards the mic. you weren't going against schlatt again. fuck your two options. "hear that, eret? this country will take no more L's, for we are victorious!" schlatt cheered, ending his speech.


you and tubbo had taken refuge in the camaravan where tubbo had set himself up a small, temporary home. there was a bed and a few chests. it looked relatively nice, or at least nicer than it had looked when the walls were being abolished.

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