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you groaned, complaining as someone or something was shaking you awake. "it's 11 o'clock, wake up. we're going on a walk." as you forced open your e/c eyes, you were met with a poorly drawn smiley face, which startled you. "touch me again, and i'll bark at you." you muffled through your pillow as you face planted into it. you lifted your head slightly to watch dream merely poke you in the arm. "BARK BARK ARF ARF WOOF." you shot up and screamed, making dream stumble back from your sudden outburst.
"i said what i said 🤟😎"
"i'm not sure if i should be laugh, be concerned, or be scared for my life." 
" "we're going on a walk?" "
"i said what i said 🤟😜"
"copy me one more time-" you nearly nailed dream with the pillow that was sitting beside you. "i'll be downstairs."


you had finished getting ready and leapt the last section of stairs when dream said you shouldn't, earning a disappointed sigh from him. "okay, i'm going to give you a tour of the SMP if you promise not to run off on me." gotta do what tommy said and earn trust. " 'kay. pinky promise." you promised. maybe you could find out where the discs were today.

(time skip go brr. a lot of the buildings dont fit in with the time line at all, but since no one will be building church prime or the holy land etc in the fic, imagine theyve already been built 😎)

"this is eret's castle. he lives here, so thats why you don't see him at all back home." dream told you as you stared up at the looming stone castle with rainbow flags waving in the wind. to your left and right were two wooden buildings, and behind you was a huge stone arch. the castle was surrounded by spruce trees, oak trees, and bamboo stalks. "he has a castle?" you asked. you were quite intimidated by this fortress. "well," dream hesitated. "i said that if he betrayed l'manberg, he could become king of the SMP." he muttered. suddenly, you felt a strong hatred for this place. "i hate it here all of a sudden. lets go somewhere else." it was more of a demand than a suggestion, but dream submitted. so far, he's shown you the portal, and now Eret's castle. "oh, the community house is back this way. i forgot about that."  he mentioned.

"hm.. oh! isn't that where me and tommy were first kept when we were kidnapped?" you asked as the building came into a more-clear view in an oblivious tone. "..yeah. i'm still pissed tommy got away. anyways, this was the first thing we built when me and george came here. sapnap arrived a few days after. the castle we live in used to be in ruins, but we did a bit of construction work." you hummed in acknowledgment as dream led you into the brick and stone house. the entire floor was made out of crafting tables. you were about to question it, but dream had beat you to it, saying that eret had done it. there were a few lines of chests that had item frames placed on them. a few beds were placed along one of the walls, and there was a spiralling staircase in the middle. "sapnap's fish, beckerson, lives up there." "goddamn, that man has a lot of pets."
dream agreed with you.

"that's church prime." dream pointed towards a white building with purple windows. you've been here before, you realized. "...a church?" he nodded his head. "actually, its just a building we built and deemed religious. it's just a big inside joke from before l'manberg was founded." through the opened doors you could see a waterfall of water falling from the ceiling into a hole in the ground in the middle of the larger room, with rows of chairs and a table in the back.

"whats that?" you stopped walking to gaze up at a large spaceship that had been built in the sky. "purpled's ufo. he doesn't live here anymore. he left to return to his parents, who wanted him back home after he snuck out to follow sapnap here. he was tubbo's age." that made sense. you wondered what was inside, but realized you shouldn't go snooping. he may have personal items that he left behind. "where did punz go?" "punz doesn't live here. he was only here to fight with us in the war, then went back home." odd, it doesn't seem like many people lived here, yet it also seemed so strangely busy and lively at the same time with all the different attractions.

dream showed you were other places were, like the spider farm, eret's towers, the battle arena, sapnap's second home, a questionable walmart, and many other small builds along the way. he avoided any questions about the direction of l'manberg.

"this place would be great for hide and seek. you would never be able to find anyone here, with all the different places and hiding spots." you and dream were sitting on the bench outside tommy's embassy.  "you want to test that theory?" dream joked.
"is that a challenge?"
"maybe. i guarantee, i will find anyone that hides. i always find george and sapnap."
"you, the almighty dream, play hide'n'seek with your friends like kids?"
"no, we play manhunt. theres a difference. you also brought it up and lead me on."
you stood up. "give me five minutes, dream, and i'll go hide." you started deciding on a direction to run in. "no, you'll run away to l'manberg." wow, he didn't trust you? you pinky promised!
(if you dont take pinky promises seriously i dont have words for you)
"but it'll be fun." you begged. anything would entertain you at this point. dream firmly shook his head. he wasn't going to budge. you complained and sat in the grass this time. "lets go back home. we've been out for a few hours." you wanted to stay out longer, much longer. actually, you didn't want to go back. "fine." you muttered. "dream? do you think i could listen to tommy's discs when we get home? i noticed a juke box outside." you asked him, nearly tripping over a wild chicken that ran past your feet. "as long as you don't break them."
"why would i break them? they're important to tommy."
dream slipped one disc, cat, into the juke box. you were sitting in the grass. this tune was familiar to you, and was comforting. tommy had played his discs many times for you and tubbo, and it made you feel at home.

mission completed. you found out you were allowed to have access to the discs.
1126 words

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