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all of l'manberg was gathered inside of he camaravan. "men! ...and woman." wilbur quickly added, casting you a quick apologetic glance, which you shrugged at in return.

the president started to read out the declaration of independence, or the declaration of independance, since wilbur had spelt it wrong the first time.

"hey wilbur." tommy interrupted. "what, tommy?" wilbur said, frustrated that tommy had interrupted his read-aloud. "they have us surrounded." tommy was staring out of the van's windows. dream, sapnap, george, and punz, who you didn't know was on their side, were all standing atop the l'manberg walls, dream's loaded crossbow and the rest of the dream smp's bows aimed at the van, ready for anyone to step out.

wilbur opened the door, tommy standing behind him and peering out from around his shoulders, and you, eret, fundy, and tubbo standing behind the vice president. "gentlemen!" wilbur shouted. no reply. "how are you?"
"how do you like the view of our nation?"

"i thought it was a trailer park." dream retorted. "very funny." wilbur muttered, only letting l'manberg hear him. "listen-"
"YEAH, BITCH!" tommy was trying to hype up wilbur, who shot him a glare.
"we will meet with you, but on our own terms. it seems you have the upper hand here." wilbur announced.
"tommy, please stop making things worse..." tubbo begged tommy. "give us a time and a place, dream." wilbur fully stepped out of the van, declaring it to be safe as he planted his feet on the grass.
tommy eagerly followed him out.

george shot an arrow. it hit tommy in the shoulder, who winced and whimpered loudly and stumbled backwards.
"tommy, i told you to stay in!" fundy cried.
"tommy!" tubbo ran out to help his friend, ignore wilbur's orders to not step out. fundy started to tend to tommy, while telling everyone to stay in for now. he gently pulled the arrow out, then started to apply pressure to the wound to stop it from bleeding. you tried to help fundy in any way you could.

(the dialogue will definitely be different from the canon war. im seeing if i can do this off of memory.)
"guys, listen. i'm old. frail, even." wilbur joked, trying to lighten the mood. he turned to tommy. "tommy, i want you to lead this battalion. bad idea. you kept it to yourself. "i can now be known as the commander of men. see, i command people. tubbo! jump!" tommy was proud, and tubbo reluctantly did as he was told.
"no matter who wins this war, just remember, we are on the right side." wilbur gave his pep talk after having a bit of fun with tommy bossing everyone around. "we're leaving." wilbur unlocked and opened the l'manberg gate. "follow me, gentlemen, and gentlewoman. we walk. we run for no man." tommy was quickly adapting to his new role.

halfway to tommy's embassy, where you were meeting with dream, tubbo asked if anyone had a bow. "no, no. my friend, we do not have time." tommy didn't stop. "here." you whispered to tubbo as you past him, passing him a bow. "i made extra." he thanked you, placing the bow in his inventory. you paused for a second, waiting for wilbur to catch up so that you could walk beside him. "we can call ourselves the fifth battalion!" tommy said, bringing out an axe and a shield. "...why the fifth?"


"i will do the talking from here on out." you all nodded and let tommy do what he was doing.

dream and his team were standing on top of a tall tower, bows and crossbows loaded and ready to rain fire on the enemies below them. you glared up at them, shielding your eyes from the sun.

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