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(me thinking fanfics are cringe 🤝 also me writing one)
(im my biggest anti)

this was your first time being outside in almost a week. the season was starting to turn cold, but the sun puddle formed by the slowly setting sun outside of pogtopia still felt great.

dream was still hesitant about letting you go back to your normal life, or as normal as it could get, whilst some of you was still in pain, but wilbur and techno managed to convince him you were fine, surprisingly. but dream was still like your shadow, constantly following you around like when he had kept you captive, but this time you didn't mind it.

you were nearly recovered. the stinging pain in your hands whenever you touched something was nonexistent and you could now walk, but not without a limp. your hands were still covered in scars, your hearing was still lost in one ear and you were sure it wasn't coming back, and there were still tons of scars, scratches, and tender bruises littering your body. but besides that, you could function almost perfectly normal. tubbo had completely recovered.

you held dream's hand, who was watching you as you basked in the soon to be gone sunshine, sweetly smiling at you. he had taken off his mask just for you once you and him had stepped out of pogtopia.

"we should go check on manberg. i wanna see how they're doing." you proposed.

"we don't want you to be caught in manberg, especially now. not that i won't be able to protect you, my love." dream quickly shot down your idea. not without boosting his own ego of course.

"you're just my knight in shining armour, aren't you, dreamy? first the festival, and now this." you teased, nudging him with your shoulder.

dream nudged you back with the same force. he was getting more comfortable play fighting with you now. he just didn't like it when others did it with you. "how about we just take a walk? your legs are probably all stiff and sore from being in that bed." dream asked. "maybe we'll be able see the sunset."

you shrugged and then nodded after deciding it was a good idea.

you and dream started walking aimlessly, dream taking you in a direction that you hadn't headed in and one he had briefly explored before. soon enough, you had ran into a pack of wolves living in the spruce forest. dream was worried about them being hostile towards you, but you handed them a few pieces of steak and it was like you had new best friends. "can we keep them?" you had asked. to no surprise and to your disappointment, dream had said no.

"i'm still pissed at you for not letting me get a dog." you reminded dream for the third time since you saw the canines. "i would've called it jared or william or something. something basic and vintage."

"those are dumb names." dream commented, pausing to crouch down to pick something up. "if only there was some way to make it up to you." he held out a small handful of oxeye daisies that had been growing at the base of the tree trunk towards you, waiting for you to take them.

you gently took them from him, careful not to wreck any of the stems. the small act of kindness made you extremely happy. you placed them in your inventory. if they were in there they will never die and your plan was to keep them alive until you were no longer.

"hm. that'll do." you pretended to be unimpressed but dream saw right through the act. "aw, if only i could get a 'thank you and i love you, dream.'" dream said wishfully. "thank you, dreamy." you thanked him for the flowers after giving him a dramatic sigh.


"and nothing else."

dream sighed in defeat. "c'mon! just say it! say you love me!" dream begged you while he trailed behind you as you kept walking. "maybe next time." you dismissed him, slowing down to walk at his pace. "didn't you want to see the sunset? because the suns setting soon."


you sat with dream on a soft, grassy hill, dream staring and adoring you whilst you stared at the pretty colours forming in the sky, unaware.

"you're so pretty.." dream softly said, his act completely different from his hyper, teasing one ten or fifteen minutes ago. you couldn't tell if he was directly complimenting you or just talking to himself.

"hm? come again?" you asked innocently, pivoting to face him. you had heard him, you just wanted to know if you were supposed to.

"i said, you're so pretty." dream repeated, louder this time as he pulled you closer to him. you ended up straddling his lap, your head resting against his neck and arms wrapped around him under his arms.

"i wish every sunset could be spent with you." he whispered.

"maybe not every sunset, but at the end of the day i'll always be with you, dream. even in spirit." you assured. dream took this as a promise.

"and at the end of every day i'll love you more than the day before, y/n."

"is that even possible?"

"of course it is. i will never stop loving you, my love."

you lifted your head from resting on dream's shoulder, noses now almost touching with your foreheads pressed gently against each other. .

"i love you so much it hurts, y/n. if loving you is the thing that kills me, i wouldn't want to go out any other way."

dream glanced down. you nodded slightly, knowing what was about to happen.

he gently pressed his lips against yours. dream was kissing you. you quickly fell into the kiss, your fingers getting tangled in dream's hair.

the only time you and dream pulled away from each other was to catch a breath of air. not wanting to let go of each other, you and dream stayed there together until you lost track of time, simply basking in each other's loving presence.


1029 words

filler chapter or something idk have fun with it

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