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"will, a presidential election⁉️" you had woken from your nap in the late evening, and was now meeting with wilbur in the van.
"me and tommy felt like the people of l'manberg were not listening to us enough. we can't turn back now,
quackity has already decided to run against us"
"there is one problem. someone who i've known for a while is deciding to run against you. his name is jschlatt, and he's become allies with dream. he has made me do terrible things. please, let me be your second running mate. i have to win against him."
wilbur was taking in what you were saying. "yes, i have met him. he came here today. he won't win. nobody knows who he is here. me and tommy will win, we're sure of it." he was already securing his victory, just like schlatt had. "there aren't usually two running mates for one person during a presidential election."
(im actually not sure, i am not american and i am not great with politics)
you tried to convince wilbur to let you run with him, but he wasn't budging. "when we win, i'll let you do whatever you want with this schlatt since you say he's such a bad person." as if on cue, fundy's call could he heard from outside. "dad- wil! schlatts returned and wants to speak to you, it sounds important." you already knew who it was. "no.." you breathed.

"ah, wilbur❗️" schlatt greeted as you followed close behind wilbur. "and y/n❗️ what the fuck are you doing here ❓ i thought you were with dream." you refused to meet schlatt's interested gaze. "schlatt, welcome back. what is it you need? if you need somewhere to stay, we are sure to find space for you somewhere." wilbur was acting like a polite adult for once. "i have come here to enter myself as a candidate for your election❗️ i want to go against you, tommy and quackity for l'manberg as schlatt2020." you stormed towards schlatt as he finished speaking. "schlatt, i don't know why the fuck you are here, but listen to me. leave, right now. i will kill you. i will-"
"y/n, calm. this does not concern you at the moment."
schlatt was unfazed by your loud speaking, and smiled smugly down at you. "i think y/n would like to be my running mate, wouldn't you, little killer?" your first instinct was to agree with him to avoid conflict like you had when you were with him before, but you stopped yourself. "wilbur, give me a fucking sword." wilbur pulled you back towards him as he spoke. "you are fine to enter, schlatt. if you must, you are welcome to stay here for the night." you kept telling wilbur to not let him step foot in this land, but wilbur was trying to handle the situation carefully.
"y/n, i would love to stay with you-"
"goodnight. stay the fuck away from me schlatt."
you stalked away from the group, slamming the door behind you as you entered your home.

you couldn't sleep here with this bastard in the premise. a knock on the door sounded. "ayo, y/n❗️" it was tommy. "okay, so, big plan for tonight, big (f/l/n).  (first letter of name) we're building a sewer." he said once you answered the door. "why the hell do you want to build a sewer❓" you asked. "you seemed upset, and we need something to do❗️ come help us❗️" tubbo explained. you made an over exaggerated groan. "fine. i need a pickaxe and other gear, dream has all my good stuff."

if you ever get more than one chapter a night, keep in mind that they will be significantly shorter chapters

629 words

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