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(no i do not write smut and i will not be writing smut but making sex jokes are really fun)

you were still laying on dream when you woke up. it mustn't have been comfortable for dream, but he was already awake and hasn't moved you so maybe he didn't mind it. he was staring up at the stony ravine ceiling and gently tracing circles on the back of one of your hands, but his mask was on incase anyone was awake and walked by. you knew it was day and someone was awake because there was light pooling out of the door that lead to the surface at the top of the stairs. someone had left it open when they went outside.

despite being awake, you didn't move. you felt comfortable and safe and you wanted to stay here forever, embracing the warmth of your lovely dreamboat. you let your eyes flutter close again and you held onto dream tighter as you dozed off, letting your mind wander to anywhere it wanted. you had to forcefully stop yourself from thinking when your thoughts got very.. interesting.

your peacefulness with dream was ruined when you heard tubbo whispering, very loudly may you add, to wilbur who sounded still half asleep. you put your arms out raised yourself up sleepily, standing on your arms and knees on the bed and over dream. of course it was a perfect time for wilbur and tubbo to mosey on over.

"at least you were quiet like i asked. i see you had a fun night ..don't answer that." wilbur covered tubbo's eyes with his hand, accidentally hitting the poor kid's face in the process.

"yeah. i had a fun time sleeping like i would normally do any normal night." you quickly scrambled off of dream and sat on the edge of the bed, refusing to meet wilbur's assuming gaze. "stop looking at me like that. we didn't do shit." that stopped wilbur from looking between you and dream like he was suspicious of something.

"anyways, it's great you're already up since techno's refusing to wake. tommy's disappeared." wilbur said that so casually it must be a reoccurring thing. he was probably the one who left the door open.

"that kid's gonna get himself killed someday." dream commented. "let him learn the hard way." wilbur shot dream and his snarky remarks a warning glare. you hit him in the back of the head. "shut. we're not letting him die. especially not because of you." you told him. "wouldn't it be funny?" dream asked in his sick, twisted voice that you had hated but have now grown to love. you ignored him, along with wilbur who was giving a greatly disturbed stare at dream. tubbo glared daggers at him.

"he'll come back soon. he always comes back. if tommy was trapped in an unescapable prison he would find a way to escape. even if it mean dying and coming back to life." wilbur spoke fondly of his younger brother. even if he didn't show it, you could see that will cared for his brothers a lot. "i bet he'll burst in very loudly and scream "wilbur!" at the top of his lungs." tubbo predicted. you wouldn't be surprised if he was right. "mhm. also, y/n, i need to talk to you. come, walk with me-" schlattwilbur was quickly cut off by a loud, echoing voice.

"wilbur!" tommy emerged from the tunnel that led to manberg. you covered your mouth to stop from laughing about how right tubbo was. everyone's attention was quickly turned to the teen leading someone behind him into the ravine. "look who i got!"

it was quackity. the one who worked with and was one of his most trusted followers. "ayy, wilbur! it's been a while!" he greeted. did he and tommy see nothing wrong with this situation?

"what the hell are you doing here?!" that wasn't the warmest welcome from you. you summoned your sword. nobody tried to stop you besides tommy and quackity. "why the fuck is he here? and why is he with you?!" you turned to tommy angrily. how dare be bring the man who has helped give you and tubbo much trauma into pogtopia.

"wait, wait! let me explain before to start stabbing the shit out of big q!" tommy tried to get you to lower your weapon like he was trying to get a dog to drop something in its mouth. it didn't work.

"i went to go jfk the hell out of schlatt and quackity but they got into a fight and now big q is a part of the land of women- pogtopia. now he's a part of pogtopia. i said pogtopia." tommy explained. to you, it was a horrible explanation.

"yeah! ..wait, you were going to do what schlatt and i?!" quackity asked. tommy easily brushed over his question, as did everyone else.

"why is part of the government here?" techno had finally gotten up to see what all the commotion was. "is she about to attack someone?" he gestured towards you as he stood beside wilbur. wilbur ignored all questions as he clapped like he was excited about tommy and quackity's arrival. "this is great! me and y/n were just about to go talk about something, and i think quackity and tommy will be thrilled to hear this!"

"what? i'm not going anywhere with him!" you argued.

"you'll be fine. this benefits you greatly." wilbur promised. "i need to go work on something, so you're on your own for this one." techno said. you could see him scrolling through his inventory like he usually did before he left for hours on end.

"where are you going?" dream inquired, skeptical of wilbur saying that you would be fine and benefit from whatever he had planned.

"somewhere that you do not need to know about, mr. dreamwastaken." wilbur glared at him before turning to the people he greatly preferred to talk to. you, tommy, tubbo, and techno. "tubbo.. go keep yourself occupied. maybe you could go mining and gather us some materials. and dream, go fuck yourself i guess." he was not happy about dream talking about how tommy's death would be funny.

-: (haha penis)

wilbur dug a hole into the stony wall of the hill that the manberg podium was built upon. quackity quickly went to welcoming himself in but was stopped by wilbur. "big q, big q, please. ladies first." wilbur said as he was the first to enter the tunnel. you heard quackity make a wheezing sound as he and tommy followed you and wilbur.

you knew exactly where wilbur had brought you. after all, you had picked this place out yourself.

1124 words

hey so if you have anything to tell me or any questions for me comment them here and ill check here every so often

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