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you had decided to stay the night at pogtopia. tommy had offered for you and tubbo to sleepover, so obviously you had to accept 🙄. you, being the unlucky one and the main character, couldn't sleep. despite the dim, dying campfire in the centre of the ravine where you had chosen to settle and your blanket, you were cold. you came to the realization that you always felt cold.

you had been shuffling around in your bed, listening to everyones quiet breathing.

tommy and tubbo were huddled up in some blankets that looked like they had been stolen, backs facing each other by the chests. they looked peaceful, unlike their usual loud, chaotic selves. wilbur and techno were closer to you and closer to the heat. the two teens had more blankets and each other's body heat, leaving you and the remaining others dependent on a dying flame.

you let out a quiet sigh, forcing your eyes to close. you rolled over to face the fire, nearly screaming and waking everyone up when you were met by someone's looming silhouette.

"quite moving. i can hear you and it's annoying." techno's voice was hushed, but it was still loud enough to show that he was agitated. "don't do that ever again. you nearly made me pass out from the fright." you rebuked. "sorry, i can't sleep. how the hell did you even hear me? you were completely knocked out." he pointed at his pig-hybrid ears. "maybe you should've passed out and stopped moving around. you cold?" you had wrapped yourself up in your blanket so you weren't surprises he figured it out. you nodded, making techno scoff. "get used to it."

(i was watching quackity stream and he was singing hey there delilah and i started crying and i had to take a break)


you woke up to the sound of voices, but kept your eyes closed. you were warm, which you didn't expected.

"i'm gonna shake her until she wakes up." you heard tommy say, his idea quickly being shot down by techno and surprisingly, wilbur.

"don't wake her. she was up late."

"no, tommy. what techno said. just leave her be, techno will get his mantle back when she wakes."

"why the hell does tommy need to be so loud." you groaned, your eyes finally opening. you found your source of unexpected warmth. techno's cloak had been placed over you, and goddamn was it hot and heavy to have on. how did he wear it all the time?

"good morning, y/n. we need to get back to manberg. someone will come looking for us." tubbo was the first to politely greet you. "right. just give me five minutes." you closed your eyes again, but was pulled off the edge of your mattress.

"up. i want it back. do i get a thank you?" techno dragged his cloak off of you. "hows your face?" you poked your cheek as you pulled yourself up. it still stung when you touched it. "my face is dying but still hot 💔. and tubbos right, we need to get back." you checked your inventory, making sure you had all your belongings. "right. schlatt exists." wilbur seemed much better after he had slept.

"see ya, big t." tommy and tubbo had been talking on the way up to the ravine, while wilbur decided to stay underground like he didn't really care who was coming or leaving. techno had decided to trail along. "bye, techno." techno hummed a response to your farewell.

the sun hurt your eyes when you emerged from underground. it was around noon. you had slept in longer than you liked.


you and tubbo headed up to the white house to say hello to schlatt.

"mr. president?" tubbo knocked on the door, welcoming himself in when he noticed the door was unlocked after jiggling the doorknob.

"dream, listen. i don't know shit. i don't know where the fuck your girlfriend is. go searching for her like you usually do." was the first thing you heard. schlatt was sitting at his desk, legs propped up on it. he was strangely calm as dream was glowering down at him with his blade held firmly in his hand.

"answer before i fucking slaughter you. schlatt, where is y/n?" of course dream would be worried. you had run off i on him and then didn't show up until the next day. "maybe if you took off that dumbass mask and and opened your eyes. she's right there." schlatt met your gaze, dream immediately spinning around at his words.

you were quickly engulfed by dream's embrace. tubbo stood beside you awkwardly, not knowing what to do. "holy shit, i was so scared. i thought schlatt had done something to you. where were you? are you hurt?" dream asked you, whispering so that schlatt couldn't hear him. "this is very heart warming and we could farm 'awws' but it's time for you to go, dream." schlatt dismissed dream. "i need to speak to my right hand men, and last time i checked you weren't one of them." he shot dream a fake smile, already gesturing him towards the door that had been left open. "please don't leave without telling me again. i'll be waiting outside for you." dream finally let go of you, letting you breath normally. his head was facing schlatt as he left, most likely glaring daggers at him that schlatt didn't feel.

"c'mon, sit down you two. we need to have a discussion!" schlatt spoke happily, but his mean vibe said otherwise. "where the fuck have you two been running off to? don't think i don't notice. tubbo was gone for a full day. y/n's disappeared more than once now. and last night neither have you were found. the podium hasn't even been rebuilt, y/n!" he questioned, hands slamming onto the desk and making you and tubbo flinch. you stayed silent as you came up with an excuse, but tubbo beat you to it.

"we've been looking for tommy and wilbur, mr. president! you said you wanted us to show them the door, but we haven't found them yet. sorry." to you, it sounded convincing. you couldn't tell what schlatt was thinking. "just what i expected from you two! i gave you a job and you're still sticking to it." he sounded like he bought the lie. "just tell me whenever you're going to leave manberg again, okay? especially you, y/n. dream's gonna keep stealing you if i don't do shit about it." you and tubbo nodded. "alright, schlatt. it seems reasonable." you had already gotten up. you wanted to get out of here. "get to work on that stage, y/n. we're gonna need it soon. i have something big planned."

1131 words

i was trying to be sarcastic and funny so i tried to say to some "yeah i watch dreamwastaken i know how to draw blobs" but instead i said "i watch dreamnotfound i can blob draw"

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