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tubbo had needed a moment's peace from the chaos and wall destruction happening in l'manberg, so he had fled to the remains of the van and had made you go with him. it was now mostly made up of wood, stone, and dirt.

"y/n, what do we do? what do we do? i- i'm so.. i just.." tubbo trailed off, looking like he had no words to describe his thoughts. you were at a loss for words, so you and tubbo sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes. you moved to sit on the van's broken down steps. "the walls are gone, tubbo." you forced yourself to get up. reentering the van, you saw tubbo staring longingly at the rows of brewing stands in the back of the van. "at the start of the war tommy went out and sapnap shot him and fundy had to help him." you stayed quiet, letting tubbo reminisce. "we stood around the table during the revolution when things look the most dire and you had been taken. tommy wasn't doing so well with that." you could hear the pain in his voice. "i miss them, y/n." "i know, tubbo. i do too." tubbo moved away from the brewing stands and into a corner, facing where the table would've been. "look, wilbur was standing there, tommy was there and fundy was there." tubbo pointed to corners and spots on the floors where your friends would have stood. "and.. wilbur asked me what supplies i had. i said i had nothing. tommy had nothing. fundy had nothing. wilbur had no- we all had nothing."

you followed him outside the van whilst also attempting to ignore some creeper explosions and distant shouting. "we then walked outside and we met them at the gate here." tubbo pointed as he walked to where the gate that fundy was in charge of would have stood. "where they detonated the tnt. you were there, right y/n?" you nodded to confirm his suspicions. "we ran back to the lake and then we went down tommy's contraption-" tubbo's tale telling (ooooh that sounds poggers) was interrupted by schlatt. "hey. what's up, schlatt?"

"heyy tubbo.. y/n. how're you doing?" schlatt greeted. "i just wanted to make sure everything's going to plan. i saw you two spending some time inside the, uh, the meth lab. doing anything.. interesting together? anyways, just checking in on you two because you are my right hand cohabitants." his topic quickly changed, luckily for you. "oh, we- yeah. we were just, y'know, remembering- reminiscing on past time." you stammered. "reminiscing?" schlatt echoed. "okay. i mean, that's fine. time and place for everything, but i mean, you two are on the clock so i expect you to carry out your duties as my right hand men (men can be used to refer to both men and women) and those duties do not include reminiscing! so, uh-" you interrupted to apologize with tubbo. "so yeah, let's.." schlatt had brought out a shovel and was starting to chip away at the dirt that made up some of the walls. "let's just start. c'mon." he said, expecting you and tubbo to follow his example. "oh, are we taking this down? schlatt-" you spoke before tubbo could finish. "you can't tear this down, schlatt! you've already taken the walls. i took down the signs, but i will not take down the van." schlatt shot you a smile. "we're only going to remodel it, don't worry." sounded like an empty promise to you. "this is history, schlatt. are you sure that's-" schlatt tossed tubbo the wooden shovel he had been using, nearly hitting him in the face again. luckily, tubbo caught it. "tubbo, take care of this shit hole. y/n, come with me. we have something we need to do." you didn't want to but it would probably be safest to follow schlatt, so that's what you did.

"wait, schlatt, i don't think this is the best idea. as your right hand man, i want to be a voice of reason. i'm sure what you have planned is amazing but i just think the history may be more valuable to the people and the people's opinions of you!" tubbo reasoned before you and schlatt could leave. "y'know what tubbo? i guess you do raise a good point. here." schlatt did the same with the dirt blocks he had broken like he had done with the shovel, tubbo catching it a lot more easily this time. "replace what i broke. it's the same dirt! now, come on y/n." tubbo mouthed to you the words "stay safe" before you turned to trail after schlatt.

"so, uh, schlatt. we're we going?" you asked. "this was the direction quackity said that tommy circled around to! tommg had returned to his shit-looking embassy illegally and taken stuff and had ran into quackity. stupid fuckin' kid, tried to be smart and mislead him." schlatt explained to you. "i thought we didn't ask questions, y/n. keep your head down and stay in your own fucking lane. anyways, i want you to find wilbur and tommy. make it hurt, be brutal. tubbo failed to do this simple task, but i know you won't, right y/n? you never fail me." schlatt stopped and turned around to face you, lifting your head up by your chin to look at him. "of course not, schlatt. have i ever failed you before?" you gave him what he wanted to hear. schlatt paused before speaking again. "you have never. go find them." he dismissed you.


wherever they had hid, tommy and wilbur had hid well. you were in the middle oak forest  you also had no idea where you were. it was night, why had schlatt sent you out at night? fortunately, you had seen no mobs. 

"wilbur! tommy!" you were calling their names every five to ten minutes of so. they wouldn't have run farther than this, would they? wilbur would for sure want to still be close to l'manberg and the dream  smp.

the sound of hollow horse hooves rumbling against the earth alerted you that someone or something was near, making you clutch your sword harder and scan your surroundings. an arrow flew past you, nearly grazing your cheek. that wasn't meant to hit you, it was a warning shot. you stumbled backwards as a skeleton horse charged towards you but was abruptly stopped just before hitting you. you slowly lowered your arms from shielding your face.

a tall man, maybe around dream or tommy's height, was pointing a sword at you from the horses back. he wore elegant, king like clothes. a redd cape draped over his shoulders and expensive jewelry really topped off his fit. his pink hair was long and tied into a messy low ponytail. you couldn't see his eyes, as he wore what seemed to be a pig skull over his eyes and nose like dream did. the skull didn't seem real though, but it looked cool to you. he had pig like ears instead of normal human ones, and when he opened his mouth to speak you could see large, sharp canines.

"who are you. why are you here." these seemed more like demands than questions. his monotone voice had caught you off guard. "i'm looking for some people. who are you?" you answered his words with questions. "have you seen them. a teen younger than me with blondish hair helping an injured adult with brown hair and a beanie? both wearing uniforms?" you were trying to sound friendly to not get killed. "by chance, are you y/n? looking for tommyinnit and wilbur soot?" he lowered the sword yet still stayed on guard. you nodded eagerly. "please say you know them." the mystery man sighed, turning his horse around and walking at a slower speed. "are you coming?" you didn't know you had to follow him, so you sprinted a few blocks to catch up to him. "who are you?" you asked again. still no reply. if wherever tommy and wilbur are is farther away than you expected, this was going to be a long trip.

why did i try so hard on techno's appearance
1379 words

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