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(people who comment stuff like saying they love me or wish they could be my friend just fuel my already inflated superiority complex thanks shawty 😋  /hj)

wilbur had told you that the tnt below manberg was gone and had told that to tommy and quakity when you and him returned to manberg. this worried them, adding onto the stress of having to stand on the tips of their toes to not step on any buttons placed on the ground. everyone was to scared to take any of the buttons down in fear of accidentally triggering on and killing everyone in pogtopia. plus, there were two many to take down in the time that tommy wanted to. but, wilbur had quickly shut up about the tnt going missing like something had clicked in his mind.

you all stood at the bottom of the ravine, feet light and placed carefully. wilbur had started pressing some of the ones around him but quackity and tommy quickly, but carefully, broke the ones around him and you.

you were completely frozen. some tiny anxious voice inside of your head had convinced you that even if you barely moved you would trigger the explosives.

"wilbur! this is your home, don't blow it up!" tommy said, lifting his axe once again to rip a button off the stone walls. "oh, i don't have a home. let's be honest." wilbur capriciously said to tommy's disbelief. "don't touch them, will. seriously." tommy warned again. if you were wilbur you wouldn't anger or worry the dangerously rambunctious kid with an axe.

"yeah, will. lets not touch them." you breathed. only wilbur could hear you and even if he did he ignored you.

"this is wonderful." wilbur's sudden change of mood spoke with light laughter. he started pacing up and down the ravine, the heels of his boots carelessly striding over the probably-active buttons.

"wilbur, lets not. schlatt said he rigged bombs around here." quackity had also been helping tommy break some of the buttons. "one of these will detonate a bomb." tommy explained as if wilbur wasn't there when schlatt had went on about tnt and pogtopia.

"i don't think it will." wilbur paused, making everyone come to an abrupt stop behind him, and quickly dismissed the idea, completely contradicting his early worries about the buttons scattered around. "if the tnt isn't under manberg then where is it?" tommy questioned.

"i think schlatt was tricking us." you chimed in as you followed wilbur and his trail of buttons tommy and quackity had destroyed.

"we can go and check." wilbur pointed his thumb at him and you. "i only dug two blocks behind the button because i wanted to get back to you three because i know you can barely handle yourselves. there may be more tnt further back."

you simply nodded in agreement. "there was a shit ton of tnt there. he couldn't have possibly moved it all on his own. it doesn't matter anyways. dream-"

"dream gave us a couple more stacks. it's not the end of the world." wilbur interrupted. "well, you don't need to use any of them." tommy suggested, knowing full well he was still trying to stop you. wilbur scoffed. "well, no, but we will. we want to."

"listen to me. the meeting didn't go as planned but there are things we can do. there are things we can do!" just based on quackity's tone you knew he was losing patience.

you heard wilbur huff in annoyance as he rolled his eyes and started making his way to the stairs with a small "c'mon y/n."

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