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(diluc <333)

"i would like you to read this from page fifteen and up." fundy requested as he handed the journal over to wilbur.

"page fifteen?" wilbur spoke in disbelief as he searched for the mentioned page number. "there are twenty fucking pages of this- holy shit." you watched as wilbur's dark eyes widen as they quickly skimmed over the parchment. "fundy, did you do this?" fundy nodded in response to wilbur's question. told him to read it aloud for everyone.

"just read from that page. ignore any warnings." fundy instructed.

"'the following is confidential information. if you are caught in possession of this diary an immediate execution may result by authority. schlatt has a severe addiction to alcohol and cigarettes and rely on them to suppress his aching body. he is unwilling to get it checked due to his pride '" wilbur took a moment to laugh lightly at the obvious. "'if this continues to progress he may suffer from fatal consequences." a pause. "'schlatt is incapable of swimming. from further inspection this seems to be a form of muscle atrophy. he uses protein supplements to maintain an abnormal amount of strength. he seems to get slightly weaker everyday."

"atrophy?" tommy leaned into you as he whispered the word, his voice peaking up in question.

"body tissue or organs wasting away." you defined it for him. tommy asked if this good. "well, no. but if we're talking about schlatt and if this benefits us in our current state? yes, absolutely." wilbur had finished speaking to let you and tommy carry on with your interruption. you nodded, silently telling him to continue his read aloud.

"'schlatt is unaware of manberg's current state. he is unaware of how in reality he stands alone. schlatt has no power, his entire stand is a facade. in fact, he is in his weakest point as we speak.'"

you fist bumped the air in celebration for this good news.

"i fucking knew it!" quackity clapped unexpectedly and startling fundy beside him. "what's a facade?" tommy took this pause to speak up louder.

"it's like a.. it's like a deceptive front." wilbur explained as quackity excitedly bounced around distractedly.

"what do you want from this? is this a trade? do you want to trade something with us for this information." quackity questioned.

"what do you mean 'what do you want from this?'" wilbur called as he backed up from the group to either go get something from the many chests or pace out of sight. tommy, who was about to say something to wilbur, turned to look for him and face him. instead, tommy came face to face with a tall, dark hooded figure with horns poking out of the top. he screamed like a little girl and stumbled backwards out of shock.

you recognized him as badboyhalo, or bad for short. you remember him being very sweet and kind towards you. he stood there silently, smiling at tommy wordlessly and tilting his head to the side as the younger nearly walked into him and jumped back into you, screaming a string of curses at the man. he must have just arrived since wilbur didn't see him.

"what- oh! fuck!" wilbur's eyes widened as he rejoined the group, also surprised to see bad and maybe even startled to see the dark persona.

"curse to scare him away!" quackity said as bad sweetly greeted everyone. "fuckfuckfuck!" he blurted. tommy joined in as well, also shouting rude profanities at the poor guy.

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