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dream had you cornered. the way that you thought led back to l'manberg lead to a river, with open plains and hills on the other side. you had your back pressed up against a quartz building with purple glass.
(yes, i know church prime wasn't built before the war. just imagine it is, since no one will build it during the story.)
you could tell dream knew exactly where you were, and was now pretending that he didn't for the amusement. you inched over the the next wall and dream was close to rounding that corner.

you could hear the green bastard laughing. it sent shivers down your spine.

you made and run towards the forest again and scrambled up a tree. you knew dream had watched you. you made sure that you were hidden amongst the leaves as you looked down towards the ground again. dream was circling the group of trees that your hiding spot was in. "y/n, where are you? we need to go back home." this land definitely wasn't your home. it will never be. you refused to let that happen.

once dream was at the tree farthest away from you, you had no other option but to jump down and run. dream ran after you as you dodged trees and nearly tripped on a small hole hidden beneath leaves. you stopped for a moment, turned in the direction that you knew l'manberg was in, and bolted that way. you just wanted to get back to l'manberg. back to your home.

you were tackled roughly to the ground. you and dream rolled for a couple of seconds, with you swinging your hands out and attempted to get him away from you at any chance you had.

dream now had you pinned against the ground, his black netherite sword threatening to stab you through your skull "i thought i told you to behave, but it seems like you don't know how to listen." dream's voice held a frightening tone. you stayed silent. "now how about we go back and get some sleep before i stab you?" you shook your head. "let me go, you bitch! i need to get home!" it seemed like dream was getting a kick out of your despair. (junko enoshima much?) dream's sword disappeared and was replaced by rope, which he firmly tied around your wrists to hold them together. he forced you up and you wanted to take a step away from him and make a second run for it, but the blond held a tight grip on your arm. he dragged you behind him as you refused to follow him, but instead of taking you to the community building, he took you to a much larger one. it had four towers, making it resemble a castle in someway.

"dream! i lost tommy. i'm guessing he made it back to l'manberg." you smiled as george greeted dream as you and him entered the building. that was the only good thing that came out of this episode. "we don't need tommy. y/n's more valuable. i've seen her fight, and in comparison to tommy, she's better."
"why is she here?"
"we need to keep better eye on her. i can tell that she wants to run again."
"then where is she staying?"
"we have that smaller spare room beside mine. she will go there."
george nodded, him and dream now being the ones to smile. "she will stay here when i go meet with wilbur in the morning, so have one of you posted outside of her room at all times, and make sure that the window is locked." he was meeting with wilbur? "you have to let me talk with wilbur! i have to see if everyone is alright." you pleaded, now stopping your glaring. "tough luck. i'm going alone." you gave a disappointed look. "actually, wilbur said he wanted you to bring y/n with you." they were talking as if you weren't there.

george made sure that you were following dream up a staircase by following behind you. "welcome home." cheerfully, dream unlocked a door to reveal a nice bedroom. there was a double bed, a large window sill with enough space to sit in, a closest or a dresser (you didn't really know what to classify it as), a desk and a chair, a carpet, and a beanbag chair in a corner. "i'll bring you food before we go, since you didn't get any yesterday." dream gently shoved you in and went to examine the window. he claimed it was okay. "sweet dreams." without any other words, dream and george left the room. you heard the door lock. right away, you checked the window. fuck. its locked. dream wasn't messing around now. you rested your forehead against the glass and watched as the breath from your nose made it fog up.

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