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you were supposed to get the discs back today, but you had barely slept last night. shlatt coming back into your life had kept you up, and dream siding with him wasn't helping you either. you hadn't been as "friendly" towards dream as you usually would have been today.

you knocked on his bedroom door. dream kept the discs in his enderchest, so you always had to ask him to give them to you so you could listen to them. "dream❓could i come in❓" you asked. "one minute.. okay, come in." you assumed he needed time to get his mask on. sometimes you wondered what he looked like underneath the piece of ceramic, but it was none of your business. "could i have mellohi and cat to listen to while i'm outside❓" you asked once you entered his room. dream nodded, going over to his enderchest and pulling them out. "i'll come help you. i need something to do at the moment." you tried to stop dream from following you. it would mess up the plan. "oh, thanks, but you really don't have to." you told him, putting out your hand, expecting dream to give the discs to you. "but i want to. i love being with you. let's go." dream pulled you out of his room by your hand. you kept telling him he didn't have to help you, but he kept on insisting he should.

you sighed quietly, and asked dream to pick up the jukebox and bring it over to a patch of flowers near hedges that you knew wilbur, tommy, and tubbo would be behind. fuck, what if dream noticed themthey should be hiding, right
"y/n, about schlatt-"
"i don't want to talk about him."
you hissed, watching dream break the jukebox down into a small block size that was easier to carry. he placed it down where you asked him too. "y/n, you've made the place look very pretty. a perfect place for someone as beautiful as you should be in." you tried to ignore his compliment as dream started to play mellohi and placed cat on top of the jukebox, but you couldn't help but give him a small smile. "stop playing 🤪🥶"  "i'm not. i really do think your gorgeous."

you barely even blinked as a flash of yellow and brown launched them self through the hedges and at dream. you had been waiting. tommy and tubbo also burst out from the bushes, wielding swords and armor, cursing and grumbling as they got caught on branches and leaves got stuck in their hair.

"fuck. this was a shitty idea. y/n❗️- wait.." tommy greeted you when he pulled himself together. you nodded your head at him, waiting for him to go along with the script. "y/n, hand over the discs." tubbo demanded, pointing the sword at you as you backed up. tommy copied him. they weren't the most intimidating. wilbur, on the other hand, was having a skirmish with dream on the ground. dream was trying to get wilbur away from him while wilbur was trying to pin him down 😳, to which dream managed to kick wilbur away, whip out his sword, and stand protectively in front of you. this bitch was fucking the plan up. "point a sword at y/n again, and i'll make sure you go down the painful way." dream threatened, probably ready to kill them on the spot. god, that man was scary. "dream, hand over the discs." tommy tried to act unfazed by dream's words. "never. you gave them up for l'manberg's independence. they're now rightfully mine." as dream and tommy went back and forth, you had slowly been inching towards the juke box. you ejected mellohi and grabbed the other. you ran and shoved dream out of the way and towards the ground. "tommy❗️catch❗️" you were about to throw the discs at the tall blonde, but dream had almost immediately gotten back on his feet and intervened. "y/n⁉️ what are you doing❓" he seemed distraught, and his voice showed it as he slid and tripped you, sending you tumbling towards the ground and knocking the discs out of your hand.

sapnap and george, hearing the commotion, came running outside to see what was going on. they quickly sprung into action, sapnap scooping the discs off the ground and george standing his ground against tommy and tubbo. wilbur, who had hit his head on a rock when he had been thrown away, was regaining his composure and holding his head. dream was straddling you, his sword blade being pressed up to your neck. he had gotten the memo that you had betrayed him. "don't you even fucking dare touch her with that sword." tommy was about to run over and help you, but was stopped by sapnap lunging at him with his sword. (lung 🫁)
"i thought you were on my side, y/n." your frightened gaze was met with dream's now cracked mask, who's voice was breaking beneath it. you could see one of his eyes. it was green.  "i never was, dream." you whispered as wilbur shakily ran and tossed dream off you. he offered you a hand to help you, which you took. you saw that the two newcomers, thunder and nihachu you presumed, had arrived, but l'manberg clearly hadn't predicted dream and his team to be here.
"we can't get the discs, they overpower us❗️"
"but wilbur, we overpower them! we can take 'em-"
"no. no we can't. they will always beat us in battle. we need to retreat, now. that is an order."
wilbur was serious now, and tommy had begun backing away from sapnap, tubbo doing the same with george. "y/n, you need to come back to l'manberg. it won't be safe for you here anymore." you nodded. you would finally be back home.

dream grabbed your hand before you could leave with wilbur, who stayed with you as tommy and everyone else waited for you. "y/n, you can't leave. i'm not letting you leave. you said you liked it here!" you stared back at him, a glare plastered on your face. dream stared back, hurt. distraught. "dream, i fucking hate you. why would i side with you. i even hinted to you that i could act, but you still trusted me. i would say i'm sorry, but i can't say it honestly." you snapped, roughly pulling your hand back. your words broke dream, who had nothing else to say as you quickly left.

yet, a twinge of guilt rested within you.


"y/n, welcome back to l'manberg❗️" tommy yelled as you followed everyone through the l'manberg gates.

on the walk home, you had managed to finally have a good talk with everyone. tommy, tubbo, fundy, and wilbur, were all ecstatic that you were returning, and you had introduced yourself to thunder and nihachu. they told you to call them jack a niki.

it was like a war never happened. the walls were perfect again, the camaravan was completely fixed, and your home was intact❗️"it's like dream never happened to this place." you were extremely happy to be back. you missed everyone dearly, and you would finally be able to wreak havoc with tommy and tubbo again. "tubbo and fundy worked very hard to rebuild l'manberg. tommy❓ not so much." wilbur told you as you spoke to fundy and tubbo. "i need sleep. wilbur, when i wake, i must speak to you about something important. you're not gonna like it."

wow yes i can totally write about conflict

1311 words

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