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there was a hard silence once wilbur spoke.

"tommy, are we the bad guys? we just kind of made ourselves the leaders and then we had a vote.. and he won, which was completely legal.. and now we're trying to over throw him. it feels like we're the bad guys, tommy. y/n agrees with me."

tommy turned to you, both confusion and seriousness painting his face.

"we're the bad guys." you repeated, it no longer being a question but a definite answer. "schlatt and quackity legally won and now we're trying to over throw him and take over by force just because we don't agree with what he's doing." wilbur picked up the pace again, making you and tommy follow him because neither of you wanted to be left behind. "are we the villains?" it was a question that wasn't directed to anyone. it was just you thinking out loud. tommy looked down, not wanting to meet you or wilbur's crazed gazes.

"no." that was possibly the worst lie you've ever heard tommy tell. "why not?" wilbur pressed. "because.. because we started l'manberg and we should've won that vote." tommy was at a loss for words and was trying to figure out what to say to his two friends who seemed to be going off the deep end. "that's what we're saying, tommy! the people thought differently and we lost. now we want to take over manberg by using force." you were starting to yell, scaring off some birds in overhanging branches. "we are the bad guys, tommy. don't you understand?"

"tommy, we allowed the coalition. on the day they said they were going to make a coalition, we allowed it. our cockiness, our arrogance got ahead of us. we said 'yes, coalition governments are allowed.' tommy, i agree with y/n. i think we are the bad guys." wilbur explained. "look, we all know we're in the right. we're in the right here, tommy, y/n?" the dim light of the torch placed outside pogtopia was becoming visible. "i mean yeah. we're always in the right." there goes tommy being tommy.

"there it is, tommy. that fucking arrogance of yours. if you and wilbur weren't so goddamn prideful and cocky, we wouldn't be in this mess!" wilbur shushed you, not wanting his rambling to be interrupted.
"then lets be the bad guys. why not? y/n and i have already talked." wilbur's voice raised an octave. "our nations gone, tommy. the walls, the first van.. my own son has forsaken and betrayed me!" you nodded, agreeing with everything that wilbur was saying. "i loved l'manberg, and now i realized its been the source of all my pain. i want it all to go away. i need it to go away. it hurts so much." you were now whispering.

"let's blow that motherfucker to smithereens." wilbur said softly. "i say-"

"i say if we can't have manberg..  no one can. manberg will only be a memory." you laughed, interrupted wilbur's dramatic talk. instead of it being your normal, happy laugh, it was the chilling sound of you falling into insanity.

you wanted to rid the world of manberg. your pent up fury, confusion, and madness was finally being let out. tommy was trying to calm both of you.

"i think we can take it back because-" unlike you and wilbur who were speaking loudly, tommy was trying to speak calmly. "this is a new era. i want the fucking place burned down." wilbur didn't let the teen speak his reasoning. "i want no more vans, no more podiums or walls, no more citizens there. not even anymore say of it's name! i want it all gone!" you said the last bit in a singsong voice, making tommy uneasy.  "i want no more crops to grow there every again. i want fucking- i want it gone!" everyone went quiet, the only sounds being noises from the surrounding forest and heavy breathing trying to recover from shouting.

"wilbur, i-"

"tommy, lets be villains."

tommy sighed, asking you and wilbur for a minute to think. "ever since you were kicked out you've had time to think about it! i don't know how long it's been, but its been enough." wilbur put an open hand out towards you, making you stop talking. he wanted to have the lead role as the bad guy.

"think about what? you've had days. maybe weeks, i don't know. you've had long enough to think about what we should do."

"wil- wilbur i need a minute!"

wilbur started to stammer on his words as tommy kept asking for a moment to think, wilbur storming after tommy as he fled down into the ravine with you following behind.

"i just- give me a minute, wilbur." tommy slammed the spruce door closed behind him as he enter techno's potato room. the horse that was usually outside pogtopia was gone so you guessed techno was too. you heard the door click as it was locked. "open this fucking door, tommy! we've given you a shitload of minutes, get the hell out here!" wilbur aggressively banged his fist on the wood to the point where it looked like it would fall off the hinges that were screwed terribly into the stone wall. muffled sounds of mumbling and items hitting walls could be heard from the other side. "i will knockdown this door, tommy! are you with us or not?" you rammed your shoulder into the door in an attempt to open it forcefully but from the shadow you could see under the door it looked like tommy was either sitting or standing in front of it.

"i need to talk to technoblade." wilbur whispered to you. "he's either sleeping, grinding for stuff at his place or gathering potatoes, he's never anything else." techno would be on your side, right? he was against the government, after all.

"but you don't have the compass."

"but i don't have the compass."

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