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tw: mentions of toxic friendship, i guess? just thought this may be important because ive seen many other people put tws

his words made you freeze.

little killer. you had hated when he called you that three years ago.

"y/n?" dream said, bringing you back from whatever land you were in at the moment.

"no. don't call me that."
"you were my favourite person back in h/n (hometown name). i decided that once you killed your family like i had asked.
george and sapnap were watching this whole ordeal go down like 🧍👁 👄 👁 . "i.. i didn't kill them. that was you. i would never."
denial. after years, you were still in denial. thats why you had lied to dream about how your parents died. you couldn't believe it was you who had murdered the most important people in your life, your beloved family.


he watched as tears began to stream down your face. "y/n, dear, that was most definitely you. it felt like yesterday you had returned to me with blood splattered on you and your sword." jschlatt was calm, like he knew that he was being a shitty person and was fine with it. dream stood, reaching to grab y/n's hand to comfort and calm her down, but she aggressively pulled her hand away from him. "you didn't give me any other choice❗️you would have killed them anyway. i had to do it the painless way." the poor girl's voice broke as she spoke. "wouldn't you love to rule beside me, like we had done back then, when everything was great❓it sounds like you're being trapped here, and that won't happen when i win this election. i'll need someone to remove of those who irritate me, and i know the perfect little killer for the job❗️". dream had had enough. he couldn't stand to see another tear fall from one of y/n's pretty eyes again. "thats enough. schlatt, we've agreed on this deal. don't make me take it back. i think it's time for you to leave. george, sapnap." dream nodded at his two awkward friends, who led schlatt out.

"y/n, please don't cry. come on, lets go upstairs. i think sap and george have had enough drama today." dream tried to joke as he led y/n up to her room, but it seemed to make it worse. y/n wasn't speaking. only sobs came from her as she followed like an animal on a lead and was forced somewhere. the masked man held y/n against him as they sat on her bed, letting her cry it out. "that didn't happen. schlatts not here. i'm dreaming."

more denial.

"love, i'm sorry, but you're wide awake. everything will be fine when i'm here."
"i didn't want to kill them. it's not my fault."
"of course it's not your fault. it sounds like he has made you experience some terrible stuff. i'll make sure he doesn't go near you if he wins."
"i lied to you. i don't want to think i killed them. i'm sorry if you're mad at me."
"it's perfectly alright. i'm not mad at you at all, i don't blame you. i'll give you some space, alright?" dream started to get up, but y/n wrapped her arms around his neck in a tight embrace. "don't go." she sounded helpless. "if you say so. i won't go anywhere." dream froze when she grabbed onto him, but forced himself to relax again. y/n's cries soon shifted into shaky, unsteady breathes as she calmed down.
"i always had to fake around him. i couldn't show that i was scared or hated him, he would kill me. so i put on an act when i was with him, always agreeing to whatever he said and doing whatever he wanted. it worked perfectly, and he never noticed."
"i understand, y/n. calm down, everything's alright."

she was here, in his arms willingly.

something inside of him hoped this moment would never end.

681 words

i had to get the plot moving

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