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(sorry guys. took a quick break)

dream's soft humming was comforting. it was a tune that seemed familiar yet you couldn't place a finger on what it was. (knowing dream its probably the speedrun music or something idk whatever floats your boat bud💃🕺💃🕺)
you hadn't slept for long and the moon was now high in the sky, but dream hadn't noticed you were awake again. you could see that his mask was laying in the grass and you didn't know if you should look up or not.

he had light freckles scattered on his cheeks with a scar the ran over one eye and over the bridge of his nose, causing the iris to be foggy and white. you wondered if he was he blind in that eye. you had to admit he was pretty, although you would never say it out loud. your totally existing ego was too phat for that.

dream's gaze, which was staring off into who knows what, quickly flicked down to face you as he felt you move to look up at him. his eyes widened as he realized you were awake and turned away, blocking you from seeing his face.

"wait, no, let me look at you." you placed a hand on his cheek and tried to make him look at you. "please?" you asked as dream sighed, reluctantly turning back to face you.

"pretend you saw nothing." he place his hand over yours pressing your palm closer against his skin. dream tried to change the subject. "we should go home. i've already heard a few mobs around." you didn't let him. "why do you wear the mask?" you genuinely wanted to know. you doubted dream would tell you his actual reason. "i feel safer with it on. less vulnerable." dream's voice was louder and sharper. you took this as a sign that he wanted to drop the topic. "sorry. just curious." he shrugged off your apology, saying it was fine.


dream had held your hand tightly as he lead you back home in a peaceful stillness.

"goodnight." dream whispered to you, you standing in your doorway. it surprised you when he placed a gentle kiss on your forehead then rested his chin on the top of your head. "i love you. i'll see you in the morning." dream spoke so tenderly you could barely hear him. you couldn't tell if he was being serious but you felt the heat rush to your face at the small gesture.

"alright, dream. goodnight." you whispered back to him as dream hesitantly let you go. he gave you a last goodnight and let you shut your door. you tried to make the minimum amount of noise as you collapsed into bed.

dream wondered if he has said the right thing after you had dismissed his words so easily.


"wilbur wouldn't do that." you spoke freely. schlatt had been telling you how he was thinking of destroying the white house and rebuilding a better one. he did say that he wouldn't follow through with the plan in a little while but you were still against the thought.

"do i look like fucking wilbur to you? the answer is no, stupid bitch." you heard schlatt mutter the last remark. his sharp words hurt you quite a bit, but you tried not to show it. "do you really miss wilbur and tommy that badly that you have to bring him up in every goddamn conversation we have?" he gradually got louder, making you flinch. "well, what do you think? they, i don't know, gave me a place to live, were actually nice to me, were fun to be with..." you counted on your fingers as you listed out what wilbur and tommy had done for you.

schlatt spun around in his chair so that he could look out the window behind his desk. "now that i think of it... didn't they abandon you?" he brought up, leaving you confused. "of course not. you were the one who forced them out." you reminded.

"i know, i know. but really think about it. they had plenty of time to take you with them when they were kicked out, right? you were there. you should know."

"schlatt, i really don't think-"

"have they come back for you? have they made any kind of contact with you at all?"


"there's my point exactly. they abandoned you. they never came back for you. they never cared for you in the first place! but guess who does?"

was schlatt right? the more you thought about it, the more him and his deceitful words made sense. wilbur and tommy did have plenty of time to drag you out of manberg with them before wilbur was shot. they said they would come back for you but they never did. wilbur had been acting more cold towards you and hadn't even made an attempt to make room for you or tubbo to stay permanently in pogtopia. "who, schlatt?" you already knew the answer before schlatt was able to answer.

"me, of course. i did come looking for you and i gave you a place in manberg and i did always care for you. isn't that right, y/n? i haven't left you behind like those l'manberg dipshits did, have i?" did wilbur and tommy purposely leave you behind in manberg? were you even meant to meet techno and learn about the whereabouts of pogtopia. it did make sense, but you didn't want to let yourself be convinced so easily by this man.

"i'm done with this shitty conversation. i'll see you around at some point, jschlatt."  you released yourself against schlatt's angry wishes, who demanded you returned back to your seat when you got up and started to leave on your own. you ignored his pressuring insists and showed yourself to the door. you needed time to think about this. schlatt couldn't be right, could he? of course wilbur and tommy wouldn't abandon you. especially tommy, who was always looking for a free moment to socialize with you.


1051 words

sorry about the tiny hiatus. i just lost
motivation for a solid week 🕳 💃 💨  it was totally not swag

also who the hell added this fanfic to a reading list called "sapnap🤪" i think you might have the wrong bitch 🥸

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