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(guys idk if you can tell but i have absolutely no motivation to complete this BUT I WILL. I WILL FINISH THIS DAMN FIC IF ITS THE LAST THING I DO. I WILL PERSEVERE 💪 this is a filler chapter so its real short because im saving the last bit of motivation i have)

the war for manberg was tomorrow. all the suitable war preparations had been readied and all the plans had been perfected. there was nothing left to do except speak in hushed voices and sit in heavy quietness as everyone waited for the inevitable bloodshed. tommy and tubbo were confident that they would make it out of this war alive and with l'manberg won and they started planning out future l'manberg.

wilbur and techno sat in a weighted silence with you a a few feet away from them, wilbur occasionally trying to stir up a conversation only to be hit with one worded answers or hummed replies. nobody was up to talk.

everyone had begun to piss you off in the days counting up to the war. you hadn't realized how irritating everyone was, with the silent and brooding techno as an exception, before you began being true to yourself and saw l'manberg as the problem.

with your lack of sleep and the stress of the upcoming war laying heavy on your shoulders, you had become more rude, more easily frustrated. you found yourself either yelling from frustration or snapping rudely at others.

wilbur was always bossing everyone around. he was constantly talking over everyone, especially tommy, and never let you speak during important meetings or gatherings. his words were always ended with your cruel remarks and attempted to be peaceful discussions almost always ended with arguments.

tommy and tubbo's usually comforting loudness had become an uncomfortable pain in the ass. for some strange reason they still saw you as part of their friend group and would bring you along into their chaos or petty fights. you just wanted to be left alone, so this ticked you off. you found yourself saying things to them that you in the past would never even think about. eventually it ended up to you resorting to violence and physically shoving them away, your empty threats about harming them soon becoming filled with truth.

you were becoming abusive and irritable and you knew it. and you hated yourself for it. so you distanced yourself from everyone and tried to speak to them as little as possible. even your secret meetings with dream became scarce in fear of you hurting the person you loved the most. the only person you allowed around you was techno, but that was because he was usually quiet and never got you to speak when you didn't want to.

maybe this war was good for you. this was giving you a chance to completely disappear and remove yourself from everyone's lives. everything was so peaceful before you stumbled upon young l'manberg and you ruined it.

maybe you should see dream one last time. you would be going to war against him, or at least acting like it. it was around late afternoon was you new dream would still be waiting for you at your meeting spot in a clearing in the forest. he always stayed there until ungodly hours waiting for you even if you didn't show up for a day or two. but maybe you shouldn't. what if you treated him like you had started to treat everyone around you? you didn't want your last meeting to be a bitter one. you would prefer bittersweet if anything.

you eventually decided against it, telling yourself it would be better to stay in pogtopia to rest for the big day tomorrow.

you heard your name and looked up from your knees hugged against your chest to tommy and tubbo who had quickly gone quiet as you stared at them in an expectant manner. they exchanged a glance as they silently debated between speaking to you or saying it was nothing. they quickly decided on the latter. "oh, it's nothing. just.. planning." tubbo stammered as he met your cold stare. there was a moment where you all just stared at each other before the two teens went back to conversing.

you let out the breathe you had been holding. not even your ex-best friends would happily speak to you. and it was your fault and you knew you deserved it. even if they were acting happy and excited, you could sense and see how tense and tired they were.

you felt bad for them. they were young and were already experiencing war and death and betrayal. they were going through experiences someone their age shouldn't be experiencing. but you also had no room to talk. you were only a couple years older than them and had gone through everything they're going through right now and you knew that worse was yet to come. but everything will be fine soon. they will go back to having peaceful lives and living how they should be, happy and war free.

everything will be fine when l'manberg is gone.

everything will be fine when you're gone.


829 words sorry short

i really said i wasnt going to watch squid game because of the gore and then stayed up till 4AM with keavaneti watching it. #67 is hot

what are yall being for halloween im just going as tsukasa from tbhk like i did last year because im lazy and dont want to look for a new costume and tsukasa is still my favourite person

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2021 ⏰

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