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"dream wants war."
you said as you barged into the president's home. "mhm...what?" wilbur asked, still half asleep and startled. you gave him a minute to recover from the shock, wake up, and sit down in a chair before telling him you snuck out and repeating what dream had told you to say. you didn't say that tommy snuck out. if he wanted wilbur to know, he would tell him himself. "...fuck." wilbur whispered, placing his elbow on the table and resting his forehead on his hand. "if dream wants war, he will get a war. i'll tell the others and we'll start preparing tomorrow morning." you took this as a sign that you were dismissed and started to leave. "and Y/N." you stopped. "you are certainly not off the hook for sneaking out." you groaned, lightly punching the wall. you thought you had gotten away with it.
(time skip)
it was now morning, and wilbur was telling the men that they were going to go to war. he started giving everyone jobs, like making armour and weapons, or building towers. you and everyone else nodded and listened. tommy was excited to kick dream's ass. tubbo, of course, was also excited. eret seemed... oddly calm about the situation. 'sus.'

you had started replanting new crops, this time beside your house and inside the safety of l'manberg walls. it was peaceful, and you liked it, beside's tommy and tubbo's loud planning that will probably never work. eret was off working on god knows what, and fundy and wilbur were making weapons and armours.

"tommy, you said we'd make potions now." you heard tubbo complain. "ah, perfect. lots and lots of drugs. lets get to work, big man! Y/N, you're coming too! farmings boring!" tommy called to you, making you sigh and reluctantly drag yourself over to them. farming and feeding the animals was peaceful, and if would get you and l'manberg extra food for the war. before you had started replanting, you had built a small pen for the pigs and had fed them carrots. maybe you'll have a baby pig soon! "what potions are we making?" you asked tubbo. he seemed to know what he was doing. "i think we should make harming and poison splash potions to use on dream, and strengh potions for us." the boy said after thinking about it for a moment. "ooh~. good idea. what do we need? you two will have to tell me what to do, since i have never made a potion in my life!" you laughed softly. "me and tommy already have netherwart and spider's eyes, so now we need to make some bottles and gunpowder to make them splash potions!" you nodded to show that you were listening to tubbo. "i have some gunpowder at my place. you and tommy go make the bottles." you instructed, already running off towards your home.

"no- tommy! a normal spider eye to make a poison potion! a fermented one will make a potion of weakness!" tubbo was trying to tell tommy what to do, but as usual, tommy was his own man. you always laughed at your guys' mishaps. "no... oh shit, wait. you're right. sorry big man." tommy quickly realized is mistake when the awkward potion turned into a potion of weakness when he added a fermented spider eye instead of a normal one into the brewing stand. "god.. just listen to me." you could tell tubbo was now tired of tommy's repeated mistakes. "you can't tell me shit, bitch!" tubbo facepalmed and dragged his hand down his face as tommy said that. it just made you laugh harder. "okay, tommy, lets be serious now." you quickly recovered. you started making poison potions like tubbo had taught you.

the van had an odd amount of brewing stands in it. tommy had told you they were for making lots and lots of drugs and that they were all stolen. you handed half of the poison potions off to tommy and tubbo. "you make harming potions with poison potions, right?"
"we can use these to make harming potions. i'll start making the other half of the poison potions into splash potions."
"great! thanks for your help, Y/N!"
tubbo thanked you. you added in gunpowder to make them into splash potions of poison and picked up the first one that was ready. "...what if i drop this right now? like, on purpose?" you asked, the urge to smash it on the ground this instant came to you instantly. "Y/N, i swear to god, if you do that, i'll start stabbin' shit." tommy sounded so british right now.

someone knocked on the van door. right, you and tommy had decided to lock it so that no one could interrupt your potion making. "uhm, we're kinda busy right now." you called. "Y/N. let me in. i need to know what you're doing." was it... eret? you couldn't really tell who it was from the muffled voice. whoever it was, you heard them start to unlock the door. "i-uh- have a weap- potion! a potion! oh. it's you." you froze, you arm in the air like you were about to throw the potion on the ground. tubbo was laughing, and tommy was trying to stifle laughter, clearly trying to look serious. "you're making... potions?" wilbur asked. had tubbo not told him his plan to completely destroy them with poison. "it was tommy's idea!" you pointed at tommy like a child. you were an adult.

you could never pin something on tubbo. he was too pog 😌.

"no- what the hell?! it was tubbo's!" now it was tommy's turn to point.

what the fuck, tommy? right after i said that tubbo was very pog?

now wilbur just looked plain confused. "...you're not.. in trouble? i just thought- never mind. what are you making?" he took the green liquid filled bottle that you were holding, nearly dropping it. "thats poison. a splash potion of poison. Y/Ns making them." tubbo deadpanned. "and tubbo and tommy are making potions of harming. they will also be splash potions." you explained, pointing to the brewing stands that had potions of harming in them. "good plan, tubbo! potions were a good idea." wilbur praised tubbo. "well, actually, it was my idea. all good ideas are my ideas. i'm like god." tommy said, now acting proud.
"wha- no it wasn't. if was mine!"
wilbur and you laughed at their small quarrel. "quote book." wilbur quickly said as he left. "...quote book?" you asked. "please, y/n, do not ask."
"right. got it."

"tommy? do you smell smoke?" tubbo asked. it was now nighttime, and you, tommy, and tubbo were sitting outside, leaning against the black and yellow walls. everyone else had went to bed.

besides wilbur, the two teenagers were probably your closest friends, despite you being an adult.

"now that you mention it, yeah, i do. who the hell is having a barbecue this late at night?!" tommy shouted, rising to his feet. you and tubbo did the same, and followed him as he climbed up a ladder that went up the l'manberg walls.


1201 words

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