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you only heard half of your name.
a particularly loud voice called. that had managed to wake you up. your e/c-ed eyes fluttered open, and was met with the bright lights of torches. you blinked your eyes to get them use to the brightness, then sat up, a sharp pain in your head hitting you hard. you placed your hand on your forehead. yeah. as if that will fix it.

you were on the bed of your house. wilbur, fundy, eret, tommy, and tubbo all crowded around you. "see? i told you tommy could wake her up." tubbo said. yep. that was definitely tommy. "ugh. i feel like shit..." you groaned, letting your legs dangle off the side of the bed. "what happened-"

"tubbo had come and woken us to show us the fires. you were the only one not with us, so we went looking for you. we found you completely wiped out." eret explained before you could finish.

"the smoke must've gotten to you." now fundy spoke. you paused for a second, trying to remember the events that occurred before you were wiped out. "no! it was dream and his team. sapnap started the fire." the memories came flooding back to you. of course you weren't going to keep that promise! "i knew it! i told you, tubbo!" it seemed like tommy was gloating. "sapnap found me, then dream came and sapnap and george left. i didn't see george at all. dream told me he'd let me go if i lied about how the fire started, and then he knocked me out." you explained. it seemed like a wild story, but anything was possible in this world. "dream..." wilbur muttered. "that son of a bitch. eret, go get y/n some water." eret nodded and ran out of the building. "i told you, tubbo! i knew it was dream who knocked her out! ha! you owe me a new sword!" god. could tommy quiet down? "goddammit.." tubbo mumbled. "what time is it?" you asked. you wanted to know how long you were out for. "the sun is just starting to rise. you've been out for hours." tubbo glanced out the window, still disappointed in the bet he seemed to have lost. you let out a small gasp. "i need to prepare for the war! my sword and bow are so low on durability, and i need to make us all some food." you stood up, nearly falling as your head spun. "uh, no, not like that. just take a few hours to relax. you just got knocked out cold, give yourself a rest." wilbur made you sit back down. eret arrived with a glass of water and gave it to wilbur, who handed it to you. you quickly thanked eret before chugging it all down. "i was thirsty." wilbur smiled. "we'll give you some space." he stood up and gestured for everyone to follow. they all left your place, leaving you with your thoughts. you fell backwards, laying on your back on your
f/c bedsheets and stared at your ceiling.


after reluctantly falling asleep after an hour or so, your headache finally settles. you were now standing outside of your house, the chilly morning breeze gently blowing against you. it was very calm, with dew drops sprinkling the grass and the sun peaking over the black and yellow  l'manberg walls that protected you from the dangers of the scary outside walls. the cattle that was wandering around inside of the walls mooed, one laying down with it's head straight up and the other chowing on some grass near the gate. it was a pleasant morning, especially without tommy and tubbo running around.

"oh, y/n! you're up." a british voice said. you turned to your left and wilbur was approaching you. "you're feeling better?" he asked, concerned. "oh, definitely. my head doesn't hurt anymore." you nodded. "oh, thats great. c'mon, walk with me. we need you to discuss some plans with me and eret." you assumed it was with eret because he was the second oldest. but why you, and not fundy? he was the same age as eret, but they just had different birthdays. you were only 3 years older than tommy and tubbo, who were sometimes as immature as you could get. (16+3=19 for those who cant do basic math ( i had to use a calculator ngl) )
"we chose you since you're the most experienced fighter in our battalion." theres your answer. pog.


you had finished the discussion with wilbur and eret. they both had some really good ideas, and you hadn't really contributed, but you were still happy you were there. you felt important.

wilbur wanted to talk with dream and see if we didn't have to fight. he also planned to make tommy lead the army. you didn't exactly know why. eret had listened intently the entire time, and now he was off doing notch knows what.

you checked the clock you had in your house. 9:32am. you had only been out with them for around 30 minutes. i should make a new sword and bow. maybe even armour? no, wilbur said that we don't where armour here. although, it would be nice to have just in case... you remembered having a couple diamonds from finding a buried treasure chest one time, so you started to search your chests.

perfect. three diamonds.

you crafted a sword. a diamond one. it was shiny and blue, and as of right now, it had no scratched on if. you admired it for a moment, then put it away in your inventory. next, you needed a bow. you already had plenty of arrows. string... sticks... you had crafted a bow, which you also placed in your inventory. "hey, tommy?" you shouted as you left your house, shattering the peace. you neared the hotdog van, or the camaravan, as tubbo called it. "yeah?- AH! WOMAN!" tommy quickly rounded the corner, nearly running into you. tubbo trailed behind him. "i- never mind. do we have an enchanting table here?" you asked. "no... dream does though. do you wanna sneak in? i know where it is." it seemed like tommy eagerly wanted to go. tubbo too. "i don't really want to have another run in with dre-"

a voice shouted from inside the van. you couldn't tell who, but you assumed it was wilbur. you were fine with not going. you didn't want to see dream again, not after him nearly killing you for the third time. he had called you a "good girl!" you don't just tell someone you had just met a day prior to that! you didn't really like dream. "nevermind." you started to leave tommy, who was still trying to convince you to go and sneak in with him, saying that if you weren't going to do it, he wasn't going to. "well then. i guess you aren't sneaking in." you didn't budge. you and your stubborn ass. tommy complained, of course, but then left him alone. tubbo had dragged him off to do something else.


night had fallen. you were anxious for tomorrow, and you couldn't sleep like everyone else. you had all your stuff prepared. you had made extra weapons and armour for everyone in case it came to it. you had made a lot of food, and you, tommy, and tubbo had made many potions. you sighed at stood up from the step that lead into your house. collapsing on your bed, you forced your eyes to shut and tried to calm your mind.
1276 words

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