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you watched as the sun rose over the distant soon-to-be destroyed l'manberg walls as you sat with your knees up to your chest in the windowsill. you were stressed and scared. you had awoken before the sun had risen, and your head was too full of racing thoughts to return back to your peaceful, dreamless sleep. you had guessed that everyone was asleep until you heard footsteps. they stopped right outside your door. you didn't want anyone to come in and start talking to you, so you held your breath and didn't move to make it seem like you were still asleep.

the person knocked gently on the door. "y/n?" a voice whispered. you couldn't identify the hushed voice, so you stayed silent. a moment of quietness passed, and the person left. thats when you started to panic. what if the voice belonged to someone from l'manberg, who had come to save you? you forced yourself to not go and swing open the door, declaring that it probably wasn't since all of your friends would be distraught over tommy's death like you. that- that bastard. he was a kid. dream had to go and shoot him. you were bombarded by a wave of depression for your fallen friend, but you couldn't cry anymore. you had wept too much in the past couple days, and couldn't bring yourself to shed more droplets.

you had gotten bored of staring out a sheet of glass and silently hopped off of the sill. you needed to find something to occupy yourself. you started to dig through every drawer in your room.

the first thing you came across was a pad of paper and a pencil, but you quickly put it back into its drawer. you weren't much of an artist. the best you could draw was a basic house with the sun drawn in the top right corner. next, you found a stack of books in the left bedside table's drawer. ugh, literature. so these tyrants that were keeping you hostage did know how to read after all. if you were with fundy and eret right now, you and fundy would have won a bet.

eret. that bitch. he's the one who caused all of this.

you quickly put your hatred to the side and decided you'd take it out on him the next time you saw him. it was on sight at this point 💅 ✨

you weren't much of a reader, so you were pretty disappointed to not find anything that could amuse you. how did could this person used to be same kid that would read five chapter books a day? you wished you were back in l'manberg when war wasn't declared, when you, tommy, and tubbo would run around and wreak havoc on others. you slid down along the wall and sat on the floor, covering your face with your hands.

you fell asleep there.

(a/n i really wish i made the time skip text easier to type)

"that doesn't seem like a comfortable place to sleep." dream's teasing voice awoke you, but you didn't look up to see his face. "get out and leave me alone." you demanded. "you can't tell me to get out of a room in my own home." you hated him so much. "then what do you want?" you finally looked up ay him with a scowl. your eyes were red and puffy from crying. you could tell that dream noticed this and he slowly slid down to sit beside you. you inched away from him and looked, not wanting to be anywhere near him. "...you okay?" how oblivious was he?! "okay? okay?! you killed one out of two of my best friends. you're taking my home away, which has been my first real home in years. you're keeping me here against my will, and you ask if i'm okay?!" you grimaced. tears finally started to fall again. "woah, hey, it's alright-"
"alright?? i would rather die than be 'alright' here with you. why don't you just kill me like you killed tommy, you egotistical murderer?" you had to gasp for air in the middle of your crying. "unless l'manberg's health care is non-existent, tommy shouldn't be dead." dream allowed you to go on your small rant. "liar. i saw you kill him right in front of me. you basically tortured me."

to your surprise, you gasped softly as dream pulled you towards him. he was... hugging you? you were too fatigued to fight back against his embrace. your lack of sleep and stress and all the crying you've been doing had finally gotten to you. you and him sat there in silence for a few minutes. your crying hiccups had slowly died down, and now the only sounds coming from your room were your small sniffles. "get. off. of. me." you shook him off of you and stood up, glowering down at him. his attempt at comforting you would have helped if it had been someone else, like tubbo or wilbur. "don't do that every again. i don't need your pity."
"but it wasn't-"
"i don't care. don't touch me."
"i was trying to help."
"i don't need or want your help!"
you finally shouted. you just wanted to be alone. "i'll only accept your help if it means you can help me escape this fucking hell hole!" you continued to rant about how much you wanted to go back home, but the door that was left ajar caught your attention. dream didn't try to stop you as you poked your head out into the hallway. "where are you going?" he asked, still in his place on the floor. "you can try to escape, but i guarantee you cannot." you could hear him rise to his feet. "why do you want to keep me here so badly?" your question was almost a whisper. "you're valuable. i can use you as ransom against l'manberg." you turned and casted dream an angered scowl. "i'm not an object." you hissed at him. you wanted to obliterate that shitty mask of his to see what he was feeling. "of course you're not." dream quickly recovered, realizing how sexist that sounded of him. "like i said before, you're l'manberg's best fighter." he seemed hesitant to answer the question. "what about in two days, when l'manberg will be destroyed? then what will you do with me?" you actually wanted to know. "you'll still be here, of course. you're now part of the dream smp."
"why would anyone want to be a part of this shitty place?"
"look, i know that l'manberg's members will still be together even after their nation is no more. i can just say i'll kill you, and boom, free stuff."
"you're terrible."
dream didn't say anything as he acted like he was hurt by your words, making you roll your eyes. "can i at least leave this room?" your voice was now soft as you felt your eyes start to get watery. you weren't ever going to leave. dream and his team were always one step ahead of everybody, and how was l'manberg supposed to rescue you when they had nothing, nothing at all? "hey, don't cry again. if it makes you feel better, i'll let you out of this room for today. with supervision." dream's voice had changed to his soft, "i'm-trying-to-be-nice-and-comfort-you" tone. you hated it.


dream shadowed you as you explored the castle-like building. it was very large compared to the camaravan and your home back in l'manberg. you had started to realize that you were comparing everything to l'manberg. the brewing stands. the chairs. the colour of certain objects. you were homesick and distraught and managed to see your real home in everything you looked at. even the way the floor sounded when you walked. you were sitting in the main room that you see when you first entered the building, which contained a table and chairs, couches, large windows, etc. you're vibe had completely changed from when you were angry and despaired back in your room with dream. now you were just sad and lonely, and your heart ached every moment of the day. a small feeling of anxiety or paranoia stayed in the back of your mind, and you barely talked. you were so different from when you were back home. actually happy and excited to see what the day would have in store for you every time you woke up. you didn't talk much, but you did manage to engage in a few conversations. here, you just sat in silence. "ayo, dream! oh, y/n"
sapnap loudly announced his arrival as he burst through the entrance. he was laughing. "george accidentally broke a bit of the wall by the exp grinder. now- now spider's keep spawning and attacking him and he can't put the block back." it didn't seem that funny when he was explaining it, but you knew it would be funny if you were there. "and you left him there?" dream asked. "of course i did."
"...and if he dies?"
"nah. he'll live."
"oh my god.. sapnap.."
"it was so funny! they were all targeting george."
they didn't seem so serious and mature like they had been at the war. they just seemed like friends.

it was just like how everyone acted back in l'manberg.

1582 words
i literally had no idea how to end this chapter lmao o/

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