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(its always wyd and never yntbkshycryn)

"you know what i said the day i arrived at l'manberg? i said things are going to change. i looked every citizen of l'manberg in the eye and i said 'you listen to me. things will be a lot different soon.'" you were having a nightmare, right? schlatt hadn't won the election. you refused to believe that.

"wilbur- wilbur, this isn't happening, right?" you looked from wilbur to tommy, who was sitting behind you, and then back.

"it'll be okay, y/n. we've got this under control." wilbur whispered a reply.

"we do?" tommy asked, disbelief lacing his voice. he quickly got shushed by wilbur.

"lets start making it happen." schlatt seemed to have thought out what he would do once he won. "my first decree as the president of l'manberg. the emperor of this great country!" he glared down at the crowd, more specifically tommy and wilbur. "wilbur, surely- surely not." tommy had stood up and was now standing beside wilbur.

"is to revoke the citizenship of wilbur soot and tommy innit!"

you could hear niki cry out in denial but it went right over your head. everything was moving too fast for you. "schlatt! you can't do that!" you shot up, shouting up at the horn(y)ed man above you. "really, y/n? who's going to stop me? you?" schlatt said proudly, knowing you had no power against him. "please, you can't!" you pled. schlatt ignored your cries as quackity egged him on. "get 'em out of here!"

some people pulled out weapons whilst others stood idly, conflicted on what they should do. tommy and wilbur had started backing up, reading to run at any moment. wilbur was in front of tommy in an attempt to shield him incase of an attack. you were ready to follow them, tubbo too, but fundy, who was a strong supporter of schlatt before he entered in as coconut2020, held you back. you tried to fought him but with him being bigger than you he over powered you. it made it worse that you couldn't get out a weapon because your arms had been restricted behind your back. "wilbur!" you called.
"it'll be fine, y/n. we'll be back for you and tubbo! tommy, run! tommy- tommy!"

right as wilbur said that, tommy whipped around and ran the fastest you had seen him run. wilbur followed him, but froze. he nearly collapsed. punz had shot an arrow right in his lower back. "tommy, run." but tommy didn't. he turned around and ran to help wilbur. despite wilbur being larger than tommy, he still put in the effort to drag wilbur with him. "you bastard! i should kill you right now! fundy, let me go!" you screamed at punz, who smiled at you, unfazed. tubbo hadn't wanted to leave you, so he had stayed by your side. when wilbur had been shot, schlatt had been heard cackling in a way that sent you a shiver.

fundy brought you back to your seat and sat right next to you to make sure you didn't run after them. "until further notice, wilbur soot and tommyinnit are merely a memory. a relic of the past. a reminder of the darkest era this country has ever seen!" schlatt jeered. you clutched onto tubbo's sleeve tightly. "y/n, what're we gonna do..." you heard him mumble, mainly to himself. "and i guarantee you all, dear citizens, tonight that changes. we are entering into a new period of l'manberg, a period of prosperity! of strength! of unity!" quackity's "yes sir!" could be faintly heard behind schlatt's speech. "and fat asses, oh my god. turn around, turn around." schlatt moved his finger in a circle as quackity spun around like a ballerina. "thank you, thank you." quackity and schlatt were the only ones laughing.

"where's  tubbo? where's y/n?" schlatt asked once he and quackity were finished. tubbo took the responsibility of speaking. "we're right here." schlatt made a gesture with his hand, ordering you and tubbo over to him. you shook your head, not wanting to go near him. "get up here. get up here on my podium! c'mon tubbo, y/n." schlatt demanded. "this is an immediate order." quackity added in. "you're the secretary of state." schlatt declared.
"i- what? okay? i'm the secretary, am i? i didn't know i got to keep-"
"well, i'm not going to fire you! i you're tubbo! i'm not gonna fire tubbo! tubbo, y/n, get up here. now."
schlatt demanded, to which tubbo reluctantly obeyed. he stood and held your sleeve, making you follow him. what did schlatt want from you? you didn't quite have a roll in l'manberg.

you and tubbo stood on the stage, schlatt looking down at both of you. "tubbo, take my spot at the podium!" schlatt laughed. "i love this guy." he nudged tubbo towards the mic, who had no other choice other then to listen. schlatt stood closely beside you, making your breath hitch in fear. "as my secretary state, as well as my right hand man and woman of l'manberg, i need you to do something for me." schlatt said, you nodding as you listened whilst tubbo said, "i- what is it, mr. president?" schlatt's gaze darkened. "i need you to find tommy and show him the door. y/n, find wilbur. do the same, and make it hurt." he ordered. "rumour has it that they're somewhere around. perhaps on top of a building!" you followed schlatt stare and was met with wilbur and tommy. balancing on the edge of a balcony of a tall tower built beside the stage. you shook your head, mouthing for him to run.

"i'm not doing that, schlatt." you said firmly. "oh, yes you are, y/n. how do i know? because i know you. you're too scared to do anything against my orders!" he was right. you were. "tommy, i'm gonna need you to come with me." tubbo called to them. by the time he finished, they were already gone. you turned to tubbo in disbelief. "tubbo, no!" he didn't meet your look. schlatt took over the mic again, knowing they couldn't be far and could hear his voice through the speakers. "surely you're not breaking the law, tommy. that's the secretary of state speaking!" no response. no one returned to his podium.

l̶'̶m̶a̶n̶b̶e̶r̶g̶ wilbur and tommy

wilbur stared disappointingly at a door that had been built into a hill that tommy had hollowed out a tiny space in. "this it it. this is what our nation has been reduced to." wilbur had been leaning against the dirt wall, the few bandages tommy had left wrapped around where he had been shot. "wilbur, do we fight people if we have to?" tommy asked. from wilbur's perspective, tommy shouldn't even be going through this. his brother was still a kid. "tommy, we need to defend this fuckin' hole, dude. this is all we have." wilbur said weakly.

"what the hell! are you kidding me?!"
"you're the one who convinced me to let schlatt run against us!"
"wilbur, you're the one who called the election."
"i called the election to consolidate power! quackity's the one-"
"wilbur, you called this election to try and show your own power and now look at us!"
"look, let's not turn on each other." tommt sat across from wilbur. "we can't turn on each other, wilbur. we've lost tubbo. we've lost.. everyone. you're nihachu. your son. george. our y/n." tommy was on the verge of tears. this was too much for him to handle. he lost his best friends. he lost y/n, who he had taken a strong liking to.

1288 words

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