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"who knew a british person could be bad?"
tubbo finally whispered after a day of silence. he had barely moved, and was still despaired from tommy's kidnapping.

"we were doing so well" wilbur was upset about the betrayal. they had lost of their stuff. all the weapons and armour. the small spark of hope that they could win this war. "we were winning."

they were now down two fighters, three if you included eret. tubbo was distraught, and hadn't stopped worrying about tommy. wilbur was same.

"eret... i can't believe it. that monster." tubbo said, his voice weak. wilbur agreed, also calling him a monster. "he knows all of our plans. do we having anything? anything that could possible help us. anything?" wilbur asked his men.

"tubbo. weapons, armour. what do you have?" he turned to the young boy. "nothing. nothing."

next he went to fundy. "what do you have? weapons and armour?" "wilbur. i have a crayon suit. what the hell do you want from me?" fundy looked down at his pastel coloured l'manberg uniform, which was unique from everyone else's.

"i must speak with dream. we need tommy and y/n back." wilbur struggled to stand up from where he was sitting on the ground. he knew that someone was up on the l'manberg walls, watching and listening. wilbur swung the van door open and limped out, the cold night breeze making him shiver. he spotted george on the northern wall, sitting with his legs dangling off of the edge. dream must have told him to be here.

"george!" wilbur shouted the loudest he could. george looked down, directly at wilbur. "tell dream that we must speak. outside of the embassy tomorrow, at dawn. make sure he brings y/n with him!" he nodded, and quickly left.

"i will be speaking to him alone and unarmed. literally. i have nothing, not even a piece of wood, to my name" wilbur announced as he reentered the camaravan.



you went up to the door.

you had no idea what time it was, or how many hours had past since you had been taken.

you jiggled the door handle, making sure it was quiet in case it was nighttime and everyone was sleeping.

"is it unlocked?" tommy asked. to your surprise, it swung open, the hinges squeaking like usual. you let a small, excited gasp to escape your mouth. you looked over to meet a smiling tommy's eyes, who was sitting on his bed and leaning against his bed.

it couldn't be this easy, could it?

you quickly let the thought pass. this was no time to he pessimistic. tommy quickly stood up and peaked out into the hallway. no guards. it was silent. there was a stairwell to the left of you two, so thats where you headed.

it turns out you were being kept in a room underwater, underneath the community house. thats what tommy called it. it was also night, so it was great that you and tommy had taken the extra precaution about being quiet. the stairs had led into the centre of the room and continued to go up to a second floor. "on the count of three, we make a run for that door." you pointed at a door that faced the direction of l'manberg. you were tempted to sift through the rows of chests and the furnaces, but that would take too much time.

you felt like you were being watched.

you heard footsteps.

that definitely wasn't your voice. you and tomm quickly whipped around and was met with dream and george, both holding there swords.

yep. it definitely couldn't have been this easy.

tommy shouted to run after a moment of staring. you both made a beeline for the door, nearly tripping on yourselves. "split up. they'll lose us in the forest! i'll meet you at l'manberg. i bet i can get there first!" you yelled once you knew your two captors were out of earshot. you and tommy went into different directions, both of your desired destinations being l'manberg.

you ran into the forest, your legs and arms being scraped and cut by low hanging branches and bushes. you heard footsteps approaching behind you, and you dove behind a tree to hide.

"oh y/n~" dream called in a singsong voice. you covered your nose and mouth with your hands in an attempt to hush your breathing. "are we playing hide and seek? manhunt? me, sapnap, and george used to play manhunt a lot." you heard the footsteps pass you, and you got up and hid yourself inside of a bush, not caring how scraped or dirty you would get.

dream was making this out to be a game, and you were terrified. "y/n~. come on out, i miss you." you didn't dare to move of even breath. had tommy escaped?



tommy burst into the van, sweating and gasping for air. he had barely been able to evade george.

the abrupt sound started and woke everyone from their slumber. tubbo was the first to realize what was going on.

"tommy!" tubbo shot up and raced to hug is best friend. tommy could tell he was holding back tears as he embraced the shorter boy.

"tommy! how did you escape?"
"tommy, how?! where's y/n?"

if they weren't so tired and weak, everyone in l'manberg would've been through the room with happiness from the return of tommy. "is y/n not here? she had bet me that she's be here before me!" everyone shook their heads sadly. tommy quickly came to the realization. "she is still on dream's land. we had to split up and dream had gone after he." he explained. "god, if fuckin' dream went after her, there is no way she'll be back home tonight." wilbur sighed, running his hand through his hair. "i'm meeting with dream tomorrow outside your embassy in the morning. i'll demand we get y/n back." he decided. "shouldn't we help her? dream will kill her! she has nothing. no food. anything. her life basically depends on dream-" tommy started shouting. "tommy. look at us. we have nothing. we can't save her tonight." his voice firm, wilbur added, "at least we have you back."


1042 words.

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