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you didn't say anything as dream slid down and sat beside you, only bringing your knees up to your chest. you tried to redirect your attention to the raindrops forming puddles in the soil.

"i'm sorry."

you didn't want to react as dream apologized once again but it was hard to stop yourself. "you've said that so many times but you never mean it." you muttered. with your voice muffled by your arms hugging your legs you wondered if the man beside you even heard your scornful comment.

"i mean it this time."

"so you're admitting to not meaning it the first hundred times?"

"now you're just making me out to be a terrible person."

you inhaled deeply, trying to contain your frustration. your attempt was futile. "because you are." you felt like you were spitting venom at him when you finally came to terms with it. dream was not a good person.

dream seemed taken back by your statement and he stayed silent for a moment. you heard shuffling and you glanced in his direction, watching carefully as dream removed his mask and fidgeted with it in his hands. "i cannot deny that i'm a bad person, but i also do not regret some things i have done." dream said. "i have a plan. i just need you to work with me here." he took your quietness for cooperation. "hey, look at me for a moment."

you didn't want to, but the tenderness and the softness in his voice lured you into barely turning your head towards him. you flinched as he cupped your face with a gloved hand, yet you did not try to pull away.

"don't cry, y/n." dream whispered. he leaned towards you, gently peppering kisses along your cheek where saddened tears bold enough to fall had left trails of your despair on your skin. "i know a way you can get back with schlatt. everything will be fine." he tried to reassure you as he pulled you flush against his side, but you resisted, returning back to your original place and shaking his hand off you as you turned away from him.

"you have the audacity to kiss and hold me after you picked favourites with schlatt." you said as you rejected a hand that dream had outstretched towards you. despite how much he was against it, he took this as a sign that he shouldn't touch you. "don't think you can sweet talk me after that."

you heard dream sigh. "i'll leave you alone. you don't seem willing to listen right now, and i understand that." it seems that he finally learned what personal space was.

"..no, stay. you don't have to go. just don't touch me." you said, your words barely audible. but dream still picked up on it and stayed put. he didn't dare to even move a muscle incase it upset you.

"can you at least tell me what schlatt gave you?" you turned back to face him again when you saw him nod out of your peripherals.

"i can only tell you what we agreed on. i cannot tell you what he gave me." it was better than nothing. "in return for me helping schlatt protect and preserve manberg against you and pogtopia, he would promise your safety during this war and in the future, meaning he would not lay even a finger on you during and after the war for manberg."

your eyes widened before returning to their half lidded state. "my safety?" you echoed.

"i know this war will get messy, especially with techno in it, and i can't lose you. if you went and died on me, i'm not sure what i would do. i wouldn't be able to live with myself." dream mumbled, eyes glued to the ground as he spoke. "schlatt is dangerous and the only one out to get you. i would never hurt you, and neither would wilbur or techno, so i had to agree. i'm sorry. do you understand why this is for the better now?"

you nodded, but didn't say anything else. you couldn't put what you were thinking into words.

"i need you and wilbur to meet me at the spider spawner, it's secluded enough. just the two of you, though. no tommy or tubbo." dream requested. "i can tell you what idea i have, that way you can also get back at schlatt." you listened quietly, leaving yourself a mental note to tell quietly slip this information to wilbur when you had the chance.

when dream asked if you were ready to return to the ravine, you silently shook your head. the thought of returning underground felt suffocating to you at the moment. you heard dream sigh worriedly. "if we stay out in this weather any longer you'll get sick." you didn't respond, which frustrated dream but he didn't let it show. he didn't say any more after that, acknowledging you weren't in the mood to talk anymore.

inevitably, you had ended up in dream's arms once again.

:-:- (jimmy or something idk at this point)

you had tried to return and get down the stairs quietly, you thinking everyone was asleep at this hour, but you were proved wrong. wilbur was still awake, hair messy and eyes half lidded as he starer blankly at the wall. he was either deeply lost thought or seriously messed up somewhere in the head.

"look who decided to come home." wilbur noticed you out of the corner of his eye. "you missed a ton of stuff. be happy that i'm filling you in on shit you didn't hear."

"good thing you're still awake. i have shit to tell you, too." you said, noting that tommy, tubbo, and quackity were nowhere to be found. where were they this late at night?

"ladies first. there's a war for manberg happening in ten days. and there's a traitor in our midsts." wilbur deadpanned. how could he say that so casually? it's a whole war and this man is acting like it will be a perfectly normal day.

"a war in ten days and a traitor." you repeated. "and you're fine with this?"

"yep. i told them that i- sorry, we are blowing up manberg if we fail to reclaim it. now, it's you're turn. what do you have to say?" wilbur asked, patiently awaiting your reply.

"dream wants us to meet with him tomorrow at the spider spawner." you told him, watching as wilbur narrowed his eyes and eyed you suspiciously.

"what for?" was all he asked. was he suspecting you to be the traitor?

"how the hell would i know? that's all he told me. he also wants it to be just us two." you sat on the edge of your bed. the same one you and dream had shared.

"god, i hope he's not inviting us to an orgy." you stifled a laugh as your heard wilbur mumbling to himself. "well, considering you're so lovey-dovey with him i thought he would tell you something." wilbur stared at you for a moment, like he was examining you. "speaking of being lovey-dovey with dream, you have a mark on your neck."

"wha- i do not!"

1204 words

ive miles ao3 of all it has to give me. ive resorted to youtube comments. times are getting hard and im getting desperate

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