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(a/n: ive noticed that like half of the chapters start with someone speaking
👁 👄 👁  im gonna have to shake it up a bit at some point 😘)

both l'manberg and everyone of the dream smp was gathered at the path. both sides were in their own groups. you were on the side where dream would be shooting from, unfortunately.
(you know what path im talking about)

tommy and dream were facing each other, while wilbur stood between them, but a little while away from them. everyone else watched from a far.

tubbo waved at you, and you gave a weak wave back.

"if you when, then you can have independence and y/n, okay?" wilbur and tommy looked at each other with excitement. they wanted this freedom. they wanted you back. "but," there was always a 'but.' "if you lose, you don't get independence, and i get mellohi while y/n becomes a part of the dream smp." your face dropped, along with the rest of the l'manbergians. tommy had told you about the war he and tubbo had had with dream over his two discs, mellohi and cat. and you were also on the line here. you didn't agree to this. "i absolutely do not agree to these terms!" you complained, directly towards dream. "you're a prisoner. you don't get to agree to anything." he replied without looking back. you were about to say something, but punz told you to shut up. "how about you shut up? i fucking hate it here."

"deal." tommy had agreed to these risky conditions. much was on the line here. "okay." dream shrugged.

"it's sundown." wilbur announced. "alright, i need a bow. george, do you have a bow?" tommy asked george, who scoffed, "not one that you can have." fundy approached tommy. "i'm not fully supporting your decisions, but, good luck." the fox-man handed tommy the bow and nodded his head. tommy returned the gesture and returned to the path.

you watched as wilbur pulled tommy away. a pep talk, you assumed. you heard snippets of sentences. "for the revolution... don't.. lightly." was what you could hear from wilbur. you could make out tommy's words much clearer.
"do i shoot him, will, or do i aim for the skies?"
you were able to make out wilbur's words from the movement of his mouth.
"tommy, i want you to do whatever your heart says you should do." was what he seemed to say.
wilbur and tommy broke off after a quick hug. you shot tommy a good-luck look, and he waved back as he went to face dream on the path.  wilbur, too, returned to his place and raised an arm. he opened his mouth, but before he could speak, dream decided to interrupt him. "just to clarify. if you win, we grant l'manberg independence."
"and if you lose, i get mellohi, l'manberg land back, and y/n stays with me."
tommy was growing impatient. dream had already removed his armour and wilbur requested that they shook hands. the two did as they were told, then backed up from each other. "backs to each other. i will count ten paced. when i have said the word 'fire,' you may turn around and fire upon each other. do you both understand?" they both said yes, and faced their backs to the other. "'kay. ready?" both men nodded.
god, you hoped tommy wins.
what if he doesn't?
you'd be stuck with dream forever, or at least until you could escape and get back to l'manberg.
you watched and dream and tommy loaded their bows and pulled back their arrows, ready to shoot at the word.
"ten paces, fire!"

both whipped around. tommy shot the first arrow, which dream inevitably dodged. (swervin') tommy stumbled and fell into the shallow, ankle-deep waters that the bridge was built over. dream fired, the arrow narrowly missing tommy's head. all the spectators cheered on their spokesman, but you stayed silent. you were too stressed, too scared to say anything.

you watched in horror as dream shot tommy in the abdomen. tommy froze and dropped the bow. you could see blood trickling from the wound. it all happened in slow motion as tommy collapsed. tubbo shrieked and made a beeline towards his not-through-blood brother. wilbur and fundy did the same. you wailed and started to sob and went to join them, shoving off sapnap and punz. dream put out his sword in front of you to stop you as you past him, letting george beat sapnap and punz to you and holding you back. "tommy!" you whimpered.

fundy and tubbo wee scrambling to stop the bleeding, while wilbur tried to get tommy to stay awake. you glowered at dream. "you shot him!" you cried. you could barely see his green figure through your flooding tears. "you killed tommy!" you raised your arms to attack him, but sapnap got in your way. bad idea on his part. you were ready to take out your anger and despair on anyone that opposed l'manberg. sapnap stumbled out of the way as you struck him. this made dream finally turn towards your's and sapnap's direction.

"you killed tommy. you. you're the one who killed tommy." you kept repeating as dream stared at you, expressionless. the rest of the dream smp allowed you to have your space, deciding it wouldn't be the greatest idea to get in your way at the moment.

"i wish it was you who got shot. it should have been you who had been killed. i hate you. i hate you and everyone who stands by you. i would hate to be a part of your nation." you had slowly started to get louder. you thought there was a moment where dream had lost his proud stance and had a sad, apologetic, or hurting look, but it could've been your imagination because the look left as soon as it came. "you have to let me see him. if he dies, i won't be able to speak to him again." you managed to say through quick, sharp inhales. dream shook his head and lowered his sword, deciding you were done with your tantrum. "we are leaving. now. i will be back in two days to collect the disc and evict you from this land." you weren't sure if wilbur had heard dream in his panic. "no.. please, no." you wept. you felt your legs give out beneath you and you dropped to the ground.

l'manberg couldn't be taken away from you now. when you had just settled in. it had been your first real home that you've had in years, and now it would be demolished whilst you and your friends would have to watch.

dream slowly crouched down to your level, as if trying to comfort you in a terrible way. "y/n, we need to go home now." he whispered in a soft tone, as if comforting a puppy. you removed your hands from your face and scowled at him. "no! that is not my home! l'manberg is my home, and you just took it away." you had given up with trying to stop the tears from falling. you had shed too many tears recently. "lovely, come, stand up." dream rose and brought you to your feet by your hand, which your quickly pulled away from him. he stared at your for a second too long in silence, then turned to his battalion. "let's go." when you didn't budge from your spot, dream had to pull you by your arm to get you to follow him.

after sapnap, george, and dream had joked around and cheered near the beginning of the walk, it had gone silent besides your small snivels. you had heard that punz was going to leave tonight, which led you to assume that he was not a permanent citizen under dream's rule. you deliberately made it harder for everyone by freezing in your spot and crying softly.


this time, you had gotten a good look at the exterior of the building that everyone slept in. it did look like a castle, but it was old and crumbling, like it was an ancient ruin. despite this, the inside was pleasant. it was clean and comfortable, and you would even say it was warm and homely if you weren't being held here against your will.

dream had decided to untie your wrists. for the rest of tonight. after her did that in your room's doorway, you had slapped him for the second time today and slammed the door on him. (damn y/n you strong.) it seemed like this room had been made for prisoners. you couldn't find a way to lock the door.

you collapsed on the bed, which was surprisingly comfortable. you allowed the last tears that you had left roll down your tear-stained cheeks and land on the pillow as you were dragged into sleep.

1518 made a second chapter for today to make up for the short one :D

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