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a knock at your door brought you back from your fantasy land from staring at the ceiling. you were laying on your back on your bed, and you mumbled a, "who and what?" your tone wasn't the nicest.

"y/n, you haven't left your room in a day. i didn't see you at all yesterday." you knew it was dream, but he still didn't answer what you asked. "my questions weren't answered." time to make it hard on him and make him feel guilty 🥰✨ "it's dream, and i want you to come out." you heard a sigh from outside your room. "how about no? i don't want to come out." make it look like you were crying. make it look like you were crying!! you started to roughly rub your eyes with your knuckles in an attempt to make them red to give off the illusion that you had been weeping. "either you come out, or i come in."


the door swung open and you shot up to shoot daggers at him. "how about you come out of this holed up room." that wasn't a question. "what else am i supposed to do? i don't need to water any plants or anything, it rained yesterday. i'll still be "holed up" anyways!" you slide down onto the floor.
(fr tho floors are so comfortable to just lie on)
despite you attempting to threaten him if he came near you, dream joined you on the floor. "look, i said i'm sorry. really sorry. are you mad at me?" dream leaned towards you, expecting an answer. "of course i am. i'm also a bit overwhelmed." you sat with your legs in a criss cross position. "nobody is actually dead? how did you not kill tommy? i saw him "die" right in front of me." you made quotation marks with your fingers.

"and you have tommy's discs. the discs that he really loved. he said that they were from his dad, paul or pill or something like that."
"phil. philza minecraft."

dream corrected you. "well thanks for the english lesson, dream." you snapped, sounding overly sarcastic. you heard him mumble an apology under his breath. "i just... i feel like i was starting to like it here. to accept that i'd be here forever. i was starting to trust everyone, and then this happen." you recalled saying something similar to dream the night tommy and wilbur came and woke you, but you had still been half asleep and you barely remembered it. meeting... every two days.. wait. shit. what time was it did tommy say sun high? i can't rememberbwhsbha. you were trying to remember if tommy had specified a time that they would meet every two days, but nothing could be recalled. "yeah, i know. i get it. there is a lot going on right now for you." you nodded and forced yourself to stand up. dream did the same and also stood. "i'll be outside." you sighed. "y/n, i can tell you weren't crying." you stopped walking for a moment, as if you had been frozen, but then left dream to idle in your room.

"y/n!" you faintly heard your name being spoken, and you started to scan your surroundings. tommy? wilbur?
"tommy!" you spotted his usual red and white shirt through a gap in the hedges. as you neared him, you also spotted wilbur with him. neither of them were wearing the l'manberg uniforms, but were in casual, more comfortable clothing. "have you been able to do anything?" wilbur asked once you were in the earshot of his whispering. "no. i locked myself in my room the entire day yesterday and just slept, stared, and ignored everyone to make dream feel guilty as fuck." you explained. "yess.. make the bitch feel terrible!" tommy cheered, but was hushed by his older brother.
(for those who dont know: philza is the canon father of wilbur, tommy, and techno. tubbo is also his adopted son)
"we need to figure out where those discs are."
"i'll find them tomorrow or the next day. promise."
"if you say so. you still up for this plan? its okay if you're not. you can come home now if you really want to-"
"no. the discs are important. everything's fine here."
wilbur gave you and unconvinced look as he and tommy said goodbye. you soon lost sight of them.

i should have asked to come home.

sorry its a really short, i had no ideas what to write for this chapter. ill make sure next chapter that there are a lot of interactions with dream, im just trying to get the plot moving.
779 words

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