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(im using all my creative juices on this please say itll be good i havent even written the chapter please be good)

"lets do some politics, wilbur." tommy said, the stage coming into view. it didn't take long to get there, only five minutes from l'manberg or so. "i feel like there's going to be a lot of comedic killing tonight." tommy predicted.

"comedic killing." you, walking beside tommy, echoed.

"that's my favourite kind of homicide, actually." wilbur added in. "tommy, i'm really- i'm kinda getting stage fright, man." the current president confessed. "so am i." tommy mumbled, glancing at you in case you heard him in which you did. "oh fuck, there's a lot of people here, man."

there were a bunch of people in the chairs. jack manifold was there, along with a crowd that you didn't know. must be some new citizens in the dream smp. "ohhh no." wilbur breathed, eyes locked on schlatt, quackity, niki, fundy, and surprisingly george who were all standing upon the stage. "okay, tommy, let's join them. tubbo and y/n, find some seats." wilbur said, leading tommy onto the stage. you followed tubbo to a row of empty seats and waited anxiously for the results to be announced.

the candidates spoke on the stage to each other, their words being unheard by the people below them.


"my fellow l'manbergians, and by that i mean tubbo, y/n, ponk, jack manifold,
and hbomb." wilbur began, two of the names you didn't recognized. "that's my president!" tubbo blurted out loudly. "thank you for coming here today to watch a historic moment, the passing over of the presidency. the first election of l'manberg. i have here with me the election results for four parties, swag2020, pog2020, coconut2020, and schlatt2020." wilbur's listing was interrupted by fundy's loud cheering when he announced coconut2020. "i will say though, that- um.. there were some voter fraud." voter fraud? someone tried to cheat?

the seven above started to have a muffled argument.

"what i've done is i've collated the votes, minus the ones that have the same handwriting, okay?! that's all i'm saying!" wilbur continued. "do you want to know what party had votes spammed for them?" everyone could be heard saying yes. wilbur turned to his son.

"i think we should continue with the votes." fundy laughed nervously. "coconut2020 had a lot of disqualified votes." wilbur exposed him. "i think everything is fine. continue with the votes." fundy was trying to change the topic. "it doesn't matter. everyone get back to your place." wilbur cleared his throat. "without further ado i would like to go through the election results." this is what you had been waiting for. you realized your hands were shaking.

"with 9% of the votes, in fourth place is coconut2020."

"yeah!" fundy was the only one celebrating until niki joined in with him. "9% of the votes!" you and everyone else clapped. you were surprised that they had gotten that many votes.

"with 16% of the votes, coming in third place is schlatt 2020."

you were mentally cheering. schlatt had lost. the bastard never lost, but there was a first for everything. your happiness showed. you knew because tubbo nudged you and leaned towards you. "don't celebrate yet. something's wrong, i can feel it. look at schlatt." tubbo pointed out schlatt, who stood happily. he was not at all ticked off by the number of votes he had gotten.

tubbo was right. something was wrong.

"now, that leaves two parties left. this leaves the two major front runners as the final option. in second place with 30% of the popular vote..."

wilbur paused, leaving everyone on edge.

"led by the party leader quackity, swag2020. meaning- meaning that the winner of the popular vote by 45% is pog2020."

tommy, you, and tubbo were ecstatic. they had won. your doubts and pessimistic thoughts were wrong.

but still, something felt.. off. the inevitable was coming.

"listen, listen, listen! please stop. tommy, we won, we won, but please stop celebrating." wilbur begged for everyone's attention back. "tommy, tommy calm- calm down." wilbur who told tommy, who was practically bouncing off the walls with excitement.

"last night, on the night of the rally after the announcement of schlatt2020 and coconut2020, quackity made a deal with the leader of schlatt2020. uh, mr. jschlatt stood beside me." wilbur took a glimpse of schlatt, who was standing at a mic beside tommy. "quackity said that no matter what happens, quackity would pool his votes with schlatt2020 votes."

your heart dropped and your hand went over your mouth. you had already done the math.

"pog2020 got 45% of the popular vote meaning that the coalition government of schlatt and swag2020 got 46% of the popular vote."

cries of disbelief sounded from below, many of them belonging to you.

"meaning that tonight, ladies and gentlemen, on this very day, 2020, schlatt2020 has been inaugurated."

schlatt and quackity's laughter could be heard.

"by 1% of the vote, schlatt has been crowned." wilbur escorted himself off the stage, heading hanging down as he took the seat beside you. "wilbur.. i-" you managed to say through your shock. "i'm sorry, y/n. schlatt has won."

"tommy. get. off. my. podium." schlatt demanded once he was handed the mic. tommy, now kicked off the stage, stormed down to meet with you, wilbur, and tubbo. his mood seemed to worsen when he noticed that wilbur had taken the seat beside you and had to take one behind you three. "tommy, we're citizens now. just listen to schlatt." wilbur said when tommy passed him.

"well. that was pretty easy."

939 words
i have a tiktok with no vids go find me its literally just called raevini

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