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it was what you had expected, since you had smelled smoke, but not this much fire. the forests the had surrounded l'manberg were burning to the ground. it was bright, and it hurt your eyes. and it was hot. had the nether come to l'manberg? surprisingly, you, tommy, and tubbo were strangely calm. "...should we wake the others?" tommy looked like he was thinking of something hard, his face brightening as, you assumed, he came up with a plan. "nah, let them sleep. we can put out the fire ourselves! wilbur will be proud." tommy exclaimed, a bucket full of water already in his hand. "i'm not sure thats a good idea." you started, but dropped your thought as tubbo and tommy stared at you with blank, yet questioning, faces "never mind." you also pulled out a water bucker you had been carrying. tubbo did the same. water buckets were pretty useful here.


"so do we just... run into the BURNING FOREST and start throwing water onto the flames?" you asked, exaggerating the "burning forest," your open hands pointing towards the flames. "of course. what else are we going to do?" tubbo said, as if you should have known that. you shook your hands towards the flames more, then gave up.

you three were now standing on the firm, grassy ground, looking up at one of the tall burning trees. "ugh. sapnap. that bastard." tommy groaned. "sapnap?" you asked, giving him a questioning look. "that fucking arsonist!" tommy growled. he had started splashing the tree with water and picking the water up again. "mhm.." you nodded, only to show that you were listening. "lets split up. we'll cover a lot more ground." you proposed, then pointed tubbo in the direction that he should go, while you went the opposite way and left tommy where he was.


yeah. this wasn't going too well. the fires were too big for three people to stop, but you could try. the heat beating against your skin wasn't helping your headache.

you extinguished a flaming bush, unaware of some people watching you.

"we could've just woken wilbur or eret, but nooo~. tommy had to put his big ego to work and- ahh!" you yelped as a force from behind shoved you to the ground, making you hit a tree you had recently put out, luckily. you turned around to get up, but a sword shoved fiercely into the tree beside your head made you jump and cover your face in fear with your arms.

"sapnap? what the hell are you doing? we have to get out of here." a familiar voice asked. you recognized it as dream's voice. seems like tommy was right about sapnap being the one who had started the fire. he was holding a burning torch in his other hand. "someone's trying to interfere with our fun." footsteps approached you as you brought out your sword. now that you knew how good dream was, you knew you couldn't take him on. and this time it would be a 2v1, maybe 3v1 if you were unlucky. you were basically dead, unless dream decided to spare you again.

dream stared at you for a moment, as if trying to decide between some options. probably trying to figure out what to do with your fragile life. he crouched down to meet your level, signalling for sapnap to back up. "go find george and leave. y/n will tell us that she has no idea how the first started.." dream gave you a lopsided smile and cocked his head to the side slightly. he placed his fingers on your chin, making you look directly at him. despite not being able to see his eyes because of the mask, you knew he was staring directly into yours. you could feel it, and you stared back. how does he see out of the mask?
"aw, y/n, we almost always meet when you're half way to death's doorstep." he gave you an overly cheerful smile. "now, why don't you stop interfering with our plans before I completely obliterate you? we wouldn't want to ruin such a pretty face now, would we? you already ruined something we had planned the night before." his face dropped, giving you a frighteningly intimidating face. did- did he just call me pretty? you had barely acknowledged him say that. "where are the others?" his mood completely changed. again. mood-swings much? you quickly scrambled to think of something.  "you wouldn't give me the silent treatment, would you, y/n? we could use a few prisoners to use for ransom." you gently shook your head out of his grasp and raised your sword so that it was in front of your face. dream didn't move, and you didn't speak.

"hm. i guess you aren't talking-" "Y/N!" you heard someone shout, someone else repeating him. you were pretty sure it was wilbur and tommy. dream also heard it and shoved you so you and him were sitting on the other side of the thick tree, where wilbur or anyone else would't be able to see you if they simply walked past quickly. "WIL-" you were cut off by dream's hand covering your mouth. "tell them you have no idea how the first started and i'll let you go with your life." it sounded like a threat. you frantically shook your head. dream smiled. "good girl." good girl?! you guessed he was waiting until he heard footsteps passing to stand. "sorry lovely, but it would make sense why you didn't go out when they called you if you were unconscious." dream said. you gave him a questioning look before dream returned it with a genuinely apologetic look before hitting you hard in the side of your head with his sword's wooden and metal handle.

everything went dark from there.

977 words

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