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(sorry i havent updated, ive been a bit anxious to go on wattpad)

surprisingly, the night air wasn't as chilly as you assumed it was going to be. you were getting ready to leave pogtopia. wilbur was the only one bidding you farewell. neither of you had any idea where techno and tommy had trapped himself and tubbo in a room in the ravine.

"i don't want to go back, wilby- wilbur. i don't want to see schlatt." you protested as wilbur ushered you out the door.

"i know, i know. it's scary. he's scary." wilbur cupped your face softly in his hands as he spoke to you like you were a little girl which rubbed you the wrong way. "but we've got stuff to do! i'll let you find the place where we will ignite the tnt and start rigging the damned hellhole." he smiled, giving you a strange sense of comfort. "what if he catches us? what if schlatt catches us coming back here, to pogtopia?" you asked. "we'll cross that bridge when we have to."

both you and wilbur flinched at the sound of dream crashing into the clearing, neither of you expecting it.

"y/n! i was looking for you.. oh." dream came to a dead stop when he came to the quick realization that wilbur was with you, holding your face gently in his grasp. you had the feeling that he was angry. he approached you and clung tightly onto your hand, pulling you close to him. great, he was being clingy today. wilbur shrugged off dream's actions. he wasn't even mad about dream interrupting his "encouraging" words. in fact, he welcome dream.

"dream, come speak with me. y/n, go grab tommy and send tubbo back to manberg." wilbur instructed. dream didn't let you go. "what do you want to talk about?" he asked, clearly suspicious about wilbur's recent behaviour. "y/n's already in on this plan, i only need to speak to you, dream. now, care to walk with me?" that wasn't a question, that was a demand from wilbur. you sensed dream glancing down at you before slowly loosening his tight grip on your hand.


you knocked on the door to techno's potato room as a warning before welcoming yourself in. they hadn't barricaded it with anything, so you might as well. "tommy. come upstairs."

"why the fuck should i-"

"i don't want to fight with you right now. get upstairs before i drag your ass up."

tommy kept complaining and protesting as he got out of his chair. tubbo started following him upstairs but you stopped him. "you need to go back to manberg, tubbo. i'll be there soon." you said. neither tubbo or tommy liked that. "tubbo can come! c'mon, tubbo." tommy said. "uh, no, he can't. wilbur just wants only us. now go back. now." was this what having children was like? because you weren't enjoying it. "fine. i'll see you later?" tubbo finally complied, who waved goodbye to tommy as you nodded to him.


"dream, let us be your vassals." was the first thing you heard from wilbur as you returned with tommy. "dream, i understand you have a lot of tnt. a lot of the ol' trinitrotoluene in your possession, don't you?"

"i do.. i have a bit." dream's spirits seemed to have lifted. had he agreed to work with wilbur? "dream, we want to be your vassals." wilbur pulled you over to him, leaving tommy standing confused in the doorway. "we do?" you chimed. "we want to set this up. we want to rig the city." wilbur completely ignored you and carried on with his short monologue.

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