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(wattpad stop recommending me my own story i already know whats going to happen)

dream had noticed that y/n was acting different. so did tubbo, since he noticed everything. she was acting distant and a bit aloof, and not joining in with tommy and tubbo's banter like she usually would've. she had been sticking close to techno, who strangely didn't mind, and sneaking cautious glances at dream, which shouldn't irritate him as much as it did.

pogtopia was what dream had expected. wilbur trying to keep everyone together and everything going smoothly like a dad and tommy being a hyperactive child while techno was there like 🧍‍♂️.

"tommy, i don't think she wants to run off and infiltrate manberg with you." he heard techno dismiss tommy, who had been bugging y/n. "go talk to dream or something. ask him how to use his crossbow." this made dream roll his eyes and sigh. of course tommy had to be sent over to him.

"fine. lets go." dream said before tommy had a chance to speak after approaching him hesitantly. he got up from the ledge he was sitting on. he noticed wilbur eyeing him suspiciously but pretended not to as he made his way up the stairs and back to the surface. "put your foot in the stirrup and pull the strings back. whats going on with y/n and techno?" dream asked after instructing tommy on what to do with the crossbow first.

"cool.. what the hell is the stirrup?"  tommy asked, not answering dream's main concern and already frustrating him. "the thing in the front shaped a bit like a triangle. yeah, thats the stirrup. have you never used one of these?" he regretted letting pogtopia borrow his strongest crossbow once tommy shook his head and did what he was told. "the blade gets attached easily. not surprised that he's already loyal to y/n." that was one of techno's fatal flaws. being too loyal.
"do you know how to load it? take an arrow and slip it into the barrel."


"what's going on between you and dream?" techno asked you, sharpening his sword. you were used to the ear piercing sound now.

"just.. some stuff. it's complicated i guess. i used to hate him so much, but now.." you trailed off, not being sure how to word your thoughts about him. "its so stupid. i hate that i can't hate him." techno replied with a simple "huh," leaving you in silence. "what've you been up to?" you asked after a minute.

"farming potatoes."

"sounds fun."

"it really is."

"whatever you say, tech. is there anything we can do? i'm bored." you complained like a child. "tommy said he wanted to go check on henry today. maybe you should join him. catch and put this away in any of the chests." techno threw you the newly sharpened sword. you nearly dropped it, but managed to catch it by the hilt. you got up from your spot on the ground and made sure not to tread over any of the potato sprouts as you made your way to the chests near the enchantment table on the other side of the room.

"i'll see you later. i might just go back to manberg." you said as you left the stuffy potato room. you didn't really want to talk with tommy.

"y/n! i've been meaning to talk to you!" wilbur said once he noticed you. you walked past him, not stopping to chat like you usually did. "next time, wilbur." you dismissed. "its important. its about manberg." you stopped to turn and glare at wilbur. "do i look like i care about manberg at the moment? i fucking hate the hellhole." wilbur's face lit up. "thats great! because just between you and me, i'm thinking of destroying it! completely getting rid of!" your hard gaze softened, ready to listen. "i'm not sure if i'm going to follow through with the plan yet, but i've been gathering recourses. what do you say? care to join me?" completely getting rid of it? no more manberg means schlatt will move on. no more schlatt means no more trauma. you were interested, but manberg was also where you were welcomed. where schlatt welcomed you. "i'll think about it." you told him.

"we can't tell anybody about this yet. not even dream or techno, alright?"


731 words

from the little that youve seen of me, what character do i share the same energy with❓ im curious

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