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(ayo shout out to the diluc (genshin impact)/reader tag on ao3 for helping me through these dark no-motivation-to-writr-my-own-story days 😔✊‼️ youre a real one‼️‼️)

the plan was simple. get schlatt to sign the book without hesitation that would make him unknowingly hand over his presidency to quackity. nothing could have possibly gone wrong. the plan was so simple and easy to follow, a baby villager could understand and execute it within ten minutes.

quackity had met with schlatt on the manberg podium whilst you, wilbur, and tommy watched from afar. right before schlatt had signed the book, he accused quackity of being a traitor against manberg. and quackity knew very wel what happened to traitors. wilbur quickly ordered everyone to retreat after he shot quackity with an invisibilty arrow. wilbur had quickly disappeared after that, leaving you with tommy and quackity to regroup and flee back to pogtopia.

but schlatt had caught up to you easily with his animalistic traits. attempting to shoot any three of you, he shot you in the leg with an arrow, causing you to stumbled and your leg to buckle beneath you. you weren't the only one who got shot. quackity also had an arrow lodged into his arm.

now here you were, with a failed plan, two out of three of the group injured, and schlatt's sword being held against you threatening to slash open your throat and leave you to bleed.

"let me tell you something, quackity. if you're running back to pogtopia i wouldn't fucking do it 'cause guess what i did with the tnt, big man." schlatt pressed the blade closer to you as tommy and quackity held him at gunpoint with their bows, quackity holding his arrow significantly weaker than tommy. "goddammit. i swear to the gods, shoot me and i'm taking her down with me."

"you don't have the fucking balls, schlatt." quackity challenged. "what did you do, schlatt. what the fuck did you do?" tommy interrogated, his glare unwavering unlike his hands that visibly shook.

"oh, you don't even want to know. i don't even think i should tell you." schlatt snapped.

"schlatt, what did you do? what did you do to fucking pogtopia?" quackity demanded answers.

"i found the tnt under manberg you guys were working with and i, being the big man i am, carried it all over to manberg one night." schlatt laughed a humourless cackle. "i'll just leave it at that."

everyone immediately got what dirty bastard was implying. pogtopia had been rigged with tnt just like manberg had been. how ironic and embarrassing.

you couldn't fight back against schlatt. when he wasn't drunk as hell, schlatt was pretty strong and had weirdly fast reflexes. by the time you wielded your weapon and turned around to face him you would be bleeding out on the grass below you.

"schlatt, if we kill you right now you won't be able to detonate it." everything quackity said and did depended on if you lived or died and he says this shit, well knowing that if he shot schlatt he would stab you.

"y'know, it really got me fuming when i learned that not only does my life long partner, partner in crime big q betrayed me. not only did he turn on me, but he also fucking plotted to destroy my nation!" schlatt disbelieved. "but, here's where i take revenge. destroy my fucking nation, and i also kill y/n. oh, dear y/n. girl that's absolutely adored by all, huh?" you grimaced at schlatt's fake-endearing speech and terribly false allegations. almost everyone hated you at the moment. "but there is someone out there who loves her so much, he would kill for her. dream." schlatt smiled devilishly. "if i kill y/n, who will he blame? pogtopia, since you're supposed to be 'taking care' of y/n! destroy my nation, and i kill y/n and dream destroys you."

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